[Anglais] J’ai redpill très fort les amerlocs sur une video « France surrender »

2023-07-15 01:52:16

I am french, and if we are cowards as you guy say, why do the whole world wants to join our foreign legion huh ?

You can say that mens in the foreign legion are not french but you’re wrong, they are french, no matter their birth country.

I dare you to oppose against a single man from the foreign legion, we’ll see who surrends first between you or him. You are probably not aware about the Battle of Cameron.

+ there is a huge percent that a part of your culture is directly taken/inspired by France. We were everywhere, yes even during the US revolution. (Louisiana was ours before Napoleon had to sell it to finance the war in Europe against multiples allied nations, Bâton-rouge means « Red stick » the capital still have its french name)

During the WW2 only the french government surrended. And yes there were traitors and collaborators with Germans, nobody is perfect but still we had many french still fought, including civilians, they were part of « Resistance » killing german officers, destroying trains, ambushing germans, saboting strategy point, cutting communications, spreading fake informations to prepare the D-Day… some fought with english being pilots, and we, french, is the single nation from the allies, who fought alongside directly with the Russian against germans on Russia land. I let you check about the « Normandy-Niemen » squadron that I am really proud of. Big love to you my russian friends, some people still love you and I’m proud to be one of them.

+ I want to remind to everyone that we had to wait the americans until 1916 to come during WW1 and the end of 1941 for WW2. You guys are all the time so late so please, don’t talk about surrendering you were just sitting in your island while the brave men I mentionned above fought and died. There is nobody here to whom you can give any lesson.

Talking about Iraki war on 2003, if you think we are cowards because we refused to follow you, americans there, then stop to spread fake informations and give us real proof then.
We have been stupid to follow during the 1st Iraki war (91) which was also fake informations, you guys created only fake informations like the babies being killed to change the public opinion. It was just fake, and same for 2003 with the fake anthrax flask. We are still waiting for the proof of nuclear weapons owned by Irak.

If you still think that we surrend, you are probably stupid and I suggest you to pray to never have a conflict with France.
Because we have been one of the strongest army of the world for decades, and we are still very strong and well trained.

France is the only one army among European countries capable of projecting his troops overseas. And we’ve got one of the best army in term of electronic warfare. Israel is the #1 we are probably #2.

So please, go back to bring your democracy through bombing civilians, childs, mothers and fathers far from us please, don’t involve us in your war crimes dear americans.

That said, I’m so proud to be french and I love my nation. Yet our main ennemy nowadays are the politicians we had for the last 70 years who destroy our awesome country from the inside. Macron being the worse of them.

Il va y avoir quelques AVC ou noyade dans leur graisse.

2023-07-15 01:53:18

Tu l'as déjà posté ton truc ou on peut encore te dissuader de t'afficher pour rien ?

2023-07-15 01:53:43

Le 15 juillet 2023 à 01:53:18 :
Tu l'as déjà posté ton truc ou on peut encore te dissuader de t'afficher pour rien ?

Deja posté.

2023-07-15 01:59:58

On dirait un Belgix complexé

2023-07-15 02:00:24

gpa lu

2023-07-15 02:00:51

Je me suis arrêté à mens

2023-07-15 02:01:33

Comment confirmer son incelitude

2023-07-15 02:03:35

Perso je m'en branle du french surrender :rire:

Je calcule même plus quand je regarde la section de commentaires

2023-07-15 02:05:58

J'me suis arrêté à "mens"


2023-07-15 02:08:48

Merci de défendre la patrie :ok:
Le french surrender est un mythe que les américains ne veulent pas voir disparaître car la moitié de leur puissance c'est leur manipulation des images, le marketing. Descendre l'image des autres pays c'est un peu leur motto.

2023-07-15 02:09:15

Tu t'exprime dans la langue de l'Empire, qui n'y verra qu'une gesticulation venant d'une de ses nombreuses provinces :hap:

En suivant le même principe hiérarchique, c'est comme si un Algérien pondait un pavé en français adressé à des Français pour nous persuader que les Algériens sont déter ; les nombreuses fois où ça arrive on regarde ça avec amusement et condescendance.

Comme vont le faire les Ricains à la vue de ton pavé :hap:

2023-07-15 02:09:42

Bordel cet anglaishttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/51/1482529611-jesusmaintremblantecache.png

2023-07-15 02:19:30

Le 15 juillet 2023 à 02:09:42 :
Bordel cet anglaishttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/51/1482529611-jesusmaintremblantecache.png

Au moins ca veux dire qu’il est compréhensible et que ca reste lunaire par rapport a Hollande. C’est tout ce qui compte :hap:

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