[14:37:02] <DaddyIssou>
Ceux qui Creusent
Lillie (Marina Foïs) est une génitrice célibataire d'un petit village près de Guéret, dans la Creuse. Elle assure difficilement la subsistance de son fils ado (Kev Adams) en travaillant dans une usine de conserves dirigée par un patron tyranaime et raciste (Christian Clavier)Un jour son collègue Assou (Ahmed Sylla) cesse de venir au travail. Lillie découvre qu'il était sans-papiers et qu'il fuit la police lancée à ses trousses. Seule contre tous, elle décide de le cacher, notamment du maire Lafrance, réactionnaire zélé et raciste (Gérard Jugnot) et d'un flic tenace et cruel (Jean-Pierre Darroussin)
Heureusement, Lillie pourra dans sa noble quête compter sur le soutien indéfectible de son fils et de Sophie (Pomme), militante no borders lesbienne au grand coeur.
Je meurs bordel
Les Kings, je viens de voir un post sur Facebook d'un mec qui a une abstinence de 90 jours. C'est en anglais, et c'et un peu centré sur sa foi (il est chrétien) mais c'est interessant pour les bilingues:
So, 90 days ago I asked this group to find a meme for me. Something that would help me deal with porn in my life. Now 90 days have passed. It wasn't always easy, quite the opposite but the end results speak for themselves. I figured I'd share what I learned with my fellow pilgrims to give you all some encouragement.
1st, build new habits. Just removing porn and masturbating isn't enough to quit long term. I highly recommend the app MDF to help track your progress. (Note, this is not a Christian app and not all articles will be useful for Christians but I still think it's the best one for this). I have, since starting this journey, prayed, read my Bible, meditated and read additional books every day since starting this 90 day journey including Augustine, Lewis and Jordan Peterson. I began, and stuck with a fitness program, fixed my posture and began taking cold showers. Without the guilt holding me back, I feel closer to God, my wife and my daughter than ever before. Replace your bad habits with good ones.
2nd, the first three weeks are the hardest. I thought I was dying. Withdrawal is no joke, there was sweat, stress, grief the whole nine yards. I was in agony, like I'd cut an arm off (now I know what Jesus meant when he said better to enter Heaven maimed than hell whole.) At times I didn't know why I bothered, it didn't seem to make a difference. But I got through it and it got easier. Just get through it, grit your teeth and do it. You'll thank yourself later. Because it does get easier.
3rd, temptations don't entirely go away but they change. After those initial weeks I still had temptations, some quite intensly, but I was able to look at them different. I knew denying myself wouldn't kill me, I could see how giving in hurt my family and my God. It became easier to resist. Subconsciously I was removing myself from temptations, rather than engaging, I was putting up barriers rather than tearing them down. When temptation came I could resist and you can too.
Finally, have someone help. I never would have made it through the early stages without my wife. Get something like Ever Accountable and use it. Have someone you confide in to help you thro the rough patches because they will come, even late in the 90 days. With their help you can do it.
It's hard but it's worth it. I am a better person now, physically, spiritually and emotionally. The sky is bluer and my spirits are higher. Much of my self doubt and self loathing have cleared up. I have never prayed so faithfully or regularly. My friends it is worth it! You can do it! It is a hard journey but the destination is worth it! I pray God gives you all the strength to slay this great temptation.
Blessings on you all!
Et il avait fait un calendrier avec des cases à cocher:
[18:42:19] <Raiden2019>
Le 14 juin 2021 à 18:39:24 :
Le 14 juin 2021 à 18:37:12 :
Le 14 juin 2021 à 18:32:31 :
[18:31:26] <Raiden2019>
Apparament il est tombé en dépression après que sa copine l'a cuck et l'a largué, il va pas faire long feu comme ça.Source Evian je suppose?
Source : live benzai
Tu peux link ? Ou préciser les choses ?
Bon il n'a pas dit clairement qu'elle l'a cuck, il a dit qu'il a eu des probleme de couple, et lui meme sait ce que ça fait car il est passé par la, et qu'il s'est mis a bouffer a cause du stress, mais voila il faut savoir lire entre les lignes.
J'ai pas de link désolé, c'était en live.
Un autre khey peut confirmer?
[20:06:55] <Bloodborne010>
Le 13 juin 2021 à 20:06:11 :
L'huissier peut pas rentrer chez moi si je l'autorise pas non ?Si, il peut arriver chez toi avec un mandat et rentrer, il sera accompagné de minimum 2 agents des forces de l'Ordre.
Ayaaa mais genre
Et je remarque que c'était plus simple quand je faisais du sport a fond ( insanity ), la j'ai fait une pause dans le sport depuis deux semaines et je sens que ça me travaille plus
Moralité : ne négligez pas le sport !