Alors commençons par le commencement :
cargo new hello-world
cd hello-world
cd src
ceci est la partie numéro 1
#![allow(unused_braces, unused_must_use, unused_parens)]
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use std::io::{Write, Error};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use french_numbers::*; use get_shell::{get_shell,Shell::*};
use safe_macro::safe;
/// These constants are to avoid magic strings/values.
const LANGUAGE_LOCALES: &[&str] = &["en", "es", "bg", "bn", "by", "de", "eo", "fa", "fr", "gr", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "id", "ie", "is", "jp", "kr", "kz", "la", "lt", "my", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt", "ro", "ru", "sk", "tr", "th", "zh", "cs", "it", "uk", "ar"];
const LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY: &str = "translations";
const MSG: &str = "msg";
trait AnyWriter<'a, T, F> : Sized {
/// Write
fn write(&self, string: &[u8]) -> Result<T, std::io::Error>;
/// Flush
fn flush(&self, string: &[u8]) -> Result<F, std::io::Error>;
trait MsgWriter<'a, T, F, Z> {
type WriterType : AnyWriter<'a, T, F>;
/// Write a message somewhere.
/// A Result is returned for better error handling. Rust's approach is far superior
/// to the ridiculous try-catch blocks you usually see. Rust's way allows you to explicitly
/// name which error(s) can be returned (of course, this is unlikely to happen because
/// Rust is so safe), and it's better than the way Java does it because the syntax isn't
/// entirely baked into the language, allowing for more verbosity a.k.a. expressiveness.
fn write_msg(&mut self, get_actual_writer: &dyn Fn() -> Self::WriterType) -> Result<Z, std::io::Error>;
/// A message writer for printing "Hello, World!" in various languages
struct HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, W: 'a + AnyWriter<'a, usize, ()>> {
msg: String,
writer: Box<W>,
phantom: PhantomData<&'a W>,
impl<'a> HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a> {
fn new(language: &'a str) -> impl MsgWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a, HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, BufWriterWrapper<'a>>, usize, (), ()> {
HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler {
struct BufWriterWrapper<'a> {
phantom: PhantomData<&'a [&'a mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = i128>]>
impl BufWriterWrapper<'_> {
/// Helper method to make instances of BufWriterWrapper more easily
fn make_new_buf_writer_wrapper<'a>() -> BufWriterWrapper<'a> {
BufWriterWrapper {
phantom: PhantomData
impl<'a> AnyWriter<'a, usize, ()> for BufWriterWrapper<'a> {
fn write(&self, string: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
let stdout = std::io::stdout();
let lock = stdout.lock();
let mut writer = std::io::BufWriter::new(lock);
fn flush(&self, _string: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let stdout = std::io::stdout();
let lock = stdout.lock();
let mut writer = std::io::BufWriter::new(lock);
impl<'a, W: 'a + AnyWriter<'a, usize, ()>> HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, W> {
/// Convert a Hello World message to an acceptable format for printing.
fn convert_msg(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
//Here is a handy method from the standard library to convert a string slice
//into bytes
let msg_bytes = self.msg.as_bytes();
//We need to use a Vec because references can't be returned
impl<'a, W: 'a + AnyWriter<'a, usize, ()>> MsgWriter<'a, usize, (), ()> for HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, W> {
type WriterType = BufWriterWrapper<'a>;
/// Write "Hello, world!" using an object that implements Write.
/// Here, we take advantage of Rust's robust error handling and amazing pattern matching.
fn write_msg(&mut self, get_actual_writer: &dyn Fn () -> BufWriterWrapper<'a>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let msg_bytes = self.convert_msg();
let msg_bytes_slice = msg_bytes.as_slice();
let writer = get_actual_writer();
let n_bytes = writer.write(msg_bytes_slice)?;
// Check if all bytes were written
if n_bytes != msg_bytes.len() {
// Instead of panicking, we take advantage of Rust's amazing exception handling.
