Le 20 novembre 2020 à 15:10:02 Al_Battuta a écrit :
Le 20 novembre 2020 à 15:07:59 Daszlng a écrit :
Oh est-ce des combats entre QLF que je vois là ?presque l'entiereté du monde musulman soutient le Maroc
Exa exa, échange de bons procédés.
On se sert les coudes face aux séparatistes.
Résumé ?
C'est quoi le Polisaro ? Ils existent depuis quand ? Ils contrôlent quoi ?
Le 19 novembre 2020 à 20:23:15 Bounty-deter21 a écrit :
Et les clochers t'arrive à les compter gros fdp ?
Si tu vois pas le problème avec la photo, c'est toi qui a un problème.
Le 19 novembre 2020 à 18:48:53 XGames a écrit :
Ils ne perdent pas de temps dans leur objectif de destruction du patrimoine religieux chrétien. Les pelleteuses ne sont pas encore arrivées mais les explosifs eux oui.
https://twitter.com/301_AD/status/1329477042556035078?s=19Pour rappel la destruction délibéré du patrimoine est un crime de guerre selon le droit international qui a tant d'importance pour les azeris
C'est quoi l'explication, cette église avait tué des civils en 1993 comme le vieillard ?
On peut compter les pixels sur la photo de droite.
L'angle ne diffère que de quelques ° et la photo est bien plus proche de celle de gauche, pourtant on compte plus d'arbre.
Après 3, 6 et 10 c'est maintenant des DOUZAINES de pays que l'Arménie a du affronter: https://mobile.twitter.com/Neh_Nay/status/1329163720040226816
Une véritable coalition mondiale.
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 23:37:15 BouteilleVerre a écrit :
En vrai ce conflit, c'est les israéliens, les turcs et les azéris qui travaillent main dans la main pour expulser des gens qui sont sur un territoire depuis toujours ? (Les églises le prouvent)
Que la Turquie aide l'Azerbaïdjan je m'en tape, ils se considèrent comme alliés mais que Israël (bled qu'on a financé avec nos impôts quand même pour assurer leur propre sécurité) tourne à ce point le dos à l'Occident en vendant des drones directement à l'Azerbaidjan, alors là je comprends. C'est quoi cette trahison ? C'est quoi leur double jeu ?
Alors ça...
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 20:50:18 LeChiffre943 a écrit :
https://mobile.twitter.com/SaschaDueerkop/status/1329137074386182155Ils sont même pas synchro dans leurs propagandes
Ça arrive quelques cafouillages de temps en temps.
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 20:10:34 Unvraikhey_ a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 19:11:52 BALAVO_RES a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 19:05:36 Unvraikhey_ a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 18:12:58 BALAVO_RES a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 17:48:19 LeChiffre943 a écrit :
Des soldats Azéris expulsent un vieux arménien de chez lui en le maltraitant. Le vieux homme dit: "Qu'est-ce je vous fait?"https://mobile.twitter.com/RestitutorOrien/status/1328859150072369152
Ils iront tous au feu et prendront bientôt le retour de flamme terrestre
Ne t'en fais pas
Ce que l'homme a semé il le récolte toujours
La Turquie est la prochaine irakC'est la même partout tiens regarde https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2020/11/18/les-reves-de-retour-des-deplaces-du-haut-karabakh_6060184_3210.html
Comme tu le dis "Ce que l'homme a semé il le récolte toujours " c'est le karma de ce que vous avez fait il y a 30 ansNon c'est vous qui avez semé le vol de territoire avec le genocide
T'inquiète vous payerez tout
On est martyr, pas vous, on a genocide personne en 10v1Par contre faut pas déconner je suis ni turc ni arméniens
Ni vous ni les turcs êtes des enfants de choeurhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/26/7/1530476579-reupjesus.png
Dis toi que si un journal comme Le Monde met un article comme ça, ça en dit longhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/26/1467335935-jesus1.png
Le Monde et le Figaro: 1 article par semaine minimum sur les pauvres arméniens:
Aussi le Monde et le Figaro: 1 article en 30 ans sur les pauvres azerbaïdjanais:
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 19:38:34 BALAVO_RES a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 19:28:29 LeChiffre943 a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 19:05:36 Unvraikhey_ a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 18:12:58 BALAVO_RES a écrit :
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 17:48:19 LeChiffre943 a écrit :
Des soldats Azéris expulsent un vieux arménien de chez lui en le maltraitant. Le vieux homme dit: "Qu'est-ce je vous fait?"https://mobile.twitter.com/RestitutorOrien/status/1328859150072369152
Ils iront tous au feu et prendront bientôt le retour de flamme terrestre
Ne t'en fais pas
Ce que l'homme a semé il le récolte toujours
La Turquie est la prochaine irakC'est la même partout tiens regarde https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2020/11/18/les-reves-de-retour-des-deplaces-du-haut-karabakh_6060184_3210.html
Comme tu le dis "Ce que l'homme a semé il le récolte toujours " c'est le karma de ce que vous avez fait il y a 30 ansCe qu'il précise pas dans ce journal c'est qu'il y a 500k Arméniens qui ont été chassés d'Azerbaïdjan. Ainsi que des pogroms anti Arméniens dans les rues de Bakou
Los propagandos
