2023-12-02 18:11:19

"Je suis blanc"

Moi aussi.

"Je suis pas un traître"

Y'a rien a trahir, la france et la race sont des concepts idéalistes sans valeur + inventés par la bourgeoisie dans l'optique de produire ce qu'on surnomme le pacte raciale en sociologie (alliance des classes populaires blanches avec la dite bourgeoisie sous prétexte de leur invention ayant pour but d'instrumentaliser). Ce qui compte dans vos vies au jour le jour = vos conditions matérielles d'existence, ça a toujours été le cas, ça sera toujours le cas.

"Risquer de me faire planter, ça fait partie de mes conditions matérielles d'existence"

Eviter de se faire planter, ça passe par la régulation économique des prolétaires.

"Ils ont pas nos mœurs, avec ou sans argent ça continuera"

Changer les moeurs des pays du sud, ca passe par l'anti-impéralisme néolibéral au profit de l'impérialisme communisto-progressiste, chose qui ne s'enclenchera qu'avec la constitution d'un bloc anti-US suffisamment solide. Le vote LFI & la 6eme république = le premier pas dans cette direction de véritable révolution prolétarienne.

"LFI a abandonné le social pour le sociétal"

LFI a le programme le plus social de tous les partis politiques ayant une chance de gagner, la droite a abandonné le social pour le sociétal "issou l'immigration, issou les agressions, issou les lgbt, chancla les wokes". RN = Macronie déguisée, leur programme se ressemble pratiquement au mot près.

"J'ai un cerveau"

Les surdoués/HQI votent plus a gauche :


We examined the association between intelligence, party identification, and political orientations using genetically informative data gathered from German twins and their families (n = 9553 individuals including 1524 adolescent and young-adult twin pairs). The results indicated that supporters of the Pirate Party and the Green Party had levels of intelligence that were significantly higher than those of other party identifiers, with the exception of individuals who preferred the Free Democrats. These findings were remarkably similar to results based on British research participants that were reported in a previous study. We also observed a significant, albeit modest, negative correlation between intelligence and political conservatism, and our data indicated that this correlation could be accounted for by common genetic influences on those two variables. The findings of the study were interpreted in light of competing theories on the nature of the relationship between intelligence, party identification, and political orientations.

As mentioned, several studies have been conducted on the phenotypical relationship between intelligence, political orientations, and party identification, although to date research using genetically informative data has been much more limited.1 In recent phenotypical studies, several sets of findings have emerged which point to different conclusions, and which are supported by varying rationales and theoretical positions. The earliest studies on this topic, dating back to the 1920s and 1930s, reported weak positive associations between intelligence and left/liberal orientations (see Eysenck, 1954, p. 283, n. 25). More recently, Bouchard et al. (2003) found a linear trend in which more intelligent people were less conservative, as did Kanazawa (2010), Stankov (2009), and Woodley of Menie and Dunkel (2015). Similarly, McCourt, Bouchard, Lykken, Tellegen, and Keyes (1999) observed that low levels of intelligence were associated with high scores on Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), as did Heaven, Ciarrochi, and Leeson (2011). The latter group of researchers also reported a negative association between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and cognitive ability. Both RWA and SDO generally correlate positively with adherence to traditional social values, although the ideological content of those values may vary depending on the social and political context (Woodley, 2011). A meta-analysis of the association between cognitive ability measured in diverse ways and ideological attitudes broadly defined found negative relationships between intelligence and right-wing orientations (Onraet et al., 2015). Explanations commonly offered for the finding that conservatism was negatively related to intelligence include the notion that lower intelligence is associated with feelings of unease or anxiety in situations of threat or ambiguity, which reputedly foster conservative orientations (Wilson, 1973).

LFI a le vote des jeunes les plus diplomés du pays :


"J'aime mon pays"

Pour moi la France c'est les français et la culture française c'est-à-dire les cultures régionaleshttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/36/2/1693909663-capture.png
Les français sont aliénés et exploités par les bourgeois capitalisteshttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/36/2/1693909663-capture.png
La culture française est écrasée sous l'impérialisme étranger dû à la mondialisation et inaccessible au prolétariat à cause des prixhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/36/2/1693909663-capture.png
En tant que français et aimant la France je ne peux que voter LFI qui est le seul parti de gauche qui souhaite entrer dans un rapport de force avec le Capital et qui a des chances de gagnerhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/36/2/1693909663-capture.png
LFI au pouvoir permettra aux français de mieux vivre et de pouvoir pratiquer leur culture librement c'est-à-dire avec la liberté économiquehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/36/2/1693909663-capture.png

