2021-11-28 19:55:41

Les mots déformés : Bourgerent, Hambanrger, Macdounaldhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les terminaisons en -ent : Saucent, Fritent, t kient ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les expressions foromesquent : ok le golem, ataraxie sur ta personne, paz sur ton etre vivant, pnj, bot, french dreamerhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les phrases écritent en franglais, les monostickers suivient d'un -ent, les monosmileys, les expressions de kj, les stickers qui ne ressemblent plus à rien et j'en passe putain...https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Ce forom détruit les neuronnes de n'importe quel être vivant

2021-11-28 19:56:26


2021-11-28 19:56:49

Je ne see absolutely pas ce que tu essaies de nous tell l'opax en depit de ent'SSShttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/47/2/1637660786-jesus-smartass-symetrique-elton-john-mepris-refle-ebloui.png

2021-11-28 19:57:08

Ton vocable/ 10 ?

2021-11-28 19:57:22

Oui, c'est un milieu très abrutissant.

2021-11-28 19:57:51

J'imagine toujours un mec qui ne connaît pas le forum et vient dessus pour une raison X, en essayant de déchiffrer ce qu'il est en train de lire

2021-11-28 19:57:58

quelqu'un connait l'opax ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/47/3/1637782450-zemmour.jpg

2021-11-28 19:58:01

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:55:41 :
Les mots déformés : Bourgerent, Hambanrger, Macdounaldhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les terminaisons en -ent : Saucent, Fritent, t kient ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les expressions foromesquent : ok le golem, ataraxie sur ta personne, paz sur ton etre vivant, pnj, bot, french dreamerhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Les phrases écritent en franglais, les monostickers suivient d'un -ent, les monosmileys, les expressions de kj, les stickers qui ne ressemblent plus à rien et j'en passe putain...https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

Ce forom détruit les neuronnes de n'importe quel être vivant

ta réacMERDE?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/17/1493241306-risichelou3.pngof the ent's <- perso

2021-11-28 19:58:52

Je valide les dires de l'auteur in despite of nonobstant's

2021-11-28 19:59:48

Pass on the poor intervention that you have just made, I would like to know to whom do I have the honor ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Your surname doesn't value any memories of any meeting, so customs in this situation indicate a presentation on your part.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

You can also dispel the mists of incomprehension that surround your logorrhea, in order to enlighten us on your intentions.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

If these last were to garner a few laughs among the crowd, I regret to establish that the task which was yours had as design only to order the quidams here present an appreciation of failure of their palpitating, consequently I have no other alternative than to make a request to you to escape the present place in order to restore peace to the plebs.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Peace and affection in your flesh, despitehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

2021-11-28 20:00:55

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:59:48 :
Pass on the poor intervention that you have just made, I would like to know to whom do I have the honor ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Your surname doesn't value any memories of any meeting, so customs in this situation indicate a presentation on your part.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

You can also dispel the mists of incomprehension that surround your logorrhea, in order to enlighten us on your intentions.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

If these last were to garner a few laughs among the crowd, I regret to establish that the task which was yours had as design only to order the quidams here present an appreciation of failure of their palpitating, consequently I have no other alternative than to make a request to you to escape the present place in order to restore peace to the plebs.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Peace and affection in your flesh, despitehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg


2021-11-28 20:02:40

"On en talk"
"French dreamer"
Que des mots étranger.

2021-11-28 20:03:25

Avant y'avais pas de stickers, je trouve ça drôle même si je sais pas les mettre :hap:

2021-11-28 20:04:36

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:57:22 :
Oui, c'est un milieu très abrutissant.

Possible, mais je me suis révélé dans certains domaines grâce à ce forumhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/44/7/1636243972-sante.png

2021-11-28 20:05:11


2021-11-28 20:13:41

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:59:48 :
Pass on the poor intervention that you have just made, I would like to know to whom do I have the honor ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Your surname doesn't value any memories of any meeting, so customs in this situation indicate a presentation on your part.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

You can also dispel the mists of incomprehension that surround your logorrhea, in order to enlighten us on your intentions.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

If these last were to garner a few laughs among the crowd, I regret to establish that the task which was yours had as design only to order the quidams here present an appreciation of failure of their palpitating, consequently I have no other alternative than to make a request to you to escape the present place in order to restore peace to the plebs.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Peace and affection in your flesh, despitehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg


2021-11-28 20:15:54

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 20:13:41 :

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:59:48 :
Pass on the poor intervention that you have just made, I would like to know to whom do I have the honor ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Your surname doesn't value any memories of any meeting, so customs in this situation indicate a presentation on your part.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

You can also dispel the mists of incomprehension that surround your logorrhea, in order to enlighten us on your intentions.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

If these last were to garner a few laughs among the crowd, I regret to establish that the task which was yours had as design only to order the quidams here present an appreciation of failure of their palpitating, consequently I have no other alternative than to make a request to you to escape the present place in order to restore peace to the plebs.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Peace and affection in your flesh, despitehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg



2021-11-28 20:22:03

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 20:15:54 :

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 20:13:41 :

Le 28 novembre 2021 à 19:59:48 :
Pass on the poor intervention that you have just made, I would like to know to whom do I have the honor ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Your surname doesn't value any memories of any meeting, so customs in this situation indicate a presentation on your part.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

You can also dispel the mists of incomprehension that surround your logorrhea, in order to enlighten us on your intentions.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

If these last were to garner a few laughs among the crowd, I regret to establish that the task which was yours had as design only to order the quidams here present an appreciation of failure of their palpitating, consequently I have no other alternative than to make a request to you to escape the present place in order to restore peace to the plebs.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg

Peace and affection in your flesh, despitehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/47/1/1605555022-842e0chf6411abp962.jpg




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