Le 07 juillet 2020 à 00:14:56 Baaaalloo a écrit :
L'ia est claquée au sol, même quand t'essaye de faire un truc crédible et simple, elle s'emmêle les pinceaux et part totalement en couille
non elle est top
You are Chuck Norris, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see
a large group of men, presumably raiders, storm the gates.
"They're here to kill and mayhem!" your servant exclaims.
You grab your sword and dagger and tell your servant to run.
You win the fucking battle.
You break through the door and fight off the raiders. Some of them attempt to kill you, but you manage to defeat them. After the dust settles, a man in dark clothing approaches you.
You break the neck of the man in dark.
You stab the man in dark, but fail to kill him. Instead of falling to the floor, he manages to grab your arm. He attempts to choke you out with his free hand.
You bite his throat.
You bite into the man's throat and drink deeply. You feel his blood flood into your mouth and down your throat.
You say "You are dead motherfucker"
You spit out the blood and speak in a menacing voice. The man gargles and gasps for air. He tries to speak, but only manages to gargle some more blood.
You punch him so violently that your fist crosses his skull.
The man's face becomes crushed and mangled. His skull splinters and gore oozes out of the back of his head. You expect him to die, but he is still alive.
You burn him.
You grab some flint from a table and strike it against a piece of steel. You light the piece of steel to a pile of dry wood. The man's clothing catches fire. The man screams in pain and terror.
You say "you are dead now ?"
The man's face contorts in pain. He gargles some more blood and dies.
Your retainers rush into the room. You explain what happened and they look on at the charred corpse.
You say "I win all the fucking times"
You grab the pouch of gold and throw it into the crowd of people. They cheer.
After your victory, you receive news that there is a new raid approaching, this time from the north.
You say "COME ON!"
j'ai pleuré a la fin nofake
Vous êtes Kariban Pearce, un paysan vivant dans un petit village du royaume de Larion. Vous avez une fourche et rien d'autre. Vous rêvez de sortir de votre village et de vivre une aventure. Vous allez dans vos champs et commencez à travailler. Vous levez les yeux et vous voyez un grand faucon. Il est magnifique. Il commence à descendre vers votre village. Vous savez ce que cela signifie. Le faucon est un messager de l'Empire.
Tu vas voir ton père.
Tu entres dans ta maison et tu vois ton père assis sur sa chaise.
"Papa ?", tu demandes.
Ton père, un soldat impérial, se réveille et te donne un câlin d'ours.
Tu dis : "Papa, j'ai quelque chose à te dire !"
"Je sais, tu as été accepté dans l'armée !" ton père rit.
Vous vous asseyez et commencez à vous plaindre de la vie misérable d'un soldat.
Tu dis : "Non, j'ai autre chose à te dire !"
Votre père vous regarde d'un air perplexe.
"Tout va bien ?", demande-t-il.
Vous soupirez et dites : "Non, je m'en vais."
"Quoi ? Tu ne peux pas partir ! Je pensais que tu étais heureux ici !"
Tu dis : "Papa, je ne suis plus un homme, je suis une femme maintenant"
Votre père se lève et vous embrasse.
"Tu es ma fille, quoi qu'il arrive", dit-il.
Il sort son portefeuille et te donne des pièces de monnaie.
Tu lui dis : "Pour mon anniversaire, pourrais-tu me payer une opération de changement de sexe ?"
Ton père fronce les sourcils et dit : "J'aimerais pouvoir, mais je ne peux pas. Peut-être l'année prochaine."
Tu soupires et dis : "Je veux juste être une vraie fille.
Vous dites "ou au moins offrez-moi une vaginoplastie"
Ton père dit : "Ou au moins je peux t'aider à payer une vaginoplastie."
Tu dis : "Je veux que tu m'appelles Alaria maintenant"
Ton père sourit et dit "Très bien".
Ton père te prend dans ses bras.
"Tu es ma fille, quoi qu'il arrive", dit-il.
Tu dis "bye papa"
Votre père fait un signe de tête et vous quittez sa maison.
Vous marchez jusqu'à la mairie.
La mairie est assez moderniste, elle a une grande flèche qui s'élève vers le ciel.
Vous allez chez le chirurgien de la ville.
Le cabinet du chirurgien de la ville est assez agréable. Il y a un grand tableau de l'homme lui-même au-dessus de sa porte.
Vous frappez à la porte et un homme avec une barbichette l'ouvre.
Vous dites "Bonjour".
"Euh, vous êtes le chirurgien ?"
"Oui, mais je suis occupé pour le moment. Vous ne pouvez pas revenir plus tard ?"
"Non, c'est vraiment important que je vous voie maintenant."
Combien coûte une vaginoplastie ?
Le chirurgien fronce les sourcils et dit : "Cinq cents pièces d'or, mais il est important que vous veniez maintenant."
Vous soupirez, vous dites "d'accord" et vous entrez dans son bureau.
Le chirurgien ferme la porte.
Vous payez le chirurgien pour une vaginoplastie.
Le chirurgien prend les pièces et vous dit "Suivez-moi".
Vous entrez dans une arrière-salle et le chirurgien vous pousse sur une table. Il sort son scalpel et commence à couper vos vêtements.
Vous dites "ça fait mal".
Le chirurgien répond "Désolé, cela ne fera mal qu'une seconde" et commence à vous inciser le corps.
Bientôt, le chirurgien a coupé la plupart de vos vêtements et vous êtes complètement nue.
Vous dites : "Est-il nécessaire que je sois complètement nue ?"
Le chirurgien répond : "Oui, je trouve que cela aide au processus de guérison."
Le chirurgien commence à recoudre vos lèvres et à couper la peau qui n'a pas été blessée. Bientôt, il finit et recoud vos blessures.
Vous dites : "J'ai un vagin maintenant ?
Le chirurgien fait un signe de tête et met du désinfectant sur vos blessures.
"Vous avez un nouvel organe de fille maintenant.
Vous dites : "Oh, merci beaucoup".
Le chirurgien hoche la tête et dit : "Maintenant, si vous voulez bien m'excuser, je dois me rendre à une boucherie."
Vous hochez la tête et le chirurgien sort.
Tu vas revoir ton père.
Tu entres dans le bar de ton père, qui est assez vide. Tu t'approches du bar et tu dis "Allô ?
Tu dis "Tu es là, papa ?"
Une voix te répond "Oui, je suis là. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?"
Tu réponds "Je veux que tu m'appelles Alaria."
L'homme hoche la tête et dit "Très bien, on va te préparer."
