Le 22 mars 2021 à 03:47:39 Hellfire2 a écrit :
Le 22 mars 2021 à 03:42:24 Taturu3 a écrit :
Je comprends pas
+ Post avant arabistes et berberocentristes, des réponses objectives svp
"More numerous were the Berbers who joined the Arab command in North Africa and constituted the bulk of the invasion force. Despite the withdrawal of substantial numbers during the drought and famine of the 750's, fresh Berber migration from North Africa was a constant feature of Andalusi history, increasing in tempo in the tenth century. Hispano- Romans who converted to Islam, numbering six or seven millions, comprised the majority of the population and also occupied the lowest rungs on the social ladder. Yet, through the system of clientage, substantial upward mobility was possible, especially among the Neo-Muslim elite."
berbères principalement. Génétiquement il n'y a quasi aucune influence arabe alors que l'influence berbère est bien présente.