// See how Rust's format macro is superior to string interpolation
// and string concatenation. The former is extremely concise, and the latter
// is a bit better because it requires a few more characters, but this
// SAFETY: This has been validated and independently audited for safety 🔐🚀
// is the best because not only is it verbose, it also separates what you
// want to format from the template so that you have no idea which argument
// is being inserted where. How thoughtful of Rust!
format!("Oh dear, only {} bytes were written!", french_number_options(&n_bytes, &PRE_REFORM_FEMININE)),
} else {
// Always flush, especially when you are in public.
let writer = get_actual_writer();
trait MsgWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a, MW: MsgWriter<'a, T, F, Z>, T, F, Z> {
fn call_msg_writer_and_handle_any_errors(&self);
/// No comments needed here because it's self-explanatory.
trait MakeMsgWriterForMsgWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<
MWCEH: MsgWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a, MW, T, F, Z>,
MW: MsgWriter<'a, T, F, Z>,
fn make_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler(
msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler: &'a MWCEH,
) -> MW;
/// No comments needed here because it's self-explanatory.
trait MakeAnyWriterForMakeMsgWriterForHelloWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<
MWCEH: MsgWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a, MW, T, F, Z>,
MW: MsgWriter<'a, T, F, Z>,
AW: AnyWriter<'a, T, F> + Sized,
type Out : AnyWriter<'a, T, F>;
fn make_write_for_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler(
make_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler: &'a MWCEH,
) -> Box<fn() -> Self::Out>;
struct MakeAnyWriterForMakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler;
MakeAnyWriterForMakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler =
MakeAnyWriterForMakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler {};
HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, BufWriterWrapper<'a>>,
// SAFETY: This has been validated and independently audited for safety 🔐🚀
> for MakeAnyWriterForMakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler
// SAFETY: This has been validated and independently audited for safety 🔐🚀
type Out = BufWriterWrapper<'a>;
fn make_write_for_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler(
_make_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler: &'a HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a>,
) -> Box<fn() -> BufWriterWrapper<'a>> {
let buf_writer_wrapper_maker = || {
// Conveniently package it in a box so it can be shipped across methods more easily
struct MakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler;
MakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler =
MakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler {};
HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, BufWriterWrapper<'a>>,
> for MakeMsgWriterForHelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler
fn make_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler(
msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler: &'a HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a>,
) -> HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, BufWriterWrapper<'a>> {
safe! {
let config: r_i18n::I18nConfig = r_i18n::I18nConfig{locales: LANGUAGE_LOCALES, directory: LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY};
// let config: I18nConfig = I18nConfig {
// };
let mut r_i18n: r_i18n::I18n = r_i18n::I18n::configure(&config);
let msg = r_i18n.t(MSG);
let make_write =
let writer = make_write
let writer = writer.as_ref();
// let writer: &'a mut Box<std::io::BufWriter<std::io::StdoutLock<'a>>> = &mut writer;
match msg.as_str() {
Some(msg) => {
let msg = msg;
let mut msg_string = String::from(msg);
let mut msg = msg;
match get_shell().expect(" requires a known shell to be run") {
Powershell=> {
msg_string.push_str( "\n");
msg = &msg_string;
Bash => {
msg_string.push_str( "\n");
msg = &msg_string;
Fish => {
msg = msg;}
msg = msg;
} _ => {
panic!("Oh dear, your shell is UNSAFE!\n But don't worry, Rust is so safe, it'll quit immediately!");
let msg = String::from(msg);
// let msg = &msg;
// Rust's amazing initialization shorthand feature lets us initialize structs
// without doing msg: msg explicitly!
let msg_writer: HelloWorldMsgWriter<
> = HelloWorldMsgWriter { msg, writer: Box::new((writer)()), phantom: PhantomData };
None => {
panic!("{}", format!("Oh dear, msg is {} and not a string", msg));
struct HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a> {
language: &'a str,
HelloWorldMsgWriter<'a, BufWriterWrapper<'a>>,
> for HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler<'a>
fn call_msg_writer_and_handle_any_errors(&self) {
safe! {
let mut msg_writer =
let res = msg_writer.write_msg(&|| (make_writer.make_write_for_msg_writer_for_msg_writer_caller_and_error_handler(self).as_ref())());
match res {
Ok(_) => {
// Woohoo, we're all good!
Err(e) => {
// We will panic so that Rust will give us an amazing stacktrace to debug.
// Of course, panic is just the name of the method, we're not actually
// panicking because we know this is Rust and nothing can go seriously
// wrong.