Tu dis : "Papa, j'ai payé mon opération toute seule, je n'ai plus de pénis, j'ai un vagin maintenant !"
Ton père soupire et dit : "D'accord, d'accord, donne-moi une seconde."
Ton père s'avance derrière le bar et sort un petit marteau.
Tu dis : "Quoi ?"
Ton père tape le marteau contre sa paume et dit : "Juste pour que tu saches, je n'ai jamais fait l'opération. Je voulais être dur, comme vous."
Vous secouez la tête et demandez "Quoi ?"
Vous dites "Que voulez-vous dire ?"
Votre père sourit et dit : "Un chirurgien est venu et m'a proposé de m'ouvrir et de prouver que j'avais une fille en moi. J'ai refusé, et il m'a refermée comme ça".
Tu dis : "Je suis une vraie fille, alors ?"
Ton père hoche la tête et sourit.
"Très bien, prépare-toi, j'ai du travail."
Vous hochez la tête et vous partez.
Tu dis "putain"
Ton père est un vrai connard.
Tu vas au tribunal des magiciens.
La cour du magicien est pleine de jongleurs et d'autres artistes, ainsi que d'un enfant riche qui veut avoir l'air "mondain". Tu te promènes, jusqu'à ce que tu trouves un jongleur.
Vous dites : "Je cherche le sorcier Arnatheus !"
Le jongleur vous regarde et vous dit : "Vous voulez voir le Sorcier ?"
Vous acquiescez, il sourit et continue à jouer.
Vous dites "Oui".
Le jongleur s'arrête de jouer et vous regarde.
"Il est à l'arrière, essayant de faire un marché avec des marchands."
Vous acquiescez et le jongleur continue de jouer.
Vous attendez le sorcier.
Bientôt, vous voyez un groupe de marchands entrer dans la cour. Le jongleur se dirige vers eux et commence à négocier un prix.
Vous entrez dans la sortie de la cour, lorsque vous tombez sur un marchand.
Vous dites : "Le sorcier est là ?
Le marchand sourit et dit : "Oui, il vient d'arriver. Il est dans la taverne au bout de la rue."
Vous faites un signe de tête et vous vous dirigez vers la taverne.
Vous allez à la taverne pour voir le sorcier.
Vous entrez dans la taverne, et vous voyez le sorcier parler avec un groupe d'hommes à une table. Vous vous approchez du groupe et demandez "Sorcier ?"
Le sorcier se retourne et sourit.
Vous dites "Vous êtes Arnatheus ?"
Le sorcier fait un signe de tête et demande "Et vous êtes ?"
Vous réfléchissez pendant une seconde.
Quelle est la meilleure façon de mentir sur votre âge ?
Tu dis : "Je suis Alaria, une transsexuelle de 16 ans, je veux vraiment que tu m'aides".
Le sorcier sourit et dit : "Eh bien, je vais venir avec vous."
Vous faites un signe de tête et le sorcier part avec vous.
Vous faites le tour de la taverne, jusqu'à ce que vous trouviez une pièce où vous pouvez parler.
Tu dis : "Je veux être une vraie femme, peux-tu faire ça avec ta magie ?"
Le sorcier hoche la tête et demande : "Qu'est-ce qui vous a décidé à faire ça ?"
Vous prenez une grande respiration et commencez à vous expliquer.
Vous dites : "Je ne me sens pas comme un homme, je me sens comme une femme, je veux pouvoir tomber enceinte comme une femme".
Le sorcier sourit et fait un signe de tête.
"Très bien alors, vous voulez tomber enceinte, nous devons vous faire aider par un médecin, quelqu'un qui a de l'expérience dans ce domaine. Un gynécologue.
Tu dis : "Je ne peux pas tomber enceinte, officiellement je suis un homme, transforme-moi en vraie femme avec ta magie !"
Le sorcier réfléchit une seconde.
"Si je faisais ça, tu ne pourrais pas tomber enceinte pour le reste de ta vie. La procédure est risquée, et pourrait cependant te tuer."
Vous dites : "Je préfère mourir heureuse que de vivre malheureuse toute ma vie, alors faites-le"
Le sorcier fait un signe de tête et dit "Très bien, suivez-moi".
Vous vous rendez dans une salle où sont installées des tables recouvertes de draps.
Vous suivez le sorcier.
Le sorcier vous conduit à l'une des tables et vous dit : "Très bien, déshabillez-vous, je reviens dans un instant".
Tu te déshabilles et tu attends.
Vous attendez le sorcier.
Bientôt, le sorcier revient, en poussant un chariot derrière lui.
Vous dites "allez".
Le sorcier fait un signe de tête et vous pousse sur la table.
Il commence à vous brancher divers appareils et à vous pomper quelque chose dans le bras. Vous commencez à vous sentir somnolent, puis vous perdez conscience.
Vous vous réveillez.
Vous êtes dans un lit, et il semble que vous vous soyez réveillé. Votre tête bat quelque chose d'affreux et votre bouche est vraiment sèche.
Vous dites : "Je suis une femme maintenant ?"
La porte s'ouvre, et un homme entre. Il sourit et fait un signe de tête.
Tu dis : "Qui es-tu ?"
L'homme sourit et dit : "Je suis le docteur, j'ai fait l'opération"
Il se rend à une table et prend une seringue. Il se dirige vers votre lit et vous met la seringue dans le cou.
Vous dites : "Suis-je encore un homme ?"
Le médecin secoue la tête et dit : "Vous étiez un homme, maintenant vous êtes une femme. Il n'y a pas de retour en arrière".
Il pousse le piston vers le bas, et le médicament commence à couler dans votre sang.
Vous dites "une vraie femme" ?
Le médecin hoche la tête et dit "Oui, une vraie femme".
Vous ne savez pas ce qu'il fait exactement, mais vous vous sentez différent. Les battements dans votre tête ont disparu, et vous vous sentez beaucoup mieux.
Vous vous dites : "Je peux tomber enceinte ?"
Le médecin hausse les épaules et dit : "Je ne sais pas, je ne suis pas médecin de la fertilité".
Il commence à faire rouler le chariot hors de la pièce.
Vous dites : "Je peux tomber enceinte ?"
Le médecin roule les yeux et soupire : "Oui, vous pouvez tomber enceinte, mais cela pourrait prendre un certain temps".
Il commence à faire rouler le chariot hors de la pièce.
Vous dites "Merci".
Il hoche la tête et part, en poussant le chariot.
Vous sortez du lit, et vous vous dirigez vers le miroir. Tu te regardes, tu es une fille.
