2021-07-16 22:12:50
GUYS 👨! If i 👥 spin 💫 this fidget 🙅 spinner 💫, on 🔛 this amangas, for 5 🔳 seconds 🥈, you 👈 guys 👦 have to smashdat like 😄 butten. Yeah ✅ guys 👦🏼, Let's 🥺 do this. 3 🖱 2 🕝 1 🎄 go 🏃. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, BOOM 🌧💥 now you 👈 guys 👨 have to smashdat like 😄 button 🅱🔴! Wanna 🙈 join 👌 my free 💜 gift 🎁 cards 🃏 giveaway 🎉? Subscribe 💯 to my channel 📺📡, Like 💖 the video 📹🎥📽, and turn ↪ notifications 👀🧐 on 🔛. And finally 👆, tell 🗣 me on 🔛👧 the comment 🗣 section 😼👌💥 that you 👈 subscribed 💯. HEY 👋 N 🅱⭕❌ AND A SQUAD 💦 WELCOME 👋😊 BACK 🔙 TO ANOTHER 🔄 BRAND ™ NEW 👌 VIDEO 📹🎥📽 ANOTHER 🔄 DAY 🌞 ANOTHER 🔄 BANGER 💢. GUYS 👨, ON 🔛 TONIGHTS 🌚 VIDEO 📹 WE HAVE THE MOST INSANE 😵 VIDEO 📼 ARLIGHT GUYS 👨💦 BECAUSE I'M 💘 GONNA 🔥 BE DRINKING 🚱, the amangas potion 🍾 guys 👨🌈 look 👁👄🧔🏾 at this, i 👁 ordered 🛒 this potion 🧪👩🏿🔬 a few weeks 📅📆🚫 ago 😅⏰ and it just arrived 🎅 to me alright 👋 guys 👨. And look 👁 at this potion 🍾, like 💖 the color 🎨 looks 👁👀 really 💯 weird 😕 guys 👨. It's not blue 💙, it's like 😄, it's mixed 😂 of everything 💯 like 💖 you 👈 can see 👀 some shadows 😧👤😠 in it. Which is the scariest 👹 thing 📴 ever 😠 guys 👦, and there was this sticker 😩😭💦 on 🔛 it. That makes 🖕 even 🌃 look 👁 more scarier 👹, this is the amangas potion 🍾. If you 👉 drink 🍻🍸 this, you 👉 will turn 🔄 into the character 🔣 from amangas, alright 👋 guys 👨🏽 i 👁 have no 🚫 idea 💡🚨. But 🍑 we are gonna 🔥 try 😈 it out and see 👀 if this potion 🧪 actually 😳 works 💼, and we are gonna 🔥 be drinking 🍻🍸🍹 this potion 🧪👩🏿🔬 at 3AM 🕑 in the morning 🌅. It's the only time ⌚⏱⏰ that the potion 🧪👩🏿🔬 works 💼, alright 👋 guys 👨. FOR THOSE WHO DOESN'T KNOW 🤔 WHAT HAPPENS 💦🍆😍 AT 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 AM IN THE MORNING 🌞. 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 AM IS THE TIME ⏰ WHERE ALL 💯 THE EVIL 👿 SPIRITS 👻 COME 💦 TO EARTH 🌎 GUYS 👨. AND IT'S THERE TIME ⏰ TO DO ANYTHING 😯 THEY WANT 😋. THAT'S ✔ WHY 🤔, ONLY AT 3 ⭕ℹ🕘 AM THE POTIONS 🍾 WORK 🏢. So right ✔ now, i'm 👌 just gonna 🔥 be drinking 🍹 this potion 🧪, and see 