Mon ban définitif sur League of Legends

2021-09-30 16:20:55

Game 1
Jiimbou: trash champion
Jiimbou: why
Jiimbou: would
Jiimbou: dyou smuite
Jiimbou: see
Jiimbou: yopure
Jiimbou: fuking
Jiimbou: retarded
Jiimbou: monster
Jiimbou: why
Jiimbou: wo0uld you smite it
Jiimbou: becouse you were fugking scared
Jiimbou: of it getting stealed by me
Jiimbou: you useless r
Jiimbou: learn how to play
Jiimbou: yuoure reported after this you disgusting animal
Jiimbou: you cant even flame
Jiimbou: shut the fuck up
Jiimbou: you have
Jiimbou: 20% winrate
Jiimbou: you cant carry shit
Jiimbou: you'r kda
Jiimbou: is a quarter
Jiimbou: of mine
Jiimbou: kek
Jiimbou: 100% winrate twitch
Jiimbou: 101
Jiimbou: cs midlaner
Jiimbou: delusional
Jiimbou: lmao
Jiimbou: you're so garbage
Jiimbou: you must be gold
Jiimbou: pretending to know how to play
Jiimbou: getting a new account
Jiimbou: and trying to be toxic
Jiimbou: but you cant even flame
Jiimbou: i have 8 perma on euw only
Jiimbou: i can teach you
Jiimbou: you should focus
Jiimbou: on sucking my dick
Jiimbou: instead
Jiimbou: nice retarded way to lose
Jiimbou: a big fight
Jiimbou: nida
Jiimbou: you legit
Jiimbou: are reported
Jiimbou: you running into me
Jiimbou: wqith naut ult
Jiimbou: disgusting
Jiimbou: learn how to carry
Jiimbou: i just want a team
Jiimbou: play in you'r elo then
Jiimbou: dont come here
Jiimbou: and complain
Jiimbou: you'r name is cringe
Jiimbou: this nida is cringe
Jiimbou: i cant carry
Jiimbou: people read you'r name
Jiimbou: and make you lose on purpose
Jiimbou: kek dude
Jiimbou: you're taling
Jiimbou: toi a 70% wr twitch
Jiimbou: that eats account
Jiimbou: one per month
Jiimbou: to gold
Jiimbou: and then sels them
Jiimbou: lmaos
Jiimbou: you have
Jiimbou: 20% winrate
Jiimbou: what are you talkin g about
Jiimbou: lmao
Jiimbou: lmao
Jiimbou: you should
Jiimbou: hang youself
Jiimbou: i wanted a reason
Jiimbou: to kill youself
Jiimbou: this is the reason
Jiimbou: im the message you were waiting
Jiimbou: who cares dude
Jiimbou: as i saed
Jiimbou: this is not my account
Jiimbou: and if you're smurfing
Jiimbou: you should know
Jiimbou: they cost 2 euros

Meritax ou pas ?

2021-09-30 16:21:54


2021-09-30 16:22:36

Je ne joue pas à lol.
Ça semble fair ou pas ?

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