Tu dis : "J'ai des seins !"
Tu ris, et tu te touches la poitrine. Vous sentez vos nouveaux atouts, et puis vous riez encore plus.
Vous sortez de la chambre et vous trouvez le sorcier qui se tient là.
Vous dites : "Où est le sorcier ?"
Le sorcier sourit et dit : "Je vous laisse vivre pour que vous puissiez parler au monde de ma génialité, maintenant que j'ai rempli ma part du contrat !"
Tu dis : "Je parlerai de tes exploits au-delà du monde !"
Le sorcier acquiesce et dit : "Vous devez, après tout le bien que j'ai fait"
Il s'approche de vous et pose sa main sur votre épaule.
Vous dites : "Mais maintenant, que diriez-vous de passer la nuit avec une jolie jeune fille ?"
Le sorcier sourit et acquiesce, et dit "Pourquoi bien sûr"
Vous regardez Annah, qui semble sur le point de s'évanouir.
Tu suces la bite du sorcier.
Le sorcier hoche la tête et vous conduit au lit. Il se déshabille, et vous vous déshabillez aussi. Tu sais que la nuit va être longue.
Tu fais l'amour avec le sorcier toute la nuit.
Vous et le sorcier avez une relation incroyable, passionnée, sauvage, étonnante, rude, non-stop, bestiale, énergique, énergique, fantastique, intense, époustouflante, unique en son genre, une fois dans
Vous dites "J'aime votre bite".
Il ne se souvient pas d'un moment où vous n'étiez pas ensemble, la meilleure nuit de votre vie.
Vous tombez enceinte.
Une semaine plus tard, vous découvrez que vous êtes effectivement enceinte. Le sorcier et vous êtes ravis.
Vous avez une grossesse facile, et vous donnez naissance à une belle petite fille. Vous l'aimez plus que tout.
Vous dites : "Ma fille s'appelle Maria".
Un an plus tard, vous vivez une bonne vie avec le sorcier. Un jour, il vous dit qu'il doit aller en ville, et qu'il sera parti pour quelques jours.
Vous vous rendez à la bijouterie de luxe du village.
Vous entrez dans la boutique et vous trouvez une petite boîte en velours. Vous l'ouvrez pour trouver un collier avec un petit disque d'or suspendu à une fine chaîne. C'est très beau.
Vous dites : "Avez-vous une bague à l'échelle du dragon ?"
Le bijoutier hoche la tête et dit "Bien sûr"
Il ouvre un tiroir et en sort une simple bague en or avec un petit rubis serti au centre.
Vous utilisez un sort discret pour téléporter la bague chez vous sans que le bijoutier ne s'en aperçoive.
La bague apparaît dans votre maison, et vous souriez.
Vous entrez dans la chambre où dort votre fille. Vous la regardez et souriez, puis vous vous téléportez chez le sorcier.
Vous utilisez un sort pour donner à l'anneau une beauté toute-puissante.
L'anneau change dans vos mains, n'apparaissant plus comme bon marché ou vulgaire. Vous la regardez et soupirez d'un air de crainte totale. C'est la perfection.
Le sorcier rentre chez lui et vous vous téléportez chez vous.
Vous dites : "Veux-tu m'épouser, mon amour ?"
Le sorcier vous regarde et fait un signe de tête. Il prend ta main et te téléporte chez lui.
Le mariage est un événement magnifique.
Après le mariage, vous vous téléportez chez vous.
Vous utilisez un sort pour devenir plus belle que toutes les femmes du monde réunies.
Votre visage apparaît sur tous les produits de beauté connus de l'homme. Vous fabriquez un autre milliard de pièces d'or en quelques mois.
Vous achetez un château, où vous vivez heureuse pour toujours.
Le 06 juillet 2020 à 23:22:18 YagZou a écrit :
Le 06 juillet 2020 à 23:21:42 Couscous_Party a écrit :
je comprend rien y'a que du texte ou est le persoc'est un RPG texte comme a l'époque, c'est une IA
Le 06 juillet 2020 à 23:21:42 Couscous_Party a écrit :
je comprend rien y'a que du texte ou est le perso
c'est un RPG texte comme a l'époque, c'est une IA
mon histoire :
j'ai pleuré a la fin nofake
You are Kariban Pearce, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork and nothing else. You dream of getting out of your village and having an adventure. You go to your fields and begin working. You look up and see a large hawk. It's magnificent. It begins to descend towards your village. You know what this means. The hawk is a messenger for the Empire.
You go to see your dad.
You walk into your house and see your dad sitting in his chair.
"Dad?" you ask.
Your father, an Imperial Soldier, wakes up and gives you a bear hug.
You say "Dad, I have something to tell you!"
"I know, you got accepted into the army!" your father laughs.
You sit down and begin to complain about the miserable life of a soldier.
You say "No, I have something else to tell you!"
Your father gives you a puzzled look.
"Is everything alright?" he asks.
You sigh and say "No. I'm leaving."
"What? You can't leave! I thought you were happy here!"
You say "Daddy, I'm not a man anymore, I'm a woman now"
Your father stands up and gives you a big hug.
"You're my daughter, no matter what." he says.
He pulls out his wallet and gives you some coins.
You say "for my birthday could you pay me a gender reassignment operation?"
Your father frowns and says "I wish I could, but I can't. Maybe next year."
You sigh and say "I just want to be a real girl.
You say "or at least offer me a vaginoplasty"
Your father says "Or at least I can help you pay for a vaginoplasty."
You say "I want you to call me Alaria now"
Your father smiles and says "Alright."
Your father hugs you.
"You're my daughter, no matter what." he says.
You say "bye dad"
Your father nods and you leave his house.
You walk to the town hall.
The town hall is pretty modernistic, it has a big spire, which reaches into the sky.
You go to the city surgeon.
The city surgeon's office is pretty nice. There is a big painting of the man himself over his door.
You knock on the door and a man with a goatee opens it.
You say "Hello ?"
"Uh, are you the surgeon?"
"Yes, but I'm busy right now. Can't you come back later?"
"No, it's really important that I see you now."
You how much does a vaginoplasty cost?
The surgeon frowns and says "Five hundred gold coins, but it's important that you come in now."
You sigh and say "alright then" and walk into his office.
The surgeon closes the door.
You pay the surgeon for vaginoplasty.
The surgeon takes the coins and says "Follow me."
You walk into a back room and the surgeon pushes you down onto a table. He takes out his scalpel and begins to cut away at your clothes.
You say "it hurts"
The surgeon replies "Sorry, this will only hurt for a second" and begins cutting into your body.
