Messages de notatixxdTIX2

les rheys, vous devinerez jamais qui vient de m'appeler..... Keanu Reevs (pour les nouveaux oui je connais keanu reevs, on a joué dans matrix 4 ensemble, je suis à la fin du film, on est rester en contact après ca, vraiment un type sympa :ok:)
bref il m’appelle et me dit
notatixxdTIX2.... first i want to tell you happy new year, i didn't see you since christmas in canada...

anyway, you know that i consider as a part of my family right ?


you know it notatixxdTIX2 ?

yes... we are like brother now

anyway, i have something to tell you, i have this friend you know, you see him at my parent's house last time, he is cleaner at the NBA CIO famililly, he tell my that yesterday he was working when he saw this book on the desk...
he took the book to look quickly
and the he saw the result of a few event
but then he saw the date... that was in the future, meaning that everything was plan
after his day he send me a message on telegram... that was the picture of the book

so i have a very good call for this night, its a fixed, everything is planning, i will put 60 milions on it, you can put your entire BK...

Comon keanu, what is this call ? don't play the fool !

chicago x philadelphia @1.87
you can put your house on it and your familly heritage, its a fixed, its coming from above

th...thank you keanu...

no problem notatixxdTIX2, i didn't forget what you did for me...


in this case thank you, i will put 96K on it i think...

o yeah, a last thing

y..yes ?

your friends

from the forum

give them the call, they are nice peope, exept hycarius of course who is a son of a bitch
but they truly need this call to pick to war treasure of the book...

its okay i will tell them... thanks for everything keanu, really

comon, just don't miss the train

goodbye, see you next time

goodye notatixxdTIX2

et la dessus il a racroché :ouch:
bref vous avez compris, gros missile ce soir :oui: tout sur chigago combiné avec philadelphia cote a 1.87, c'est un fixed vous pouvez mettre votre maison dessus :ok:
ceux qui me suivent encaissent, toujours 97% de réussite :ok:
ne ratez pas le train :ok:

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 23:02:18 :

après le braquage sur borussia un conseil all in les bulls on vous le redira pas :)

A+ les tix je poste de moins en moins car trop de troll :)

Discord en pm

ce fake

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 23:00:55 :
Purée jvoulais partir sur les Bulls mais à cause du troll qui va spam sur eux j'hésite maintenant il est trop noir ce mec :(

its coming from above can put your house on it

les rheys, vous devinerez jamais qui vient de m'appeler..... Keanu Reevs (pour les nouveaux oui je connais keanu reevs, on a joué dans matrix 4 ensemble, je suis à la fin du film, on est rester en contact après ca, vraiment un type sympa :ok:)
bref il m’appelle et me dit
notatixxdTIX2.... first i want to tell you happy new year, i didn't see you since christmas in canada...

anyway, you know that i consider as a part of my family right ?


you know it notatixxdTIX2 ?

yes... we are like brother now

anyway, i have something to tell you, i have this friend you know, you see him at my parent's house last time, he is cleaner at the NBA CIO famililly, he tell my that yesterday he was working when he saw this book on the desk...
he took the book to look quickly
and the he saw the result of a few event
but then he saw the date... that was in the future, meaning that everything was plan
after his day he send me a message on telegram... that was the picture of the book

so i have a very good call for this night, its a fixed, everything is planning, i will put 60 milions on it, you can put your entire BK...

Comon keanu, what is this call ? don't play the fool !

chicago x philadelphia @1.87
you can put your house on it and your familly heritage, its a fixed, its coming from above

th...thank you keanu...

no problem notatixxdTIX2, i didn't forget what you did for me...


in this case thank you, i will put 96K on it i think...

o yeah, a last thing

y..yes ?

your friends

from the forum

give them the call, they are nice peope, exept hycarius of course who is a son of bitch
but they truly need this call to pick to war treasure of the book...

