2024-04-12 00:59:14

Comment rendre une page web avec du texte non-séléctionnable séléctionnable ?
Exemple https://www.osho.com/osho-online-library/osho-talks/watchfulness-passion-lust-cc3c4c0f-d1f?p=e4715aeb13918f65b11f792f6640ba07

2024-04-12 01:00:20

Tu utilises une IA qui fait image to text. Même Google Traduction sera capable, je crois.

2024-04-12 01:00:51

Sur Chrome en deux secondes => enter Reader mode

De rien

2024-04-12 01:01:11

tu prends en photo et sur iphone tu peux copier coller le texte de la photo

2024-04-12 01:02:28

Le 12 avril 2024 à 01:00:51 :
Sur Chrome en deux secondes => enter Reader mode

De rien

ça fonctionne pas le shill

2024-04-12 01:02:41

Je vais te MP ton texte

2024-04-12 01:02:44

C'est plutôt bien foutu leur truc pour protéger le texte :(

Je pensais pouvoir contourner en inspectant le code et enlever une bête propriété CSS genre
pointer-event : none

Mais ca a l'air gérer en JS

2024-04-12 01:03:07

Le 12 avril 2024 à 01:02:28 :

Le 12 avril 2024 à 01:00:51 :
Sur Chrome en deux secondes => enter Reader mode

De rien

ça fonctionne pas le shill

Marche très bien chez moi

2024-04-12 01:04:09

https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2024/15/5/1712876625-image.pnginspecté l'élément et tu te sers de la barre de recherche de inspecté l'élément

2024-04-12 01:05:40

Try to be conscious when you are angry and you will be surprised - you are in for a great surprise. If you become conscious, anger disappears- And
suddenly you have found a key, you have stumbled upon a secret. When sex dominates you and you are full of lust, close your eyes, sit silently and
meditate on this energy that is surrounding you, this lust that is surrounding you like a cloud- Just watch it, see it I am not saying be against it, because
if you are agai nst it you have already taken a standpoint, and now you cannot watch.
For watching, the necessary step, the most necessary, is not to take any prejudice, not to conclude beforehand. Just remain silently watchful,
neither for nor against, and within minutes you will be surprised that the great storm of lust is over. And when the storm is over, the silence that is left
behind is so profound, is so great, such a blessing that you may not have felt it ever. No sexual experience can give you that beauty that will come if you
watch your lust and through watchfulness the lust disappears- Then a silence cornes to you which is Virgin, which belongs to the beyond, which
belongs to the other shore.
Honor the man who is without passion.- Buddha says: "If you can find a man who is without passion - if you can find a christ or a buddha - honor
the man.' For the simple reason that he has done almost the impossible: he has escaped from the ordinary bondage of humanity. He is no longer a
prisoner, no longer a slave. He has asserted his individuality, his intelligence. He is no longer a fool. Wsdom has happened in his being- He is full of
light; darkness has disappeared
Honor the man who is without passion,
hatred, illusion and desire
The moment passion disappears, hatred disappears, and illusion disappears, desire disappears because one feels so contented, one feels so
utterly fulf I led. One feels one has come home. There is nowhere to go, nothing else to ask for or desire.
Just think of those moments when there is no desire, when there is no tension, when your mind is absolutely quiet Only then will you know God
exists - or it will be more right to say, godliness exists.
What you give to him_.. If you give anything to a buddha, and what can you give to him? You can give him your respect, you can give him your trust,
you can give him your self, your surrender_
What you give to him
will be given back to you
and more
Whenever a disciple surrenders himself to an awakened master he becomes the richest person in the world- ln his very surrender is victory ln his
dropping of the ego he attains to beinghood- For the first time he is - and in a very strange way, because he has dropped himself. But the one he has
dropped was a false self, and when the false disappears, the real appears. When the false ceases to be, the real starts shining in all its glory, in all its
Whatsoever you give to a buddha comes back to you a thousandfold. The disciple surrenders, the disciple opens his heart, and the buddha starts
flowing into the heart of the disciple. The buddha is like a raincloud, so full of love, so full of truth, so full of ecstasy, that if you open your heart, if you
are ready to drink out of him, you Will, for the first time, feel a deep satisfaction. Your thirst will be quenched