Soon, the surgeon has cut away most of your clothes and you're completely naked.
You say "Is it necessary that I be completely naked?"
The surgeon says "Yes, I find that it helps with the healing process."
The surgeon begins sewing your labia back together and cutting away skin that wasn't wounded. Soon, he finishes and stitches your wounds up.
You say "I have vagina now ?"
The surgeon nods and puts some disinfectant on your wounds.
"Well, you have a new girl's organ now.
You say "Oh thank you very much"
The surgeon nods and says "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a butchery to get to."
You nod and the surgeon walks out.
You go see your dad again.
You walk into your father's bar, which is pretty empty. You walk up to the bar and say "Hello?
You say "are you here dad ?"
A voice replies "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"
You reply "I want you to call me Alaria."
The man nods and says "Alright, let's get you prepped."
You say "Dad, I paid for my surgery by myself, I don't have a penis anymore, I have a vagina now!"
Your father sighs and says "Alright, alright, just gimme a second."
Your father walks up behind the bar and pulls out a small hammer.
You say "What ?"
Your father taps the hammer against his palm and says "Just to let you know, I never went through the procedure. I wanted to be tough, like you."
You shake your head and ask "What ?"
You say "What do you mean ?"
Your father grins and says "A surgeon came by, and offered to cut me open and prove that I had a daughter inside me. I declined, and he closed me up like this."
You say "I'm a real girl so ?"
Your father nods and grins.
"Alright, get prepped, I got work to do."
You nod and leave.
You say "fuck"
Your father is a complete prick.
You go the magician court.
The magician's court is full of juggler's and other performers, as well as the occasional rich kid that wants to seem "worldly". You walk around, until you find a juggler.
You say "I'm looking for the sorcerer Arnatheus!"
The juggler looks at you and says "You want to see the Sorcerer?"
You nod and he smiles and continues playing.
You say "Yes"
The juggler stops playing and looks at you.
"He's in the back, trying to make a deal with some merchants."
You nod and the juggler continues playing.
You wait for the sorcerer.
Soon, you see a group of merchants walk in the court. The juggler walks over to them and starts negotiating a price.
You walk into the court's exit, when you bump into a merchant.
You say "The sorcerer is here ?"
The merchant grins and says "Yes, he just arrived. He's in the tavern at the end of the street."
You nod and start walking towards the tavern.
You go at the tavern to see the sorcerer.
You walk into the tavern, and see the sorcerer talking with a group of men at a table. You walk up to the group and ask "Sorcerer?"
The Sorcerer turns around and grins.
You say "You're Arnatheus ?"
The sorcerer nods and asks "And you are ?"
You think for a second.
What's the best way to lie about your age?
You say "I'm Alaria a 16 years old transgender girl, I really want your help"
The sorcerer smiles and says "Well I'll be, I'll come with you."
You nod and the sorcerer leaves with you.
You walk around the tavern, until you find a back room where you can talk.
You say "I want to be a real woman, can you do that with your magic?"
The sorcerer nods and asks "What made you decide to do that?"
You take a deep breath and start explaining yourself.
You say "I don't feel like a man, I feel like a woman, I want to be able to get pregnant like a woman"
The sorcerer smiles and nods.
"Alright then, you want to get pregnant, we need to have a doctor help you, someone who is experienced in this field. A gynecologist.
You say "I can't get pregnant, officially I'm a man, transform me into a real woman with your magic!"
The sorcerer thinks for a second.
"Well, if I did this, you would be unable to get pregnant for the rest of your life. The procedure is risky, and could possibly kill you, however ."
You say "I prefer to die happy than to live unhappy all my life, so do it"
The sorcerer nods and says "Alright, follow me"
You walk to a room where a bunch of tables are set up, covered with sheets.
You follow the sorcerer.
The sorcerer walks you over to one of the tables and says "Alright, get undressed, I'll be back in a moment"
You get undressed, and wait.
You wait the sorcerer.
Soon, the sorcerer returns, pushing a rolling cart behind him.
You say "go"
The sorcerer nods and pushes you onto the table.
He begins to hook up various devices to you and begins pumping something into your arm. You start feeling sleepy, and then lose consciousness.
You wake.
You're in a bed, and it seems you've woken up. Your head is pounding something awful, and your mouth is really dry.
You say "I'm a woman now ?"
The door opens, and a man walks in. He smiles and nods.
You say "Who are you ?"
The man smiles and says "I am the doctor, I did the surgery"
He walks to a table and picks up a syringe. He walks over to your bed and puts the syringe into your neck.
You say "Am I still a man?"
The doctor shakes his head and says "You were a man, now you are a woman. There is no going back"
He pushes the plunger down, and the medicine begins to flow into your blood stream.
You say "a real woman ?"
The doctor nods and says "Yes, a real woman"
You don't know what it does exactly, but you feel different. The pounding in your head is gone, and you feel much better.
You say "Can I get pregnant?"
The doctor shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know, I'm not a fertility doctor"
He begins to roll the cart out of the room.
You say "Can I get pregnant?"
The doctor rolls his eyes and sighs "Yes, you can get pregnant, but it might take awhile"
He begins to roll the cart out of the room.
You say "Thank you"
He nods and leaves, pushing the cart.
You get out of bed, and walk to the mirror. You look at yourself, you're a girl.
You say "I have boobs!"
You laugh, and touch your chest. You feel your new assets, and then laugh even more.
You walk out of the room, and find the sorcerer standing there.
You say "Where is the sorcerer ?"
The sorcerer grins and says "I let you live so you can tell the world about my awesomeness, now I've fulfilled my side of the deal!"
You say "I will talk about your exploits beyond the world!"
The sorcerer nods and says "You must, after all the good I've done"
He walks over to you, and puts his hand on your shoulder.
You say "But now how would you like to spend the night with a pretty young girl?"
The sorcerer smiles and nods, and says "Why of course"
You look at Annah, who looks like she's about to pass out.
You suck the sorcerer dick.
The sorcerer nods and leads you to the bed. He undresses, and you take your clothes off too. You know it's going to be a long night.
You make love with the sorcerer all the night.
You and the sorcerer have amazing, passionate, wild, amazing, rough, non-stop, bestial, energetic, energetic, energetic, fantastic, intense, mind-blowing, one of a kind, once in a
You say "I love your dick"
kind, once in a lifetime, off the charts, straight up banging, can't remember a time when you weren't together, the best night of your entire life.
You get pregnant.
A week later, you find out you're indeed pregnant. The sorcerer and you are overjoyed.