👀 what is going 👉😎 to happen 😱. BOOM 💥, i 👁 might 🔍 turn ↪ into this. BUT 🍑 BEFORE 😂 THIS VIDEO 📹 STARTS 🆕 YOU 🆒👈 GUYS 🤖👨⁉ KNOW 🤔 WHAT TO DO. GO 🏃 DOWN ⬇ RIGHT 👌 NOW, SMASHDAT LIKE 😄 BUTTEN, SUBSCRIBE 💯 TO MY CHANNEL 📺 IF YOU 👉 ARE NEW 🆕 HERE, AND TURN 🔄 THE POST 🚩 NOTIFICATIONS 👀 ON 💦 TO BE A NOTIFICATION 👀 SQUAD 💦 GUYS 👨👩! But 🍑 before ⬅ this video 📼 starts 🆕, you 👉🌝 know 💭 what time 🕐 it is! *intense 💥 dabbing 🙍😝 with loud 🗣 NCS music 🎵*. ALRIGHT 😴 GUYS 👦 LET'S 🥺 JUST START 🆕 MESSING 🤼♂️ AROUND 🔃 LOOK 👀 AT THE TIME ⏰! LOOK 👀😦 AT THE TIME 🕐 GUYS 👦 3:09 AM IN THE MORINING RIGHT ✔ NOW. RIGHT 👌 OVER 🔁 HERE let's 🥺 just open 😃🇮🇹 it out right ✔ now. oh 😳 my god 🙏🏻 oh 🙀 my god 😇😈 this is gonna 👉 be scary 👹 guys 👨. Come 💦😩😏 on 🔛, oh 🙀 my god 😇 it doesn't open 😃 okay 👌. OH 😳 MY GOD 🙏🏾 THE POTION 🍾 IS OPEN 👐 RIGHT ✔ NOW! Ok 👌 perfect 💯 let's 🙆 smell 👃 it first 🥇. *sniff 👃* OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇, EEWWW. IT'S SMELLS 👃🏼 SO BAD 👎! I 👁 don't ❌ even 🌃 know 🤔 if i 👥 wanna 🙈 drink 🍹 it anymore 🔥 it smells 👃 so bad 👎. *sniff,sniff,sniff,sniff* EEWWW OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇✨ IT SMELL 👃 SO BAD 👎 GUYS 👨🏻! Come 💦 on 🔛 we just have to drink 🍻🍾🍸 it all 💯, come 💦 on 🔛. In 3,2,1 ❗ *Drinks 🍹*. AAAAHH 😣, OH 😳 MY GOD 😇 WE ACTUALLY 🚟🍆🤔 DRANK 🍸 IT! There's ✔ a bit 😢 more left ⬅ i 👁 have to finish 🏁 this bottle 🍾. *Drinks 🍹* Ok 👌 now the bottle 🍼 is empty 🗑. Oh 🤤🙀 my god 😇⛪💒 guys 👦. Ok 👌 now, where's 😾 the cap 🚫🧢 i 👁 need 😩 to put 😏 the cap 🔫 back 🔙 on 💦, okay 👌🏼, let's 🥺 just put 😏 the glass 👓 down ⬇ right 👌 now. This is it the bottle 🍼 is empty 🗑 and i 👁 actually 😳 drank 🍸, the potion 🧪, so i'm 💘 just gonna 🔥 put 😏 it down ⬇ here. ALRIGHT 👋 GUYS 👨🏽, all 💯 we have to do *phone 📱 rings 💍*. WAIT 🚏 WHAT IS THIS! WAIT 🚏 WHO IS THAT? THIS IS REALLY 😍 SCARY 😧😱❌ GUYS 👨🏽! Oh 🙀 my gosh 😱 should i 👁 answer 🤤 it it? It looks 👀 so scary 😱. Hello 😍👋? "Hello 👋🏼, hello 😍, hello 👋." Hey 👋 who is this? "it doesn't matter 😱. i'm 💘 calling 📞 from space 🚀 right ✔ now." Wait ⌚ you 👉 are calling 📲 me