Le 23 juillet 2022 à 22:19:45 Germinator8888 a écrit :
Donc t'es en train de critiquer tes origines en gros
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 22:18:41 Germinator8888 a écrit :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 22:16:35 :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 22:16:07 :
Sa vous fait quoi de voire que votre n'est plus blanc. Déjà même moi en tant que arabes dans des quartiers de Paris je me sens mal à l'aise alors vous.et en non SEGPA ca donne quoi ? +DDB
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 22:16:07 :
Sa vous fait quoi de voire que votre n'est plus blanc. Déjà même moi en tant que arabes dans des quartiers de Paris je me sens mal à l'aise alors vous.
et en non SEGPA ca donne quoi ? +DDB
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 21:49:49 Plenito a écrit :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 21:48:26 PallasMinerva a écrit :
C'est fou comment après plusieurs années de méditation et de projections astrales, ma glande pinéale est si solide que ça m'a limite faite rire.D'accord célestin
Paste bin du mec
this is a page about moving icons animated icons gifs
i'm only here to subscribe them in 2014.no i won't be commenting any of there channels because there no point and it's a waste of my time and theirs to comment them all. since they can't even reply while not having google+ and that means they also lose there moving image. or they will remove my comment or block me or not respond. and even if they could comment i still wouldn't because i am tired of the drama from shit people have given me over awhile i won't go into explaining everything but some truth to this
.gif means graphics interchange format there also frames to in them to view in action
some usernames our random some long and some short
2005-2008 you could upload animated gifs on you're youtube channel profile they banned them in 2008 jan and there only with a later date which was closed then reopened. which is a 2009 one, there thousands of animated moving icons in 2014
you also be able to upload animated backgrounds and banners in youtube but they removed that completely, only the avatars our left
some channels been hacked scam terminated traded or sold to someone else or given them away for free some have remove their moving image some have closed there channel some don't even log on or some have forgotten there password some even share their accounts with others,
there also other gifs who have talked to each other, and subscribe and box together,i've seen,
there some legit gifs channel who were actually made by the original owners who our around still today
you can unlink google plus+ and still keep the animated gif i didnt know that until later.
there also in all different sizes and different images and different speeds,
there channels where some people who our dedicated and have a obsession with it and live there life this way. i won't go into details however i am one of those people
there also terminated channels with moving icon and you can see their channel in comments this is rare
and yes there thousands of these type channels that exist in 2014
some have been hidden if it's up for to long after the layouts changes the channel will get closed but they still can restore it. this is also very rare
there also a bunch of dangerous people and our corrupted and greedy, some have even tried stealing my own identity
it's to much explaining so i rather not go any further but in all seriously try stay away from people you don't know to well on the INTERNET espically application like skype and protect you're identity i've learned of some anonymous protection some nutcase told me and showed me how to use on a forum before i didn't take my identity so seriously until people pretended to be me, re uploaded a video i made, or steal my pictures, lucky nobody knows my real name on the net
i was also taught a lot of other things, but i wont go into those details, but the guy who taught me this, was 29 years old he somehow know everything single bout me it what was weirdest thing ever
it's all been interesting and fun but i kinda had enough
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 21:43:32 Trisomie27 a écrit :
JE CHIENT DANS MON CACA ET JE LECHE MAIS PERSONNE NE VERRAS SE MESSAGEShttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/48/6/1606572277-ayaaaaalerte.png
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 21:39:43 Zapfire a écrit :
Explanation of how this works:
It's making use of 2 channels, 1 with a username of 666 and another with a username of watc.
When you remove h from the url, it can't parse the query string (the part after the ?) anymore, as it's a query string for the watch url. So instead, it tries to open the profile with the name watc.
YouTube channel settings allows you to set a redirect URL for a specific channel, so what this user has done is have the channel of watc redirect to the video uploaded by user 666.
That's it really.
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 20:10:16 Chicquera a écrit :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 20:07:05 :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 20:02:43 :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 20:02:05 :
C'est le genre de coin qui est bien seulement quand t'es installé avec une famille, pour un jeune ça doit être chiantNon car si tu avais bien lu, tu verrais que c'est proche de Paris environ en 30mn de train (ligne J ou RER A (le meilleur RER, climatisé et pas bondé))
Par contre RER A pas bondé, on parle de quelle branche là ?
La A vers Saint Germain en Laye : Master race et bonne fréquence
La A vers Poissy et Cergy : L'enfer sur Terre avec pannes à répetition et fréquence très merdique (SNCF)La C toujours coupé le Week end
La L trop sinueux
La N fréquence merdique et train pourrave
La J
Le T13 déjà en service et déjà la cata
Lal igne J de Villennes
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 18:45:28 FionDe777 a écrit :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 18:44:01 :
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 18:43:09 FionDe777 a écrit :
Après avoir quitté le cocon familial, j'ai perdu 20kg en 3 ans sans vraiment m'en rendre compte
De 85kg à 65kg (pour 1m80).Laisse moi deviner, les placards etaient tjrs plein de Prince et autres haribos ?
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/04/4/1611841177-ahiahiahi.png Ça, plus la cuisine très équilibrée de maman
Le 23 juillet 2022 à 18:43:09 FionDe777 a écrit :
Après avoir quitté le cocon familial, j'ai perdu 20kg en 3 ans sans vraiment m'en rendre compte
De 85kg à 65kg (pour 1m80).
Laisse moi deviner, les placards etaient tjrs plein de Prince et autres haribos ?