[VIDEO] Il se fait tirer dessus car il refuse de mettre son masque

2022-02-10 03:10:47


2022-02-10 03:16:01

Ce pays de dingos :rire:

2022-02-10 03:16:56

La 6eme c'était pour être sûr j'imaginehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/43/4/1635454847-elton-john-tison-golem.png

2022-02-10 03:16:58

L'op remet ton masque il faut le porter en PERMANENCE

2022-02-10 03:17:28

Le 10 février 2022 à 03:16:56 :
La 5eme c'était pour être sûr j'imaginehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/43/4/1635454847-elton-john-tison-golem.png

Dans le doute :)

2022-02-10 03:17:34

Il avais le virus chef !

2022-02-10 03:17:59

mais ce pays de TARES

2022-02-10 03:22:14

J'ai pas compris :hap:

2022-02-10 03:23:04

Meilleur titre de l'annee rien a foutre

2022-02-10 03:24:24

[03:17:28] <requin_patin>

Le 10 février 2022 à 03:16:56 :
La 5eme c'était pour être sûr j'imaginehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/43/4/1635454847-elton-john-tison-golem.png

Dans le doute :)


2022-02-10 03:24:25

Total soutien aux FDO qui nous protègent
Cet homme aurait pu finir en réanimation après avoir contracté la Covid-19, le policier est un héros

2022-02-10 03:25:32


2022-02-10 03:25:43

il a aucune arme , pourquoi avoir tiré?

2022-02-10 03:25:59

Il avait une arme les descos.

Just after 5:50 p.m. Officers Longworth and Edmunds were flagged down by Walmart security and responded to a different area of the parking lot to investigate the information they received from the security personnel. The security guard pointed them in the direction of Raney who was seated in the grass with a backpack in front of him and his right hand concealed inside the backpack. Both officers gave verbal commands to Raney to show them his hands. Raney did not comply and removed the firearm from the bag while keeping it partially concealed.

The officers continued to command Raney to drop the firearm. Raney then began to raise the firearm up in the direction of the officers. Officer Edmunds and Officer Longworth discharged their service weapons. The officers secured Raney's firearm. Arriving officers began life-saving efforts. Raney was transported to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased around 6:30 p.m.

2022-02-10 03:26:45

Après la façon dont il semble cacher quelque chose sous sa veste laisse planer le doute, mais je vais pas continuer d'argumenter sur ce pays de malades mentaux.

2022-02-10 03:27:20

Il le protège de la covid et certains ici trouvent encore à redire

2022-02-10 03:27:27

Le 10 février 2022 à 03:25:59 :
Il avait une arme les descos.

Just after 5:50 p.m. Officers Longworth and Edmunds were flagged down by Walmart security and responded to a different area of the parking lot to investigate the information they received from the security personnel. The security guard pointed them in the direction of Raney who was seated in the grass with a backpack in front of him and his right hand concealed inside the backpack. Both officers gave verbal commands to Raney to show them his hands. Raney did not comply and removed the firearm from the bag while keeping it partially concealed.

The officers continued to command Raney to drop the firearm. Raney then began to raise the firearm up in the direction of the officers. Officer Edmunds and Officer Longworth discharged their service weapons. The officers secured Raney's firearm. Arriving officers began life-saving efforts. Raney was transported to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased around 6:30 p.m.

N'importe quoi, il a juste son coude en l'air pour tousser dedans :(

2022-02-10 03:28:21

sûrement un novax mort comptabilisé comme « Mort COVID »

il aurait mieux fait de se faire vax il serait vivant

2022-02-10 03:28:41

Le mec avait une arme et s'amusait a la braquer sur des randoms

Naturlich and without conservateurs

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