Et "terre de leurs ancêtres " ptdr alors qu'il y a des églises partout la bas et pas une mosquée
Le 18 novembre 2020 à 17:37:04 LeChiffre943 a écrit :
MAJ de la map :
Je comprends toujours pas la délimitation jaune/vert.
Putain je viens de me prendre un double ban def sur Dagliq
Tout ça pour la vidéo de l'armenien qui avait prédit la date de la guerre + une citation de Poutine.
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:32:39 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:30:38 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:28:46 Vegeta92002 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:26:36 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:23:24 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:20:30 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:18:14 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:17:54 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:15:41 JeanFuriX a écrit :
Le 09 novembre 2020 à 23:17:50 Corail_Bleu a écrit :
💥A draft statement by the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.Statement
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
and the President of the Russian FederationWe, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.2. The Aghdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
3. Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha.
By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor will be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route.
The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety
along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.7. Internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead is carried out.
9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport communication is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.
November 2020
The president
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister
Republic of Armenia
The president
Russian FederationShusha restera Arménien, point barre.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas dans le fait que l'Azerbaïdjan garde toute ses conquêtes.
Mdr non.
Putain mais c'est incroyable de se bercer d'illusion comme ça.
Shusha sera arménien et c'est pas un puceau du forum qui décide.
Justement c'est pas toi qui décide, c'est acté, Shusha = Azerbaïdjan.
Tu pourrais au moins utiliser le nom arménien "Shushi" tu serais un peu plus crédible.
Shushi est une ville arménienne
Pourquoi t'utilises 3 comptes différents en même temps ?
C'est pas moi
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:28:46 Vegeta92002 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:26:36 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:23:24 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:20:30 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:18:14 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:17:54 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:15:41 JeanFuriX a écrit :
Le 09 novembre 2020 à 23:17:50 Corail_Bleu a écrit :
💥A draft statement by the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.Statement
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
and the President of the Russian FederationWe, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.2. The Aghdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
3. Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha.
By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor will be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route.
The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety
along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.7. Internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead is carried out.
9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport communication is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.
November 2020
The president
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister
Republic of Armenia
The president
Russian FederationShusha restera Arménien, point barre.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas dans le fait que l'Azerbaïdjan garde toute ses conquêtes.
Mdr non.
Putain mais c'est incroyable de se bercer d'illusion comme ça.
Shusha sera arménien et c'est pas un puceau du forum qui décide.
Justement c'est pas toi qui décide, c'est acté, Shusha = Azerbaïdjan.
Tu pourrais au moins utiliser le nom arménien "Shushi" tu serais un peu plus crédible.
Shushi est une ville arménienne
Pourquoi t'utilises 3 comptes différents en même temps ?
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:23:24 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:20:30 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:18:14 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:17:54 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:15:41 JeanFuriX a écrit :
Le 09 novembre 2020 à 23:17:50 Corail_Bleu a écrit :
💥A draft statement by the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.Statement
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
and the President of the Russian FederationWe, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.2. The Aghdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
3. Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha.
