As someone who doesnt frequent the francophone sphere that much

2021-06-20 11:49:20

Lets say a humble foreigner

I find french online extreme right accounts to have a humour typically to theirs, its off and easily risible mixed in with an edgyness propre à eux

I have no idea if it's the use of the French language or the particularities of how they present themselves

But it really makes you think of the "surrender" meme

I don't know why, it's all vague, couldn't tell you the connection

2021-06-20 11:51:48

Mind you it's more of an eloignée copy of it or rather just a feel that doesn't mean much

Few people these days can master what it means to have a truly French character based on what it was historically

2021-06-20 11:52:52

T ki ?

2021-06-20 11:55:06

No please i’m french

2021-06-20 12:08:41

In the end they're zoomers who couldn't get French culture right but still are connected to it like Portuguese language is connected to French language like Sardinian language is connected to Latin or more accurately like Maltese is connected to Italian language

2021-06-20 12:12:29

I want to be manhandled by an awkward Polish woman

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