In Romania, in the period from 2002 to 2011 the total population surveyed decreased from 21 million and 680 thousand to 20 million and 121 thousand. A more in-depth analysis shows that in the decade of reference a numerical reduction was recorded in each ethnic group, the most serious among Romanians, passed from 19 million and 399 thousand to 16 million and 792 thousand, except among Romanis, increased by 535 thousand to 619 thousand.
According to Gheţău, if the gap between the fertility rates of Romanian women (1.2-1.3 children per woman) and Roma (3 children per woman) were to remain unchanged, by 2050 Romanis could represent 40% of the total population becoming the first ethnic group by 2060. In the same period, the Romanian population would face a serious ageing process that would lead them over 65 to represent 31% of Romanians as early as 2030.
A study by the National Institute of Economic Research and the DRC entitled “Declinul demografic si viitorul populatiei Romaniei” (Demographic decline and the future of the Romanian population) has come to similar conclusions: Romanian population will extinct due to the exodus, more than one million and 500 thousand expats in the period 1990-2007, and due to the strong gap in birth rates among the ethnic groups of the country, 25.1 born per 1000 Romanis, 17.8 born per 1000 Turkish, 16.9 born per 1000 Ukrainians, and only 10.2 born per 1000 Romanians.