Et devenu pro port d'arme
Et il leur dit : " Mais maintenant, que celui qui a une bourse la prenne, de même celui qui a une besace, et que celui qui n'en a pas vende son manteau pour acheter un glaive.
Car, je vous le dis, il faut que s'accomplisse en moi ceci qui est écrit : Il a été compté parmi les scélérats. Aussi bien, ce qui me concerne touche à sa fin. " Lc 22:36
Il était de gauche au début car il était pauvre
Puis il est devenu de droite quand il est devenu une célébrité riche
Comme tous les êtres humains quoi
dark net il parait
Sur google fait gaffe, ya plein de site de scam de soi-disant pharmacie
Le 13 septembre 2022 à 08:27:30 JokerTueurFou9 a écrit :
Je comprends pas les gens qui suivent ces cas sociaux de compétition
C'est des collégiens pr la plupart, je ne vois pas d'autre explication
Le 13 septembre 2022 à 00:15:46 Cas-Bale a écrit :
C'est drôle les gaucho font pas ces petites fiches sur les délinquants des cités et ne tiennent pas se si long registres.
Quand les statistiques de la réalité arrivent, ca détale
C'est pas street press qui va parler des 120 agressions à l'arme blanche par jour en France
"A la mexicaine "
Non j'ai 2k heures sur le 2 et il y a 1 bug toutes les 10 secondes
-when hunters grabs someone, melee and shove doesnt work immediatly
-when a special is staggered, he still can hit us (but we cant shoot, melee, or shove when we are) but wait for it..... from behind his back, hunter can hit with his spinal
-hunter can grab someone by only one of his pixel, and the game cheats by progressively adjusting hunter on survivor
-when charger charges in wall, we are staggered but zombies aren't + you take damage even if you are at 3meters from him (i wonder what physic's law is it)
-charger can grab you by one pixel
-when smoker launches his tongue, u can get at 3km from him, he will still get you, he got infinite tongue.
-when smoker gets you with his tongue, and you have melee equiped, you can't shove him
-when smoker gets you in survival mode, you can't be shoved by another survivor before 1 second
-1/10 times in survival mode, smoker doesn't shout before launching his tongue
-Jockey can sometimes do a 10 meters jump like Carl Lewis depending of the terrain and the survivor's mouvement
-sometimes (may be 1/5) you can't chain shove a jockey, so you chain shove him but he still finishes his stagered animation then insta jumps on you
-Spitters'spit hits way out of the visual spit on the ground
-Tank's rock's hitbox are way out of visual bound for hitting survivors, you get hit 1 meter away from it, but in order to shoot hit, you got to shoot it in the center pixel, and for rock to go through half walls and zombies, the visual corresponds to the real hitbox.
-You get stuck by one pixel of your shoulder by environment
-every zombies dodgebot your aim
-When you reload your sniper with a magazine that is not empty, the animation shows that the new magazine in place but, when you switch and switch back before animation ends, it's not the previous magazine.... its just empty (2 bad mechanics/bugs here)
-Half of the headshots doesnt connect on commons
-the shove and the melee's shoving effect, half of the time doesn't work on a zombie that is just behind another but still in shove range.
-commons have same range as you with melee.
-allowing to go through other survivors (by bumping them sometimes out of the edge) and allowing friendly fire is an extremely smart mechanic (2 bad mechanics/bugs here)
-when there is a lot of zombies, pace of shooting with snipers and auto-shotguns slows down (i have great PC)
-half of the times, throwing pills/adre to another survivor doesn't work, so you end up using all your shoves for nothing
-The precision of the weapons in this game is as bad/realist as "escape from Tarkov", try moving and shooting a common in the chest 1 meter away with a sniper, u'll hit him half of the times, so you wonder where the bullets goes.
-commons can run in vents and you cant shove them
-when commons jump from height, or climb an object, they are invulnerable
-commons can have 1 pixel in common with environment, and they become immuned to shoving
-molotovs hits before the fire visually gets you
-this dlc brings a new melee weapon: the shovel, but this one is as bad as the bat and the tonfa, wich half of the times miss the zombies
-bots dont free you from specials half of the times, they look at you strangled by a smoker sadistically
-bots take immediatly the best weapons
-bots use pills and adre even with green life
-when dying, commons still body block you for 1 half second
-when there is multiple items on the ground, the one that you aim becomes white, but you end up getting another close one
-All of the specials sometimes won't make any sound until they are very close to you
-Specials can spawn very close to you, so you're dead
-when you hit a zombie with melee, but you dont connect and the zombie is still alive, it happens a lot that the sound of the melee is still the one that connects, so you think "ok he is dead" but no
-shoving a flying hunter/jockey while moving will fail half of the time
-bot will sometimes go randomly in front of you and will cause him getting friendly fire
-bot will often go behind you while shooting through you and make you shaking and failing a decisive shot, resulting to wipeLe 12 septembre 2022 à 08:29:27 Darkeology a écrit :
Le 12 septembre 2022 à 08:23:16 :
Aussi chanceux que Larry le passeportUne question pour les complotix : si ce passeport est une preuve inventée, à quoi ça sert ? La liste des passagers était connue depuis longtemps, ce passeport n'apporte rien de nouveau.
Les complotix qui bloquent sur cette question depuis plus de vingt ans, personne ne m'a jamais répondu...
C'est une preuve beaucoup plus marquante aux yeux des golems
Tout le monde a cette photo de passeport de barbu basané dans la tête, (qu'il faut aller zigouiller en Afghanistan )
ALors qu'une simple liste avec des noms ca marque pas