2023-12-02 18:11:52


2023-12-02 18:14:14

Weeeeeesh hella de ouf ce topic en sahhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/42/6/1697893654-full.jpg
Perso ça va voter Mélenchon fort, les autres c'est tous des pourris qui veulent nous faire aller au taff à 6h du sbahhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/42/6/1697893654-full.jpg

2023-12-02 18:14:17

Faut littéralement 3s d'analyse a ton cerveau pour comprendre que ce parti est constitué de gens faibles et inapte au pouvoir

2023-12-02 18:15:17

Le 02 décembre 2023 à 18:11:52 :


"J'ai un cerveau"

Les surdoués/HQI votent plus a gauche :


We examined the association between intelligence, party identification, and political orientations using genetically informative data gathered from German twins and their families (n = 9553 individuals including 1524 adolescent and young-adult twin pairs). The results indicated that supporters of the Pirate Party and the Green Party had levels of intelligence that were significantly higher than those of other party identifiers, with the exception of individuals who preferred the Free Democrats. These findings were remarkably similar to results based on British research participants that were reported in a previous study. We also observed a significant, albeit modest, negative correlation between intelligence and political conservatism, and our data indicated that this correlation could be accounted for by common genetic influences on those two variables. The findings of the study were interpreted in light of competing theories on the nature of the relationship between intelligence, party identification, and political orientations.

As mentioned, several studies have been conducted on the phenotypical relationship between intelligence, political orientations, and party identification, although to date research using genetically informative data has been much more limited.1 In recent phenotypical studies, several sets of findings have emerged which point to different conclusions, and which are supported by varying rationales and theoretical positions. The earliest studies on this topic, dating back to the 1920s and 1930s, reported weak positive associations between intelligence and left/liberal orientations (see Eysenck, 1954, p. 283, n. 25). More recently, Bouchard et al. (2003) found a linear trend in which more intelligent people were less conservative, as did Kanazawa (2010), Stankov (2009), and Woodley of Menie and Dunkel (2015). Similarly, McCourt, Bouchard, Lykken, Tellegen, and Keyes (1999) observed that low levels of intelligence were associated with high scores on Right Wing Authoritarianism (RWA), as did Heaven, Ciarrochi, and Leeson (2011). The latter group of researchers also reported a negative association between Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) and cognitive ability. Both RWA and SDO generally correlate positively with adherence to traditional social values, although the ideological content of those values may vary depending on the social and political context (Woodley, 2011). A meta-analysis of the association between cognitive ability measured in diverse ways and ideological attitudes broadly defined found negative relationships between intelligence and right-wing orientations (Onraet et al., 2015). Explanations commonly offered for the finding that conservatism was negatively related to intelligence include the notion that lower intelligence is associated with feelings of unease or anxiety in situations of threat or ambiguity, which reputedly foster conservative orientations (Wilson, 1973).

LFI a le vote des jeunes les plus diplomés du pays :


2023-12-02 18:15:54

Le 02 décembre 2023 à 18:14:17 :
Faut littéralement 3s d'analyse a ton cerveau pour comprendre que ce parti est constitué de gens faibles et inapte au pouvoir

C'est pas les chof qui ont fini cul nu il y a moins d'une semaine ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/42/6/1697893654-full.jpg

2023-12-02 18:16:01

[18:14:17] <Ravel110>
Faut littéralement 3s d'analyse a ton cerveau pour comprendre que ce parti est constitué de gens faibles et inapte au pouvoir

Personne n'a parlé de Reconquête

2023-12-02 18:16:20

qi >50

2023-12-02 18:16:59

Mes raisons :

- Je suis blanc
- J'ai plus que 80 de qi
- Je ne suis pas un cuck
-Je suis fidèle à mes idées

2023-12-02 18:17:05

Je ne suis pas pour la créolisation ni pour les francs-maçons.

2023-12-02 18:17:06

Leur programme est inapplicable s'ils accueillent 400.000 migrants par an.

Et de toute façon ils ne pourront jamais gagner l'élection avec un discours pro immigration.

2023-12-02 18:17:19

Je suis blanc aucun intêret à voter pour un sbir mondialiste que veux me créloser et m'islamiser :(

2023-12-02 18:17:22

Je ne suis pas française je ne peux pas voterhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/25/6/1624665833-1611492741-ahi-gros.png

2023-12-02 18:17:34

Car j aime la liberté d expression et que Les Fachos Islamiques n aiment pas ça.

2023-12-02 18:18:11

Le 02 décembre 2023 à 18:17:19 :
Je suis blanc aucun intêret à voter pour un sbir mondialiste que veux me créloser et m'islamiser :(

Ce sont les seuls qui ont la possibilité de gagner et qui s'opposent au mondialisme justement en voulant entraver le capitalhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/42/6/1697893654-full.jpg

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