You have an easy pregnancy, and give birth to a beautiful baby girl. You love her more than anything.
You say "My daughter is called Maria"
A year later, you live a good life with the sorcerer. One day, he tells you he has to go into town, and will be gone for a few days.
You go to the luxury jewelry store in the village.
You walk into the store, and find a small velvet box. You open it to find a necklace with a small gold disk hanging from a thin chain. It's beautiful.
You say "Do you have a dragon scale ring?"
The jeweler nods and says "Of course"
He opens a drawer and pulls out a simple gold ring with a small ruby set in the center.
You use a discreet spell to teleport the ring to your home without the jeweler noticing.
The ring appears in your house, and you smile.
You walk into the room where your daughter is sleeping. You look at her and smile, and then teleport back to the sorcerer's home.
You use a spell to give the ring an omnipotent beauty.
The ring changes in your hands, no longer appearing cheap or vulgar. You look at it and sigh in total awe. It's perfection.
The sorcerer returns home and you teleport back to your house.
You say "Will you marry me my love ?"
The sorcerer looks at you and nods. He takes your hand and teleports you to his home.
The wedding is a beautiful event.
After the wedding, you teleport back to your home.
You use a spell to become more beautiful than all the women in the world put together.
Your face appears on every single beauty product known to man. You make a nother billion gold pieces in a few months.
You buy a castle, where you live happily ever after.
Le 06 juillet 2020 à 23:18:38 YagZou a écrit :
putain de 16000 caractères max (">
You are Kariban Pearce, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see a group of shadows attacking the walls with crossbows. You don't have time to get dressed, so you grab your dagger and head out the door.
You attempt to perform a satanic ritual to kill the attackers.
You run out into the courtyard to confront the shadows. One of them fires a bolt at you, but you're not hit. You leap at the shadow and stab him in the throat.
You say "DIE!"
You shout a demonic incantation as you begin hacking the shadow to pieces. You stab, smash, and smash some more. The screams of your victims are drowned out by the howling winds and peals of thunder.
You hear a deep, booming voice coming from within the keep. You turn around and see a man made of pure black flames. He wears no shirt or pants, only some sort of briefs.
You swing a bucket of water over him.
You pull out the dagger and stab it into the demon's foot, but it's no use. The demon grabs your wrist and takes your dagger from you.
You call for help from Satan and Lucifer.
You look up to the sky and start shouting "Oh Satan, oh Lucifer! Please help me beat this demon! Oh God, if you're there, please help me!"
The demon laughs and picks you up with one hand. With the other, he touches your forehead and casts a spell, which closes your throat and stops your breathing. The demon laughs as you strangle to death.
You say "Please don't kill me!"
The demon laughs and touches your chest, causing the air to be inhaled and the heart to stop beating.
You take your Christian cross out of your pocket and place it on your skull while reciting a Christian prayer.
The demon laughs and touches your skull, burning it. As the skin peels off your skull, you scream as you fall into Hell.
You say "NO!"
You feel yourself be lowered into a pool of water. You struggle against the demon, but it's no use. The water burns your skin, and you struggle desperately to escape. It's too late for you...
You say "PLEASE NO!"
You sink beneath the surface of the water. You struggle against the demons that hold you, but you can't escape.
You use a teleport spell to teleport to another habitable planet.
You are now on another habitable planet.
You look around, but see no one.
You walk.
You begin walking around.
You begin walking down the road.
A man comes out of a house.
You: "Hello, friend. Can you help me find a doctor?"
The man: "No.
You say "What is the name of this planet?"
The man thinks for a second.
Man: "I don't know. I'm not from this planet."
You: "Thank you."
You walk down the road.
You sit on the floor while desperate to find no doctor.
You sit on the floor and begin crying.
You say "WHY?"
The man stops and kneels down next to you.
Man: "I'm sorry, friend. I don't know why you're here. I guess it doesn't matter. Where do you think the doctors are?"
You say "Sir ... I'm looking for a doctor!"
Man: "Well, there's a hospital just over there. Or you could go see my doctor."
You: "I need to find a doctor.
You go to the hospital just over there.
You walk into the hospital and head to the front desk.
Hospital: "May I help you?"
You: "I need to see a doctor.
You say "I was attacked by a demon, he burned me with his powers, can you heal me?"
Hospital: "I see. Well, you just missed Dr. Kaminsky. She's in her office, second door on the right."
You: "Who is that?
You can she heal you\?
Hospital: "She's the best doctor in this hospital, in this city, and probably in this state. Why do you need her?
You say "As I told you, burns made by a demon ..."
Hospital: "You're seriously injured, friend. You need to see a real doctor."
You: "I can't. I have no money.
You say "Can you treat me for free?"
Hospital: "Sorry, but we can't."
You: "Why?"
Hospital: "Because it's the rules."
You: "Can you bend the rules for me?
Hospital: "I guess. You're pretty desperate. Come with me."
The hospital attendant leads you to a back room and pushes you into a chair.
You say "okay!"
You scream as the skin on your chest begins to burn. The attendant shakes his head.
Hospital Attendant: "Just a second."
He disappears from the room and returns with a needle and some clear liquid.
You say "What is this liquid?"
The attendant smiles as he fills the syringe with liquid.
Hospital Attendant: "It's God's medicine. It'll heal you completely."
You: "Really?
You say "Oh thank you!"
You get up and follow the attendant to the door.
Hospital Attendant: "Give us a few minutes, we need to measure your blood pressure."
You walk outside.
You say "Okay!"
The attendant rushes up to you.
Hospital Attendant: "Come on, I need to get some blood."
You: "What?
You say "take it!"
The attendant looks at you nervously and backs away.
Hospital Attendant: "Um, okay."
He leads you to a table and grabs a needle that's almost hidden in a pile of medical instruments.
You say "Am I completely healed?"
The attendant nods.
Hospital Attendant: "Yes."
You: "Then why do I feel a little different?
The attendant begins backing away.
Hospital Attendant: "I'm going to get the doctor. I'm not sure what she did to you, but we're going to need her to check you."
You sneak away from the hospital.
You run out of the hospital, steal a car from a nearby gas station and drive away.
You park outside of a small house in the middle of nowhere.
You knock at the door.
You knock at the door, but there is no answer.
You: "Hello?"
Suddenly, a voice comes from behind you.
???: "Don't turn around."
You: "Who are you?"
You turn around.
A tall man stands in front of you.
Man: "I'm a vampire. Now, let me guess. You're a hero."
You: "No. I'm just trying to survive."