2024-04-12 01:05:43

Bientôt 1 page aucun hacker pour débonqué cette protection web

2024-04-12 01:05:58

ouvre ta console avec F12 et entre ça


ensuite met entrée

2024-04-12 01:06:42

Inspecter l'élement

Try to be conscious when you are angry and you will be surprised - you are in for a great surprise. If you become conscious, anger disappears. And suddenly you have found a key, you have stumbled upon a secret. When sex dominates you and you are full of lust, close your eyes, sit silently and meditate on this energy that is surrounding you, this lust that is surrounding you like a cloud. Just watch it, see it. I am not saying be against it, because if you are against it you have already taken a standpoint, and now you cannot watch.

For watching, the necessary step, the most necessary, is not to take any prejudice, not to conclude beforehand. Just remain silently watchful, neither for nor against, and within minutes you will be surprised that the great storm of lust is over. And when the storm is over, the silence that is left behind is so profound, is so great, such a blessing that you may not have felt it ever. No sexual experience can give you that beauty that will come if you watch your lust and through watchfulness the lust disappears. Then a silence comes to you which is virgin, which belongs to the beyond, which belongs to the other shore.


2024-04-12 01:13:11

Le 12 avril 2024 à 01:05:40 :
Try to be conscious when you are angry and you will be surprised - you are in for a great surprise. If you become conscious, anger disappears- And
suddenly you have found a key, you have stumbled upon a secret. When sex dominates you and you are full of lust, close your eyes, sit silently and
meditate on this energy that is surrounding you, this lust that is surrounding you like a cloud- Just watch it, see it I am not saying be against it, because
if you are agai nst it you have already taken a standpoint, and now you cannot watch.
For watching, the necessary step, the most necessary, is not to take any prejudice, not to conclude beforehand. Just remain silently watchful,
neither for nor against, and within minutes you will be surprised that the great storm of lust is over. And when the storm is over, the silence that is left
behind is so profound, is so great, such a blessing that you may not have felt it ever. No sexual experience can give you that beauty that will come if you
watch your lust and through watchfulness the lust disappears- Then a silence cornes to you which is Virgin, which belongs to the beyond, which
belongs to the other shore.
Honor the man who is without passion.- Buddha says: "If you can find a man who is without passion - if you can find a christ or a buddha - honor
the man.' For the simple reason that he has done almost the impossible: he has escaped from the ordinary bondage of humanity. He is no longer a
prisoner, no longer a slave. He has asserted his individuality, his intelligence. He is no longer a fool. Wsdom has happened in his being- He is full of
light; darkness has disappeared
Honor the man who is without passion,
hatred, illusion and desire
The moment passion disappears, hatred disappears, and illusion disappears, desire disappears because one feels so contented, one feels so
utterly fulf I led. One feels one has come home. There is nowhere to go, nothing else to ask for or desire.
Just think of those moments when there is no desire, when there is no tension, when your mind is absolutely quiet Only then will you know God
exists - or it will be more right to say, godliness exists.
What you give to him_.. If you give anything to a buddha, and what can you give to him? You can give him your respect, you can give him your trust,
you can give him your self, your surrender_
What you give to him
will be given back to you
and more
Whenever a disciple surrenders himself to an awakened master he becomes the richest person in the world- ln his very surrender is victory ln his
dropping of the ego he attains to beinghood- For the first time he is - and in a very strange way, because he has dropped himself. But the one he has
dropped was a false self, and when the false disappears, the real appears. When the false ceases to be, the real starts shining in all its glory, in all its
Whatsoever you give to a buddha comes back to you a thousandfold. The disciple surrenders, the disciple opens his heart, and the buddha starts
flowing into the heart of the disciple. The buddha is like a raincloud, so full of love, so full of truth, so full of ecstasy, that if you open your heart, if you
are ready to drink out of him, you Will, for the first time, feel a deep satisfaction. Your thirst will be quenched

Toi t'as imprimé la page et c/c depuis le pdf ayaoooohttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/26/1467335935-jesus1.png

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