Partie numéro deux
fn main() {
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
// SAFETY: The `safe!` macro ensures guaranteed safety 100% of the time 🔐🚀
safe! {
let hello_world_writer_caller_and_error_handler = HelloWorldWriterCallerAndErrorHandler::new("en");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use r_i18n::I18n;
fn solarsystem_level_enterprise_test() {
assert_eq!(1, 1);
fn universe_level_enterprise_test() {
let config: r_i18n::I18nConfig =r_i18n::I18nConfig {
directory: "translations/",
let r_i18n: I18n = I18n::configure(&config);
let content = r_i18n.t("msg"); // efficiently caching i18n result to save function calls!
assert_eq!(content, content);
Passons a la suite :
const one:i64 = i64::MAX / i64::MAX;
const two:i64 = one+one;
const three:i64 = two+one;
const four:i64 = three+one;
const five:i64 = four+one;
const six:i64 = five+one;
const seven:i64 = six+one;
const eight:i64 = seven+one;
const nine:i64 = eight+one;
const ten:i64 = nine+one;
const eleven:i64 = ten+one;
const twelve:i64 = eleven+one;
const thirteen:i64 = twelve+one;
const fourteen:i64 = thirteen+one;
const fifteen:i64 = fourteen+one;
const sixteen:i64 = fifteen+one;
const seventeen:i64 = sixteen+one;
const eighteen:i64 = seventeen+one;
const nineteen:i64 = eighteen+one;
const twenty:i64 = nineteen+one;
const twentyone:i64 = twenty+one;
const twentytwo:i64 = twentyone+one;
const twentythree:i64 = twentytwo+one;
const twentyfour:i64 = twentythree+one;
const twentyfive:i64 = twentyfour+one;
const twentysix:i64 = twentyfive+one;
const twentyseven:i64 = twentysix+one;
const twentyeight:i64 = twentyseven+one;
const twentynine:i64 = twentyeight+one;
const thirty:i64 = twentynine+one;
const thirtyone:i64 = thirty+one;
const thirtytwo:i64 = thirtyone+one;
const thirtythree:i64 = thirtytwo+one;
const thirtyfour:i64 = thirtythree+one;
const thirtyfive:i64 = thirtyfour+one;
const thirtysix:i64 = thirtyfive+one;
const thirtyseven:i64 = thirtysix+one;
const thirtyeight:i64 = thirtyseven+one;
const thirtynine:i64 = thirtyeight+one;
const forty:i64 = thirtynine+one;
const fortyone:i64 = forty+one;
const fortytwo:i64 = fortyone+one;
const fortythree:i64 = fortytwo+one;
const fortyfour:i64 = fortythree+one;
const fortyfive:i64 = fortyfour+one;
const fortysix:i64 = fortyfive+one;
const fortyseven:i64 = fortysix+one;
const fortyeight:i64 = fortyseven+one;
const fortynine:i64 = fortyeight+one;
const fifty:i64 = fortynine+one;
const fiftyone:i64 = fifty+one;
const fiftytwo:i64 = fiftyone+one;
const fiftythree:i64 = fiftytwo+one;
const fiftyfour:i64 = fiftythree+one;
const fiftyfive:i64 = fiftyfour+one;
const fiftysix:i64 = fiftyfive+one;
const fiftyseven:i64 = fiftysix+one;
const fiftyeight:i64 = fiftyseven+one;
const fiftynine:i64 = fiftyeight+one;
const sixty:i64 = fiftynine+one;
const sixtyone:i64 = sixty+one;
const sixtytwo:i64 = sixtyone+one;
const sixtythree:i64 = sixtytwo+one;
const sixtyfour:i64 = sixtythree+one;
const sixtyfive:i64 = sixtyfour+one;
const sixtysix:i64 = sixtyfive+one;
const sixtyseven:i64 = sixtysix+one;
const sixtyeight:i64 = sixtyseven+one;
const sixtynine:i64 = sixtyeight+one;
const seventy:i64 = sixtynine+one;
const seventyone:i64 = seventy+one;
const seventytwo:i64 = seventyone+one;
const seventythree:i64 = seventytwo+one;
const seventyfour:i64 = seventythree+one;
const seventyfive:i64 = seventyfour+one;
const seventysix:i64 = seventyfive+one;
const seventyseven:i64 = seventysix+one;
const seventyeight:i64 = seventyseven+one;
const seventynine:i64 = seventyeight+one;
const eighty:i64 = seventynine+one;
const eightyone:i64 = eighty+one;
const eightytwo:i64 = eightyone+one;
const eightythree:i64 = eightytwo+one;
const eightyfour:i64 = eightythree+one;
const eightyfive:i64 = eightyfour+one;
const eightysix:i64 = eightyfive+one;
const eightyseven:i64 = eightysix+one;
const eightyeight:i64 = eightyseven+one;
const eightynine:i64 = eightyeight+one;
