Ubisoft va changer Yasuke dans AC Shadows

2024-10-01 00:01:25

But first, let me address some of the wild rumors about Yasuke he's not going to be removed. However, sources have said that the team has been actively addressing many of the historical and cultural concerns, which started before the game's reveal following external playtests and were accelerated further following the game's initial reveal and mass feedback. This includes changing some of Yasuke's story and how he's portrayed in the game, fixing architectural details, and ensuring that the game is historically grounded while fitting into the Assassin's Creed universe. Fundamentally, though, these are issues that should have been caught internally before the game's reveal, especially given Ubisoft's strict asset-approval process. As for how these issues fell through the cracks, I'm told that historical experts were brought onto the project much later than usual for a project of this magnitude and that miscommunication between teams and cutting corners when it came to the approval process of assets to meet deadlines were also at play.


A la base il était vu comme un Dieu par la population qui s'inclinait devant lui, curieux de voir comment il sera vu maintenanthttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/39/3/1506524542-ruth-perplexev2.png

2024-10-01 00:02:30

On craint le pire

2024-10-01 00:03:37

Le 01 octobre 2024 à 00:02:30 :
On craint le pire

non je pense qu'ils vont réduire son rolehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/39/3/1506524542-ruth-perplexev2.png

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