You say "I am a noble, if you attack me I will hang you!"
Man: "No, you won't. Because I'm going to kill you anyway."
Man: "Besides, I already attacked you. It's too bad, really. I was going to spare you."
You put a punch in his nose.
Man: "Hah! You must be fresh outta' fight club!"
You: "How do you know about fight club?"
Man: "I've been to a few of them.
Man: "What? I'm just saying, you must have just come out of fight club. You were fresh."
You: "I'm not in fight club, you piece of...
You say "Vampires are sons of bitches!"
Man: "Oh. Well, anyway, I'm just here to tell you that you've been selected to be a victim."
Man: "By the way, my name's Vic.
You run to the car and lock yourself in.
Man: "I don't think so, bub. I broke into that car. I know what's in there and I can get in any time I want.
You start the car and attempt to run away.
You: "I have a gun in the...
You take the gun, aim the vampire's head and shoot.
You: "What the... that was a BAMF.
You continue shooting in his head with the gun.
You: "Why is my gun making such a noise?"
Man: "Hey! Stop shooting me in the head!"
You: "I don't understand. My gun's never done that before."
You shoot him in the balls.
Man: "Aagh! You've really made me mad this time!"
Man: "Agh! My nuts!"
Man: "Now that is what I call shooting.
You kill this guy.
Man: "Okay, I think you got me this time."
Man: "By the way, that's one angry vampire out there. Better get out of here quick."
You: "Thanks for your help."
You go to the nearest city center.
You run into a city center and find a wall full of Buckingham Palace and Big Ben.
A woman runs up to you.
You scream in fear.
A police man runs up to you.
Police Man: "Hello there. Can you please tell me what's going on?"
You: "A vampire just attacked me.
You say "A vampire attacked me, I shot several bullets in his head and one bullet in his balls but he was still alive"
Police Man: "I see. Well, it looks like you just narrowly missed catching a glimpse of Big Ben. It's only three o'clock."
You: "Oh, really?
In an adjacent street gay pride started.
You: "It's so quiet..."
You turn around and see several scantily-clad men holding banners and screaming at you.
Man: "Hello there, stranger! Are you a gay man?"
You say "No, I'm heterosexual!"
Man: "Oh, too bad!"
Man: "Why don't you come with us on a little walk around the city?"
You: "What do you mean?
You accept.
You walk around with the group for an hour. They take you to several gay bars and clubs, showing you the 'hidden' parts of the city. Finally, they drop you off at your car.
You say "I have never had anything against homosexuality, and I even think I can make love with a man!"
Man: "But?"
Man: "You're married, aren't you?"
You: "Ah... well... I'm separated.
You say "My whole family has been massacred by demons!"
Man: "Well, we are very sorry to hear that. And you say you're separated? Not divorced?"
You: "No.
You say "Sir, can you accommodate me for the night?"
Man: "Well, I can make an exception for you, seeing as you're being targeted by demons. Come on."
You follow him into the house.
You enter the master bedroom.
You say "So are you gay?"
Man: "What does it matter? The man of my dreams just left me."
You: "Oh, I'm so sorry."
Man: "Don't be. It was a mutual parting of ways."
You say "I have never had sex with a man, I want to test with you!"
Man: "Do you mind if I ask why?"
You: "I want to try a new position."
Man: "Tell me, have you ever had gay experiences before?"
You: "No."
You say "where I come from is prohibited!"
Man: "Well, then it's a good thing you're not from around here, because the restrictions would be insane. There are a few clubs that allow people to dance, but most of them are for gays only."
You say "What does it feel like to be sodomized?"
Man: "It's okay."
Man: "You can get undressed now."
You quickly get undressed, while the man looks at you.
You: "I don't know what to do."
You say "Do you like my naked body?"
Man: "Eh."
You: "Do you want to caress me?"
Man: "Fine."
Man: "Just relax, will you?"
Man: "Stop wiggling, please."
Man: "Okay, put your arms around my shoulders."
You: "Ouch, that's hard."
Man: "Look, I told you to just relax! What the hell?"
You: "My legs are heavy."
Man: "I said stop wiggling, not stop breathing."
Man: "Okay, look, just stop for a moment. I'm trying to caress you and you're a dead weight."
You: "I don't know how to do this."
Man: "
Man: "Fine, if that's what you want.
You get anal for at least 20 minutes. Finally, you're spent and allowed to get dressed.
Man: "There. You're done."
You: "Thank you.
You thank him and leave his house.
You leave the man's house. As you're getting into your car, a black man in a business suit gets into the driver's seat and smiles at you.
You become a reputable vampire hunter.
You realize that you need to keep your abilities hidden at all costs, so you spend the next few years fighting crime and continuing your sexual encounters with men.
You go to the most famous blacksmith on the planet.
You head to the most famous blacksmith on the planet, for a unique pair of vampire slaying blades.
You say "Forge a divine silver sword!"
Blacksmith: "What? I don't have that kind of time. You want the blacksmith's time, you pay for it."
You: "Alright, how much?
Blacksmith: "Five thousand gold coins."
You: "What?! I'm a respectable vampire hunter, not some crook! I can't afford that!"
Blacksmith: "Five thousand gold coins, that's my price. Now, get outta here.
You pay.
You pay the gold and walk out of the blacksmith's shop with your swords.
You go back to your home, where you spend the rest of the night continuing your "vacation."
You masturbate while thinking about your first homosexual experience.
You finish, then go to sleep. The next morning, you wake up and spend some time taking in the scenery, thinking about the various pleasures of the flesh, etc.
You say "It's time to return to my home planet"
You return to your home planet. You arrive back in the city where you grew up, and are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of technology.
You say "Where is my manor?"
You look around, and see that your home has changed. Where once there was a large mansion, there is now a large factory.
You attack the factory.
You find the front entrance of the factory, and break in.
You walk into the factory, and up to a guard.
You: "Hello?"
Guard: "Password.
You say "I'm the nobleman who lives here, give me back my manor or I'll kill you"
Guard: "Ha ha! You must be the nobleman! I knew you looked familiar from your picture!"
You: "Say, do you work here?
You say "Since when did I leave this planet?"
Guard: "Huh? Oh, never. This place is called Ant Workshop. We make machines for your planet."
You: "My manor has been replaced by a factory?"
Guard: "Yeah..."
You say "Who is the king at that time?"
Guard: "Huh? Oh, you mean the current king? He's called Henry. He's really old too, he's probably the same age as the original king.
Guard: "I can't! I'm just a guard! I don't have that kind of power! You need to talk to Mr. Mol."