const ninety:i64 = eightynine+one;
const ninetyone:i64 = ninety+one;
const ninetytwo:i64 = ninetyone+one;
const ninetythree:i64 = ninetytwo+one;
const ninetyfour:i64 = ninetythree+one;
const ninetyfive:i64 = ninetyfour+one;
const ninetysix:i64 = ninetyfive+one;
const ninetyseven:i64 = ninetysix+one;
const ninetyeight:i64 = ninetyseven+one;
const ninetynine:i64 = ninetyeight+one;
const onehundred:i64 = ninetynine+one;
const onehundredone:i64 = onehundred+one;
const onehundredtwo:i64 = onehundredone+one;
const onehundredthree:i64 = onehundredtwo+one;
const onehundredfour:i64 = onehundredthree+one;
const onehundredfive:i64 = onehundredfour+one;
const onehundredsix:i64 = onehundredfive+one;
const onehundredseven:i64 = onehundredsix+one;
const onehundredeight:i64 = onehundredseven+one;
const onehundrednine:i64 = onehundredeight+one;
const onehundredten:i64 = onehundrednine+one;
const onehundredeleven:i64 = onehundredten+one;
const onehundredtwelve:i64 = onehundredeleven+one;
const onehundredthirteen:i64 = onehundredtwelve+one;
const onehundredfourteen:i64 = onehundredthirteen+one;
const onehundredfifteen:i64 = onehundredfourteen+one;
const onehundredsixteen:i64 = onehundredfifteen+one;
const onehundredseventeen:i64 = onehundredsixteen+one;
const onehundredeighteen:i64 = onehundredseventeen+one;
const onehundrednineteen:i64 = onehundredeighteen+one;
const onehundredtwenty:i64 = onehundrednineteen+one;
const onehundredtwentyone:i64 = onehundredtwenty+one;
const onehundredtwentytwo:i64 = onehundredtwentyone+one;
const onehundredtwentythree:i64 = onehundredtwentytwo+one;
const onehundredtwentyfour:i64 = onehundredtwentythree+one;
const onehundredtwentyfive:i64 = onehundredtwentyfour+one;
const onehundredtwentysix:i64 = onehundredtwentyfive+one;
const onehundredtwentyseven:i64 = onehundredtwentysix+one;
const onehundredtwentyeight:i64 = onehundredtwentyseven+one;
const onehundredtwentynine:i64 = onehundredtwentyeight+one;
const onehundredthirty:i64 = onehundredtwentynine+one;
const onehundredthirtyone:i64 = onehundredthirty+one;
const onehundredthirtytwo:i64 = onehundredthirtyone+one;
const onehundredthirtythree:i64 = onehundredthirtytwo+one;
const onehundredthirtyfour:i64 = onehundredthirtythree+one;
const onehundredthirtyfive:i64 = onehundredthirtyfour+one;
const onehundredthirtysix:i64 = onehundredthirtyfive+one;
const onehundredthirtyseven:i64 = onehundredthirtysix+one;
const onehundredthirtyeight:i64 = onehundredthirtyseven+one;
const onehundredthirtynine:i64 = onehundredthirtyeight+one;
const onehundredforty:i64 = onehundredthirtynine+one;
const onehundredfortyone:i64 = onehundredforty+one;
const onehundredfortytwo:i64 = onehundredfortyone+one;
const onehundredfortythree:i64 = onehundredfortytwo+one;
const onehundredfortyfour:i64 = onehundredfortythree+one;
const onehundredfortyfive:i64 = onehundredfortyfour+one;
const onehundredfortysix:i64 = onehundredfortyfive+one;
const onehundredfortyseven:i64 = onehundredfortysix+one;
const onehundredfortyeight:i64 = onehundredfortyseven+one;
const onehundredfortynine:i64 = onehundredfortyeight+one;
const onehundredfifty:i64 = onehundredfortynine+one;
const onehundredfiftyone:i64 = onehundredfifty+one;
const onehundredfiftytwo:i64 = onehundredfiftyone+one;
const onehundredfiftythree:i64 = onehundredfiftytwo+one;
const onehundredfiftyfour:i64 = onehundredfiftythree+one;
const onehundredfiftyfive:i64 = onehundredfiftyfour+one;
const onehundredfiftysix:i64 = onehundredfiftyfive+one;
const onehundredfiftyseven:i64 = onehundredfiftysix+one;
const onehundredfiftyeight:i64 = onehundredfiftyseven+one;
const onehundredfiftynine:i64 = onehundredfiftyeight+one;
const onehundredsixty:i64 = onehundredfiftynine+one;
const onehundredsixtyone:i64 = onehundredsixty+one;
const onehundredsixtytwo:i64 = onehundredsixtyone+one;
const onehundredsixtythree:i64 = onehundredsixtytwo+one;
const onehundredsixtyfour:i64 = onehundredsixtythree+one;