its okay i will tell them... thanks for everything keanu, really

comon, just don't miss the train

goodbye, see you next time

goodye notatixxdTIX2

et la dessus il a racroché :ouch:
bref vous avez compris, gros missile ce soir :oui: tout sur chigago combiné avec philadelphia cote a 1.87, c'est un fixed vous pouvez mettre votre maison dessus :ok:
ceux qui me suivent encaissent, toujours 97% de réussite :ok:
ne ratez pas le train :ok:

les rheys, vous devinerez jamais qui vient de m'appeler..... Keanu Reevs (pour les nouveaux oui je connais keanu reevs, on a joué dans matrix 4 ensemble, je suis à la fin du film, on est rester en contact après ca, vraiment un type sympa :ok:)
bref il m’appelle et me dit
notatixxdTIX2.... first i want to tell you happy new year, i didn't see you since christmas in canada...

anyway, you know that i consider as a part of my family right ?


you know it notatixxdTIX2 ?

yes... we are like brother now

anyway, i have something to tell you, i have this friend you know, you see him at my parent's house last time, he is cleaner at the NBA CIO famililly, he tell my that yesterday he was working when he saw this book on the desk...
he took the book to look quickly
and the he saw the result of a few event
but then he saw the date... that was in the future, meaning that everything was plan
after his day he send me a message on telegram... that was the picture of the book

so i have a very good call for this night, its a fixed, everything is planning, i will put 60 milions on it, you can put your entire BK...

Comon keanu, what is this call ? don't play the fool !

chicago x philadelphia @1.87
you can put your house on it and your familly heritage, its a fixed, its coming from above

th...thank you keanu...

no problem notatixxdTIX2, i didn't forget what you did for me...


in this case thank you, i will put 96K on it i think...

o yeah, a last thing

y..yes ?

your friends

from the forum

give them the call, they are nice peope, exept hycarius of course who is a son of bitch
but they truly need this call to pick to war treasure of the book...

its okay i will tell them... thanks for everything keanu, really

comon, just don't miss the train

goodbye, see you next time

goodye notatixxdTIX2

et la dessus il a racroché :ouch:
bref vous avez compris, gros missile ce soir :oui: tout sur chigago combiné avec philadelphia cote a 1.87, c'est un fixed vous pouvez mettre votre maison dessus :ok:
ceux qui me suivent encaissent, toujours 97% de réussite :ok:
ne ratez pas le train :ok:

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 21:57:45 :
Les gars, je viens de recevoir un autre SMS de Elon Musk

Il m'a dit Bayern ou nul @1.72

il vient de me dire de all in sur les bulls

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 21:52:54 :
Ridicule le match du Bayern, mille poteaux et transversales pour le Bayern ptdr quel sport a foutre

ils dominent c'est tout ce qui compte, le bayern domine tout le temps, si ils perdent c'est juste par manque de chance

kimmich a presque marquer

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 21:18:17 :
macron vient de me face time, score exact 1-0

macron vient de me face time, score exact 1-0

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 21:14:02 :
Elon Musk vient de m'envoyer un SMS

Il a dit qu'il fallait poser sa mère sur Marseille marque en 1er @1.45, certifié 100% no fake

j'envoie la sauce dans ce cas, elon ne se trompe jamais
87K sur Marseille marque en premier

pavard ce dieu vivant quand même
jeff ma envoyer un sms
il hésite à cash back

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 21:01:39 :
Le Bayern :hap:

kimmich est la

bordel ne pas mettre neueur contre gladbach le bourreau du bayern
pret pour la purge de marseille comme d'hab ?
but borusia
kimmich commence à s’énerver, la transformation commence il va nous faire une sangohan vs cell, pas pret

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 20:50:05 :

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 20:48:47 :


bravo à toi, tu as deja gagné selon macron

fallait le jouer en sec cependant, et c'est quoi cette mise de PD, c'est un fixed on vous dit selon biden

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 20:48:47 :


bravo à toi, tu as deja gagné selon macron

Le 07 janvier 2022 à 20:48:12 :
But Lewan

la musique :fou:
kimmich arrive