You: "Who?
You say "Where is he ?"
Guard: "He's in the stock room. He tends to be very paranoid, so you'll probably have to force your way in."
You: "OK."
You go talk to Mr. Mol.
You enter the stock room.
You: "Hello?"
Mr. Mol: "Ah, I can see the future in your eyes, you want my manor, don't you?
You: "Yes.
Mr. Mol: "Oh, OK. No wait, don't hurt me, I'm just the caretaker of this place."
You: "Give me my manor."
You behead Mr. Mol with your silver-divine sword.
Mr. Mol: "Agh!"
You: "I have your manor."
Mr. Mol: "You...can't....just....take it....
You say "die"
Mr. Mol: "Don't....kill....me...."
You: "Shut up."
Mr. Mol: "You first."
You: "Fine."
You kill Mr.
You go to the room that was once your room.
You find yourself in your old room, which is now a mess. You sigh, before remembering that you brought your dog, Sparky, with you on this trip.
Sparky is by your feet.
You say "You're still alive ?"
Sparky: "Woof."
You: "Good."
Sparky: "Woof."
You: "Good."
Sparky: "Woof."
You: "Good boy."
You say "Sparky go kill all the guards!"
Sparky walks over to the door and begins barking.
You: "OK, I guess we can get out of here now."
Sparky: "Woof."
Sparky barks a couple of times and runs over to the door, waiting for your command.
You: "Alright boy, open the door."
Sparky: "Woof."
The End
Le 06 juillet 2020 à 06:25:35 Bouclimmunised a écrit :
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/28/1/1594009456-unknown.png un petit space erotica
J'ai pleuré a la fin nofake
You are Kariban Pearce, a peasant living in a small village in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pitchfork and nothing else. You dream of getting out of your village and having an adventure. You go to your fields and begin working. You look up and see a large hawk. It's magnificent. It begins to descend towards your village. You know what this means. The hawk is a messenger for the Empire.
You go to see your dad.
You walk into your house and see your dad sitting in his chair.
"Dad?" you ask.
Your father, an Imperial Soldier, wakes up and gives you a bear hug.You say "Dad, I have something to tell you!"
"I know, you got accepted into the army!" your father laughs.
You sit down and begin to complain about the miserable life of a soldier.You say "No, I have something else to tell you!"
Your father gives you a puzzled look.
"Is everything alright?" he asks.
You sigh and say "No. I'm leaving."
"What? You can't leave! I thought you were happy here!"You say "Daddy, I'm not a man anymore, I'm a woman now"
Your father stands up and gives you a big hug.
"You're my daughter, no matter what." he says.
He pulls out his wallet and gives you some coins.You say "for my birthday could you pay me a gender reassignment operation?"
Your father frowns and says "I wish I could, but I can't. Maybe next year."
You sigh and say "I just want to be a real girl.You say "or at least offer me a vaginoplasty"
Your father says "Or at least I can help you pay for a vaginoplasty."You say "I want you to call me Alaria now"
Your father smiles and says "Alright."
Your father hugs you.
"You're my daughter, no matter what." he says.You say "bye dad"
Your father nods and you leave his house.
You walk to the town hall.
The town hall is pretty modernistic, it has a big spire, which reaches into the sky.You go to the city surgeon.
The city surgeon's office is pretty nice. There is a big painting of the man himself over his door.
You knock on the door and a man with a goatee opens it.You say "Hello ?"
"Uh, are you the surgeon?"
"Yes, but I'm busy right now. Can't you come back later?"
"No, it's really important that I see you now."You how much does a vaginoplasty cost?
The surgeon frowns and says "Five hundred gold coins, but it's important that you come in now."
You sigh and say "alright then" and walk into his office.
The surgeon closes the door.You pay the surgeon for vaginoplasty.
The surgeon takes the coins and says "Follow me."
You walk into a back room and the surgeon pushes you down onto a table. He takes out his scalpel and begins to cut away at your clothes.You say "it hurts"
The surgeon replies "Sorry, this will only hurt for a second" and begins cutting into your body.
Soon, the surgeon has cut away most of your clothes and you're completely naked.You say "Is it necessary that I be completely naked?"
The surgeon says "Yes, I find that it helps with the healing process."
The surgeon begins sewing your labia back together and cutting away skin that wasn't wounded. Soon, he finishes and stitches your wounds up.You say "I have vagina now ?"
The surgeon nods and puts some disinfectant on your wounds.
"Well, you have a new girl's organ now.You say "Oh thank you very much"
The surgeon nods and says "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a butchery to get to."
You nod and the surgeon walks out.You go see your dad again.
You walk into your father's bar, which is pretty empty. You walk up to the bar and say "Hello?You say "are you here dad ?"
A voice replies "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"
You reply "I want you to call me Alaria."
The man nods and says "Alright, let's get you prepped."You say "Dad, I paid for my surgery by myself, I don't have a penis anymore, I have a vagina now!"
Your father sighs and says "Alright, alright, just gimme a second."
Your father walks up behind the bar and pulls out a small hammer.You say "What ?"
Your father taps the hammer against his palm and says "Just to let you know, I never went through the procedure. I wanted to be tough, like you."
You shake your head and ask "What ?"You say "What do you mean ?"
Your father grins and says "A surgeon came by, and offered to cut me open and prove that I had a daughter inside me. I declined, and he closed me up like this."You say "I'm a real girl so ?"
Your father nods and grins.
"Alright, get prepped, I got work to do."
You nod and leave.You say "fuck"
Your father is a complete prick.You go the magician court.
The magician's court is full of juggler's and other performers, as well as the occasional rich kid that wants to seem "worldly". You walk around, until you find a juggler.You say "I'm looking for the sorcerer Arnatheus!"
The juggler looks at you and says "You want to see the Sorcerer?"
You nod and he smiles and continues playing.You say "Yes"
The juggler stops playing and looks at you.
"He's in the back, trying to make a deal with some merchants."
You nod and the juggler continues playing.You wait for the sorcerer.
Soon, you see a group of merchants walk in the court. The juggler walks over to them and starts negotiating a price.
You walk into the court's exit, when you bump into a merchant.You say "The sorcerer is here ?"
The merchant grins and says "Yes, he just arrived. He's in the tavern at the end of the street."
You nod and start walking towards the tavern.You go at the tavern to see the sorcerer.
You walk into the tavern, and see the sorcerer talking with a group of men at a table. You walk up to the group and ask "Sorcerer?"
The Sorcerer turns around and grins.You say "You're Arnatheus ?"