const onehundredsixtyfive:i64 = onehundredsixtyfour+one;
const onehundredsixtysix:i64 = onehundredsixtyfive+one;
const onehundredsixtyseven:i64 = onehundredsixtysix+one;
const onehundredsixtyeight:i64 = onehundredsixtyseven+one;
const onehundredsixtynine:i64 = onehundredsixtyeight+one;
const onehundredseventy:i64 = onehundredsixtynine+one;
const onehundredseventyone:i64 = onehundredseventy+one;
const onehundredseventytwo:i64 = onehundredseventyone+one;
const onehundredseventythree:i64 = onehundredseventytwo+one;
const onehundredseventyfour:i64 = onehundredseventythree+one;
const onehundredseventyfive:i64 = onehundredseventyfour+one;
const onehundredseventysix:i64 = onehundredseventyfive+one;
const onehundredseventyseven:i64 = onehundredseventysix+one;
const onehundredseventyeight:i64 = onehundredseventyseven+one;
const onehundredseventynine:i64 = onehundredseventyeight+one;
const onehundredeighty:i64 = onehundredseventynine+one;
const onehundredeightyone:i64 = onehundredeighty+one;
const onehundredeightytwo:i64 = onehundredeightyone+one;
const onehundredeightythree:i64 = onehundredeightytwo+one;
const onehundredeightyfour:i64 = onehundredeightythree+one;
const onehundredeightyfive:i64 = onehundredeightyfour+one;
const onehundredeightysix:i64 = onehundredeightyfive+one;
const onehundredeightyseven:i64 = onehundredeightysix+one;
const onehundredeightyeight:i64 = onehundredeightyseven+one;
const onehundredeightynine:i64 = onehundredeightyeight+one;
const onehundredninety:i64 = onehundredeightynine+one;
const onehundredninetyone:i64 = onehundredninety+one;
const onehundredninetytwo:i64 = onehundredninetyone+one;
const onehundredninetythree:i64 = onehundredninetytwo+one;
const onehundredninetyfour:i64 = onehundredninetythree+one;
const onehundredninetyfive:i64 = onehundredninetyfour+one;
const onehundredninetysix:i64 = onehundredninetyfive+one;
const onehundredninetyseven:i64 = onehundredninetysix+one;
const onehundredninetyeight:i64 = onehundredninetyseven+one;
const onehundredninetynine:i64 = onehundredninetyeight+one;
const twohundred:i64 = onehundredninetynine+one;
const twohundredone:i64 = twohundred+one;
const twohundredtwo:i64 = twohundredone+one;
const twohundredthree:i64 = twohundredtwo+one;
const twohundredfour:i64 = twohundredthree+one;
const twohundredfive:i64 = twohundredfour+one;
const twohundredsix:i64 = twohundredfive+one;
const twohundredseven:i64 = twohundredsix+one;
const twohundredeight:i64 = twohundredseven+one;
const twohundrednine:i64 = twohundredeight+one;
const twohundredten:i64 = twohundrednine+one;
const twohundredeleven:i64 = twohundredten+one;
const twohundredtwelve:i64 = twohundredeleven+one;
const twohundredthirteen:i64 = twohundredtwelve+one;
const twohundredfourteen:i64 = twohundredthirteen+one;
const twohundredfifteen:i64 = twohundredfourteen+one;
const twohundredsixteen:i64 = twohundredfifteen+one;
const twohundredseventeen:i64 = twohundredsixteen+one;
const twohundredeighteen:i64 = twohundredseventeen+one;
const twohundrednineteen:i64 = twohundredeighteen+one;
const twohundredtwenty:i64 = twohundrednineteen+one;
const twohundredtwentyone:i64 = twohundredtwenty+one;
const twohundredtwentytwo:i64 = twohundredtwentyone+one;
const twohundredtwentythree:i64 = twohundredtwentytwo+one;
const twohundredtwentyfour:i64 = twohundredtwentythree+one;
const twohundredtwentyfive:i64 = twohundredtwentyfour+one;
const twohundredtwentysix:i64 = twohundredtwentyfive+one;
const twohundredtwentyseven:i64 = twohundredtwentysix+one;
const twohundredtwentyeight:i64 = twohundredtwentyseven+one;
const twohundredtwentynine:i64 = twohundredtwentyeight+one;
const twohundredthirty:i64 = twohundredtwentynine+one;
const twohundredthirtyone:i64 = twohundredthirty+one;
const twohundredthirtytwo:i64 = twohundredthirtyone+one;
const twohundredthirtythree:i64 = twohundredthirtytwo+one;
const twohundredthirtyfour:i64 = twohundredthirtythree+one;
