Ces CHINOISES 10/10 donnent leur AVIS sur la TAILLE idéale de leur homme

2021-06-04 00:42:51

Cela va vous surprendre :ouch:

2021-06-04 00:43:23


2021-06-04 00:44:48

Putain même les chinoises me rejettent.

2021-06-04 00:45:22

ça reste des chinoises donc au premier blanc venu elles commencent à mouiller qu'il soit nain ou grandhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/22/3/1622589460-elijah-wood-rire.png

2021-06-04 00:46:45

Aya bah c'est pas en Chine qu'ils vont les trouverhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/43/5/1603447274-jesus-fondu-altieri.png

2021-06-04 00:47:08

Le 04 juin 2021 à 00:45:22 :
ça reste des chinoises donc au premier blanc venu elles commencent à mouiller qu'il soit nain ou grandhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/22/3/1622589460-elijah-wood-rire.png

2021-06-04 00:50:33

Les kheys en sueurhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/38/1474488554-jesus18.png


2021-06-04 00:55:04

Ayaa mêmes pour les Chinoise elles veulent des mec qui font 1m80 minimum les Nains en Sueur

2021-06-04 00:59:05

Le forum CHOQUE

2021-06-04 01:01:06

https://youtu.be/HLkXbZX-lYA?t=207 ce couple ce bg putain j'ai mit le timecodehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/24/4/1560455675-mbappe-manipule-par-le-sheitan.png
Meme en Chine la selection est brutalehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/24/4/1560455675-mbappe-manipule-par-le-sheitan.png

2021-06-04 01:05:37

Il la tient comme un chien en laisse

2021-06-04 01:10:17

il y a 2 semaines (modifié)
@Spanish Patriot You say that because you are a short incel that is insecure who are the only people that disagree lol. It makes no sense to be bothered by something that isn't negative about yourself yet here you are spouting literal incel and misogynist rhetoric on several vids and attacking people who disagree with you lmao.

No one else thinks that which is why most people are naturally attracted to it, why science backs it up and why it has always been a thing and always will be. You don't find every woman ever attractive even though you can't control the looks you were born with but you conveniently ignore that since you know you don't have an argument lol. Life isn't fair and you can't force people to find traits attractive just because you exist and they are out of your control. Again, literal human nature you fight against lol.

PS, femininity is anything a woman decides she wants to do. So having a problem with their heel requirement make you against femininity. You better be young because if you're even in your 20s then this is even sadder lol.


2021-06-04 01:38:09

Les chinoises sont plus grande que moi ahi

2021-06-04 01:41:12

Les chinois qui font tous 1m85-90 cette redpill ayaaaaaa

2021-06-04 01:42:41

1m70 < "No, that's ugly, i wanna stab him"

Elle fait 1m65, son gosse qui va être un peu plus grande qu'elle :ouch:

2021-06-04 01:57:16

[01:41:12] <Reduxi3>
Les chinois qui font tous 1m85-90 cette redpill ayaaaaaa

Violent, le fameux chinese dream alors que la plupart des kheys se feraient disqualifiés à cause de leur taille

2021-06-04 02:00:41

il y a 2 semaines
@Spanish Patriot You are fighting against instinct. Men like shorter, women like taller and average man is much taller than average woman in every country. It has always been that way and it's actually society that tries to push against that since even before it, it was not common for men to be with women taller than them. You can't force people to be attracted to things they don't like. Your insecurity will never change that.

Also, China's height statistic changes by region and age generation. Young people in the North are taller than White and Black people in certain parts the Americas and Europe. Similar with (South) Koreans.

If you're someone who's insecure about their height and thinks that Asia is a scapegoat then China and Korea are bad places to be unless you're in poor village areas but, a lot of you insecure people crying have high standards despite not being a high standard partner yourself so will complain if you get smaller less attractive girl from poorer neighborhood.

That's your equal and for many of you, it's not because of your height. It's because you are unattractive and also had bad personalities, no ambition and are insecure which are all things women hate. So even if you were tall, you wouldn't get or keep the women you want anyway.

Plenty of non wealthy men have attractive women and are short because they have amazing qualities plus, not all women think the same. Focus on women that actually don't mind or can overlook it in favor of you being a person she likes.


2021-06-04 02:01:16

[02:00:41] <OliverCuistre>
il y a 2 semaines
@Spanish Patriot You are fighting against instinct. Men like shorter, women like taller and average man is much taller than average woman in every country. It has always been that way and it's actually society that tries to push against that since even before it, it was not common for men to be with women taller than them. You can't force people to be attracted to things they don't like. Your insecurity will never change that.

Also, China's height statistic changes by region and age generation. Young people in the North are taller than White and Black people in certain parts the Americas and Europe. Similar with (South) Koreans.

If you're someone who's insecure about their height and thinks that Asia is a scapegoat then China and Korea are bad places to be unless you're in poor village areas but, a lot of you insecure people crying have high standards despite not being a high standard partner yourself so will complain if you get smaller less attractive girl from poorer neighborhood.

That's your equal and for many of you, it's not because of your height. It's because you are unattractive and also had bad personalities, no ambition and are insecure which are all things women hate. So even if you were tall, you wouldn't get or keep the women you want anyway.

Plenty of non wealthy men have attractive women and are short because they have amazing qualities plus, not all women think the same. Focus on women that actually don't mind or can overlook it in favor of you being a person she likes.


La violence bordel

2021-06-04 02:02:38

Il y en a au moins une qui a dit qu'elle était okay si le gars serait plus petit qu'ellehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/13/1490823233-img-0021.jpg

Rey Mysterio fait 1m68 après touthttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/13/1490823233-img-0021.jpg

2021-06-04 02:03:43


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