from space 🌌? How is that possible 🤔, why 🤔 are you 👈 calling 📞 me from space 🌌🌠? "I 👁 am the imposter 🤖." Wait ⌚ you 👈🏽 are the imposter 🤔🚫? OH 🙀 AMANGAS! WAIT 🚏 WHAT! HOW ARE YOU 👈 CALLING 📲 ME RIGHT ✔ NOW? "Did you 👈 get 🉐 the potion 🍾 i 👁 sent 😳 you 👈?" Yes 👍 i 👥 dide get 🉐, like 💖 i 👁 got 🍸 the potion 🍾. You 👈 sent 📤 it to me? "Yes 👍, i 👥 made 👉 that potion 🧪. The potion 🧪 was created 💯 in space 📡🔭🚀." THE POTION 🍾 WAS CREATED 🔨🎨 IN SPACE 🌌? AND IT WAS SENT 📤 TO ME? LIKE 👍✅ YOU 👈🏼 MEAN 😏 THIS BOTTLE 🍼 THAT I 👁 JUST GOT 🉐🅰, CAME 💦🍑 FROM SPACE 🌌? "It's a really 😍 powerful 💪 potion 🧪👩🏿🔬. It took 👫 us 👨 months 🗓 to make 🖕 it." Oh 🙀 my god 🙏 this took 👫 months 🗓 to make 💘? OK 👌🏻 wait ⌚, what is going 🏃 to happen 😱, Like 💖 i 👁 finished 🏁📵 the bottle 🍾 and drank 🍸 the whole 💦😍 thing 📴? "We don't ❌ know 🤔 yet 👇👀. You're the first 🥇 one ☝ to have the potion 🧪." Wait 😐⌚ what you 👈 mean 😏 you 👈 don't 🙅♂️❌ know 🤔? you 👈 made 👑 the potion 🍾! "And you're the first 🥇 one ☝ to get 🔟 it." Like 😄 nobody ❌ has ever 😠 drank 🍾🍸 this potion 🧪 i 👁 am the first 🥇 one 1️⃣ to do it? "Yes 👍 you 👉 are. By the way ↕ remember 💭, do not, get 🉐, scared 😱. Haaa." Okay 👌 i'm 💘 not scared 😱😰. "Good 👌, I 👁 am on 🔛 my way 💫 now." You're on 🔛 your 👉 way 💫 here now? "yes 👍, in case 💼 things 📴 go 🏃 wrong ❌." You 👈 don't 🙅♂️🚫 need 👉 to control 🎛🗼 me it's not gonna 👉 be that bad 👎. "We are almost 💦 there, Goodbye 👋🖐👀." Wait ⌚ i 👁 hear 👂 something 😅 outside 🚭! Ok 👌 ok 👌 i'm 💘 not gonna 👉 be scared ❌😖, goodbye 👋. That is really 💯 creepy 👹👴😖 guys 👦! And they said 💬 they are actually 🤔 on 💦 their way ↕ to my house 🏡🎅, in case 📋 anything 💰 goes 🏃🏽 wrong ❌! Like 👍 what can happen 😱❕❔ to... *faints 🚫* *exhales,exhales* What the! Wait 🚏 what is that? WHAT IS HAPPENING 🤔 TO MY FACE 😀? Wait ⌚ wha 😱 why ❓ i 👥 am i 👁 turning 👋🔄🤔 red 👹 and blue 🔵, and yellow 💛! WHAT IS HAPPENING 😱 RIGHT ✔ NOW? *faints 📷* Ohh 👄 *exhales,exhales* COME 🚌 ON 🔛, IT'S GETTING 🉐 WORSE 😫! I 👁 THINK 💭 I'M 👌 TURNING ↩ INTO AN IMPOSTER 🤔🚫! OH 🙀 MY GOD ✊🙏 I 👁 DON'T ❌ KNOW 🤔 HOW TO STOP 🛑 THIS! OH 