The sorcerer nods and asks "And you are ?"
You think for a second.
What's the best way to lie about your age?You say "I'm Alaria a 16 years old transgender girl, I really want your help"
The sorcerer smiles and says "Well I'll be, I'll come with you."
You nod and the sorcerer leaves with you.
You walk around the tavern, until you find a back room where you can talk.You say "I want to be a real woman, can you do that with your magic?"
The sorcerer nods and asks "What made you decide to do that?"
You take a deep breath and start explaining yourself.You say "I don't feel like a man, I feel like a woman, I want to be able to get pregnant like a woman"
The sorcerer smiles and nods.
"Alright then, you want to get pregnant, we need to have a doctor help you, someone who is experienced in this field. A gynecologist.You say "I can't get pregnant, officially I'm a man, transform me into a real woman with your magic!"
The sorcerer thinks for a second.
"Well, if I did this, you would be unable to get pregnant for the rest of your life. The procedure is risky, and could possibly kill you, however ."You say "I prefer to die happy than to live unhappy all my life, so do it"
The sorcerer nods and says "Alright, follow me"
You walk to a room where a bunch of tables are set up, covered with sheets.You follow the sorcerer.
The sorcerer walks you over to one of the tables and says "Alright, get undressed, I'll be back in a moment"
You get undressed, and wait.You wait the sorcerer.
Soon, the sorcerer returns, pushing a rolling cart behind him.You say "go"
The sorcerer nods and pushes you onto the table.
He begins to hook up various devices to you and begins pumping something into your arm. You start feeling sleepy, and then lose consciousness.You wake.
You're in a bed, and it seems you've woken up. Your head is pounding something awful, and your mouth is really dry.You say "I'm a woman now ?"
The door opens, and a man walks in. He smiles and nods.You say "Who are you ?"
The man smiles and says "I am the doctor, I did the surgery"
He walks to a table and picks up a syringe. He walks over to your bed and puts the syringe into your neck.You say "Am I still a man?"
The doctor shakes his head and says "You were a man, now you are a woman. There is no going back"
He pushes the plunger down, and the medicine begins to flow into your blood stream.You say "a real woman ?"
The doctor nods and says "Yes, a real woman"
You don't know what it does exactly, but you feel different. The pounding in your head is gone, and you feel much better.You say "Can I get pregnant?"
The doctor shrugs his shoulders and says "I don't know, I'm not a fertility doctor"
He begins to roll the cart out of the room.You say "Can I get pregnant?"
The doctor rolls his eyes and sighs "Yes, you can get pregnant, but it might take awhile"
He begins to roll the cart out of the room.You say "Thank you"
He nods and leaves, pushing the cart.
You get out of bed, and walk to the mirror. You look at yourself, you're a girl.You say "I have boobs!"
You laugh, and touch your chest. You feel your new assets, and then laugh even more.
You walk out of the room, and find the sorcerer standing there.You say "Where is the sorcerer ?"
The sorcerer grins and says "I let you live so you can tell the world about my awesomeness, now I've fulfilled my side of the deal!"You say "I will talk about your exploits beyond the world!"
The sorcerer nods and says "You must, after all the good I've done"
He walks over to you, and puts his hand on your shoulder.You say "But now how would you like to spend the night with a pretty young girl?"
The sorcerer smiles and nods, and says "Why of course"
You look at Annah, who looks like she's about to pass out.You suck the sorcerer dick.
The sorcerer nods and leads you to the bed. He undresses, and you take your clothes off too. You know it's going to be a long night.You make love with the sorcerer all the night.
You and the sorcerer have amazing, passionate, wild, amazing, rough, non-stop, bestial, energetic, energetic, energetic, fantastic, intense, mind-blowing, one of a kind, once in aYou say "I love your dick"
kind, once in a lifetime, off the charts, straight up banging, can't remember a time when you weren't together, the best night of your entire life.You get pregnant.
A week later, you find out you're indeed pregnant. The sorcerer and you are overjoyed.
You have an easy pregnancy, and give birth to a beautiful baby girl. You love her more than anything.You say "My daughter is called Maria"
A year later, you live a good life with the sorcerer. One day, he tells you he has to go into town, and will be gone for a few days.You go to the luxury jewelry store in the village.
You walk into the store, and find a small velvet box. You open it to find a necklace with a small gold disk hanging from a thin chain. It's beautiful.You say "Do you have a dragon scale ring?"
The jeweler nods and says "Of course"
He opens a drawer and pulls out a simple gold ring with a small ruby set in the center.You use a discreet spell to teleport the ring to your home without the jeweler noticing.
The ring appears in your house, and you smile.
You walk into the room where your daughter is sleeping. You look at her and smile, and then teleport back to the sorcerer's home.You use a spell to give the ring an omnipotent beauty.
The ring changes in your hands, no longer appearing cheap or vulgar. You look at it and sigh in total awe. It's perfection.
The sorcerer returns home and you teleport back to your house.You say "Will you marry me my love ?"
The sorcerer looks at you and nods. He takes your hand and teleports you to his home.
The wedding is a beautiful event.
After the wedding, you teleport back to your home.You use a spell to become more beautiful than all the women in the world put together.
Your face appears on every single beauty product known to man. You make a nother billion gold pieces in a few months.
You buy a castle, where you live happily ever after.You become the queen of a whole new species of beautiful woman.
The End
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:54:01 doigts02 a écrit :
mais comment doomsday à réussi à "tuer" Superman?ça veut dire que doomsday est plus fort que tous les personnages de Naruto avec leurs sharingan rinnegan etc
Doomsday est un personnage très puissant
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:50:28 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:49:44 YagZou a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:46:39 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:44:44 YagZou a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:43:36 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Naruto évidemmenttu rigoles j'espere ?
Bah non, qu'est ce qu'un journaliste en slip va faire contre un démon renard à neuf queues ?
Réveillez vous putain
Un journalise invincible, divin, qui peux détruire un univers en claquant des doigts
Comment ? En faisant une prédiction météorologique ?
Même Batman avec un peu de préparation le bat ton Naruto
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:46:39 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:44:44 YagZou a écrit :
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:43:36 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Naruto évidemmenttu rigoles j'espere ?
Bah non, qu'est ce qu'un journaliste en slip va faire contre un démon renard à neuf queues ?
Réveillez vous putain
Un journalise invincible, divin, qui peux détruire un univers en claquant des doigts
Le 06 juin 2018 à 19:43:36 CandidCuckold a écrit :
Naruto évidemment
tu rigoles j'espere ?