By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor will be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route.
The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety
along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.7. Internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead is carried out.
9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport communication is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.
November 2020
The president
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister
Republic of Armenia
The president
Russian FederationShusha restera Arménien, point barre.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas dans le fait que l'Azerbaïdjan garde toute ses conquêtes.
Mdr non.
Putain mais c'est incroyable de se bercer d'illusion comme ça.
Shusha sera arménien et c'est pas un puceau du forum qui décide.
Justement c'est pas toi qui décide, c'est acté, Shusha = Azerbaïdjan.
Tu pourrais au moins utiliser le nom arménien "Shushi" tu serais un peu plus crédible.
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:13:42 XGames a écrit :
Que devient martouni, il n'y a pas une carte pour savoir qui garde/récupére quoi ?
Et encore, le vert est moins important en réalité.
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:18:14 AfroCowboy915 a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:17:54 NeOlduPashinyan a écrit :
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:15:41 JeanFuriX a écrit :
Le 09 novembre 2020 à 23:17:50 Corail_Bleu a écrit :
💥A draft statement by the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.Statement
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
and the President of the Russian FederationWe, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.2. The Aghdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
3. Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha.
By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor will be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route.
The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety
along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.7. Internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead is carried out.
9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport communication is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.
November 2020
The president
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister
Republic of Armenia
The president
Russian FederationShusha restera Arménien, point barre.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas dans le fait que l'Azerbaïdjan garde toute ses conquêtes.
Mdr non.
Putain mais c'est incroyable de se bercer d'illusion comme ça.
Le 10 novembre 2020 à 06:15:41 JeanFuriX a écrit :
Le 09 novembre 2020 à 23:17:50 Corail_Bleu a écrit :
💥A draft statement by the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan has appeared on the network.Statement
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia
and the President of the Russian FederationWe, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan I. G. Aliyev,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikolai Pashinyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin announced the following:1. A complete ceasefire and all hostilities in the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are announced from 00:00 hours Moscow time on November 10, 2020. The Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Republic of Armenia, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, stop at their positions.2. The Aghdam region and the territories held by the Armenian Party in the Gazakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be returned to the Azerbaijan Party until November 20, 2020.
3. Along the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor, a peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is deployed in the amount of 1,960 military personnel with small arms, 90 armored personnel carriers, 380 units of automobile and special equipment.
4. The peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is being deployed in parallel with the withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces. The duration of the stay of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation is 5 years with automatic extension for the next 5-year periods, if none of the Parties declares 6 months before the expiration of the period of intention to terminate the application of this provision.
5. In order to increase the effectiveness of control over the implementation of the agreements by the Parties to the conflict, a peacekeeping center is being deployed to control the ceasefire.
6. The Republic of Armenia will return the Kelbajar region to the Republic of Azerbaijan by November 15, 2020, and the Lachin region by December 1, 2020, while leaving behind the Lachin corridor (5 km wide), which will ensure the connection of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and at the same time not will affect the city of Shusha.
By agreement of the Parties, in the next three years, a plan for the construction of a new traffic route along the Lachin corridor will be determined, providing communication between Stepanakert and Armenia, with the subsequent redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect this route.
The Republic of Azerbaijan guarantees traffic safety
along the Lachin corridor of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions.7. Internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas under the control of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
8. The exchange of prisoners of war and other detained persons and bodies of the dead is carried out.
9. All economic and transport links in the region are unblocked. The Republic of Armenia provides transport links between the western regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic in order to organize the unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles and goods in both directions. Control over transport communication is carried out by the bodies of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.
By agreement of the Parties, the construction of new transport communications linking the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic with the western regions of Azerbaijan will be provided.
November 2020
The president
The Republic of Azerbaijan
Prime Minister
Republic of Armenia
The president
Russian FederationShusha restera Arménien, point barre.
Mais qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas dans le fait que l'Azerbaïdjan garde toutes ses conquêtes.