😳 MY GOD 😇 THIS IS THE SCARIEST 👾😱 THING 📴... *faints 🚫* AHH 😃😈 *exhales,exhales* OH 🙀 MY GOD 👴🏿🙏🏿, WHAT IS THIS! YO 👋 THAT LOOKS 👀 SO SCARY 😱😰🤐 GUYS 👦! I 👁 THINK 💭 I'M 💘 TURNING 💃 INTO THE RED 👹 IMPOSTER 🤖! THIS IS SO SCARY 👹 LOOKING 👀 RIGHT 👌 NOW I 👁 DON'T ❌ KNOW 💭 HOW TO GO 🏃 BACK 🔙. I 👁 HAVE NO 🙅 IDEA 🤔💡 WHAT I 👁 CAN DO TO BE BACK 🔙. THERE IS NO 😣 WAY 💫 BACK ⬅ NOW! *faints 🚫* OH 🙀 *exhales,exhales* come 💦, wait 🚏, what else 😩 happened 👉? OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇, KNOW 💭🎓 I 👁 KNOW 🤔 I 👁 AM ACTUALLY 🤔 TURNING 🔄 INTO THE IMPOSTER 🤔🚫! WAIT 🚏⏰🗾 WHAT IS HAPPENING 😱 TO ME? WHAT, IS.... *faints 😱😲💤* OH 🙀🆗 MY GOD 🙏, I 👥 ACTUALLY 🤔 TURNED ↩ INTO AN AMANGAS! WOW 😮, WHAT IS HAPPENING 😱? WHY 🤔 AM I 👁 IN THE AIR 💨? OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇 GUYS 👨 THIS IS INSANE 😵 THIS IS ACTUALLY 🤔 FUN 😂🍺😃! OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇 BUT 🍑 THIS IS LIKE 💖 A NEW 👌 KIND 🙁 OF SCARY 😱😈🗡 RIGHT ✔ NOW! AND I 👁 DON'T 🚫 KNOW 💭 WHY ❓🤔 I 👁 SOUND 🔊 LIKE 🚟😄😨 THIS, I 👁 SOUND 👂 SO SCARY 😱😭 TOO! OH 😳😩 MY GOD 😇 GUYS 👨😇👍 THIS IS THE, WAIT 🚏 HOW DO I 👁 GO 🏃 BACK ⬅ I'M 👌 ACTUALLY 😳 LIKE 💖 PANICKING RIGHT 👌 NOW I'M 💘 GETTING 5️⃣🔟 SCARED 😱. I 👁🅰 DO WANT 😋 TO GO 🏃 BACK 🐩⬅ INTO BEING ME! I 👁☝🏻 WANT 😍 TO GO 👉 BACK 🔙 INTO BEING ME! Ohoh 🗣 *exhales,exhales,* OH 🙀 my god 🙏🍆💦! OH 🤤🙀 MY GOD 😇 I'M 💘 ACTUALLY 😳 BACK 🔙! I'M 💘 BACK ⬅ GUYS 🚹👦 IT'S ME! THAT WAS THE MOST INSANE 😵 THING 💰🕑 EVER 📆 THE POTION 🧪 DIDN'T LAST ♿ THAT LONG 8️⃣🍆💦! WHICH I'M 💘 REALLY 💯 HAPPY 😊 AND I'M 💘 BACK ⬅🈹 TO BEING HUMAN 👤 AGAIN ❌😬! OH 🙀 MY GOD 😇 THE POTION 🧪 ACTUALLY 😳 WORKED 🏢! ALRIGHT 👋 GUYS 👨😇👍, I 👁 GUESS 🤔 I'M 😂👌🅱 JUST GONNA 👉 BE ENDING 🔚 THE VIDEO 📹 RIGHT 👌 OVER 🔁 HERE ALRIGHT 👋 GUYS 👨. CAUSE 💋 THIS IS LIKE 💖 SO INSANE 😜! ALRIGHT 👋 GUYS 👦, GO 🏃🏻♀️ DOWN ⬇ RIGHT ✔ NOW SMASHDA LIKE 💖 BUTTEN, SUBSCRIBE 💯 TO MY CHANNEL 🌍📺 IF YOU 👈 ARE NEW 🆕, AND TURN 🔄 ON 🔛 POST 📝 NOTIFICATION 👀 TO BE A NOTIFICATION 😯 SQUAD 👥😍😂 GUYS 👨. AND I 👁 WILL SEE 👀 YOU 👈😡 GUYS 👨🏻, IN THE NEXT ➡, VIDEO 📹, PEACE ☮! *loud 🔊 NCS music 🎶*