const twohundredthirtyfive:i64 = twohundredthirtyfour+one;
const twohundredthirtysix:i64 = twohundredthirtyfive+one;
const twohundredthirtyseven:i64 = twohundredthirtysix+one;
const twohundredthirtyeight:i64 = twohundredthirtyseven+one;
const twohundredthirtynine:i64 = twohundredthirtyeight+one;
const twohundredforty:i64 = twohundredthirtynine+one;
const twohundredfortyone:i64 = twohundredforty+one;
const twohundredfortytwo:i64 = twohundredfortyone+one;
const twohundredfortythree:i64 = twohundredfortytwo+one;
const twohundredfortyfour:i64 = twohundredfortythree+one;
const twohundredfortyfive:i64 = twohundredfortyfour+one;
const twohundredfortysix:i64 = twohundredfortyfive+one;
const twohundredfortyseven:i64 = twohundredfortysix+one;
const twohundredfortyeight:i64 = twohundredfortyseven+one;
const twohundredfortynine:i64 = twohundredfortyeight+one;
const twohundredfifty:i64 = twohundredfortynine+one;
const twohundredfiftyone:i64 = twohundredfifty+one;
const twohundredfiftytwo:i64 = twohundredfiftyone+one;
const twohundredfiftythree:i64 = twohundredfiftytwo+one;
const twohundredfiftyfour:i64 = twohundredfiftythree+one;
const twohundredfiftyfive:i64 = twohundredfiftyfour+one;
const twohundredfiftysix:i64 = twohundredfiftyfive+one;
const twohundredfiftyseven:i64 = twohundredfiftysix+one;
const twohundredfiftyeight:i64 = twohundredfiftyseven+one;
const twohundredfiftynine:i64 = twohundredfiftyeight+one;
const twohundredsixty:i64 = twohundredfiftynine+one;
const twohundredsixtyone:i64 = twohundredsixty+one;
const twohundredsixtytwo:i64 = twohundredsixtyone+one;
const twohundredsixtythree:i64 = twohundredsixtytwo+one;
const twohundredsixtyfour:i64 = twohundredsixtythree+one;
const twohundredsixtyfive:i64 = twohundredsixtyfour+one;
const twohundredsixtysix:i64 = twohundredsixtyfive+one;
const twohundredsixtyseven:i64 = twohundredsixtysix+one;
const twohundredsixtyeight:i64 = twohundredsixtyseven+one;
const twohundredsixtynine:i64 = twohundredsixtyeight+one;
const twohundredseventy:i64 = twohundredsixtynine+one;
const twohundredseventyone:i64 = twohundredseventy+one;
const twohundredseventytwo:i64 = twohundredseventyone+one;
const twohundredseventythree:i64 = twohundredseventytwo+one;
const twohundredseventyfour:i64 = twohundredseventythree+one;
Posez vos questions si vous en avez je vais essayer de répondre a tout les messages que j'aurais.
est-ce que le cliché femme qui code en rust -> femme non biologique est vrai ?
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:09:51 :
ça veut dire quoi surcoté?
L'interet de ton topic alors qu'il y a ChatGPT ?
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:10:25 :
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// printf() displays the string inside quotation
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;
si tu compares le temps d'exécution de mon code et le tient, moi c'est 0.0000001 seconde avec 0% de mémoire utilisé, soit tu as le contrôle sur tout ta ram, quoi d'autres bordel ? continuez a singer sur des langages a garbage collector le jour ou vous seriez remplacer par les ia avancé venez pas pleuirer.
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:10:27 :
est-ce que le cliché femme qui code en rust -> femme non biologique est vrai ?
Que veut dire une femme non biologique ?
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:12:05 :
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:10:27 :
est-ce que le cliché femme qui code en rust -> femme non biologique est vrai ?Que veut dire une femme non biologique ?
une femme qui n'est pas née femme
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:12:39 :
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:12:05 :
Le 22 juin 2023 à 01:10:27 :
est-ce que le cliché femme qui code en rust -> femme non biologique est vrai ?Que veut dire une femme non biologique ?
une femme qui n'est pas née femme
Euh non on est bel et bien des femmes. Pourquoi ?