AYAAAA le TIMES révèle que l'OMS est CORROMPUE

2021-08-14 21:18:50

ça y'est, la merde enfouie commence à ressortir par les petits trous :peur:

2021-08-14 21:19:49

According to the health agency’s official timeline of events, it first warned that the virus might be transmitted between people on January 14. It is certainly true that Maria Van Kerkhove, the American acting head of emerging diseases, acknowledged in a briefing that there might be some evidence of “limited human-to-human transmission, potentially among families”. But she was corrected by the WHO official Twitter account a few hours later: “Investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus.” A further five days would go by in which the WHO issued another denial about hospital staff in Wuhan contracting the virus.

Finally on January 19 the health agency’s regional office in the western Pacific announced clearly that the virus could pass between humans, albeit with the qualification that the transmission was “limited”.


Sachant que le 13 (donc la veille), il y avait également un cas déclaré en Thaïlande

2021-08-14 21:20:26

Comme d'habitude NOUS les complotistes avons 1 an d'avance sur la plèbe.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/30/3/1627499209-lekheyfidelehanchaud.png

On vous pardonne les golems.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/30/3/1627499209-lekheyfidelehanchaud.png

2021-08-14 21:21:19

Complotisttttttes :rire:

2021-08-14 21:22:09

Ça craque de partout mes frères, tenez-bon, ne cédez rien, ne vous vaccinez pas, bientôt le jour de la révélation enthttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/32/4/1628788243-faceapp-1628787815179.jpg

2021-08-14 21:22:29

Le 14 août 2021 à 19:56:36 :
L'OMS à 80% détenue par Bill Gates, corrompue ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/02/5/1610706605-3124-full.jpg



2021-08-14 21:22:58

For reasons that are unclear because of the secrecy of its meetings, the members of the emergency committee were split on what action to take after an update on the crisis was provided by the Chinese representative. The advice they gave Tedros was equivocal, and he decided to avoid taking the diplomatically fraught decision of imposing an international public health emergency on China.

In a press briefing on January 23 he reasoned that there was “an emergency in China ... but it has not yet become a global health emergency”, adding that he wished to thank the country’s government for its “co-operation and transparency”.

The protection of Beijing’s interests continued the following day when the health agency issued a statement reiterating that countries should not impose travel restrictions on China, even though the situation in Wuhan had become so dire that the city had imposed a full lockdown, then unprecedented in modern times. Yet the inaction by the health body sent a clear signal to the world that this new coronavirus might not be as serious as was feared.

C'est là qu'ils ont merdé surtout, non ? :(

2021-08-14 21:23:10

Le 14 août 2021 à 21:20:26 :

On vous pardonne les golems.https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/30/3/1627499209-lekheyfidelehanchaud.png

Non, à force on en a marre des golems.

2021-08-14 21:24:48

WHO !???

2021-08-14 21:24:54

Le 14 août 2021 à 20:04:16 :
Donc je me suis vacciné pour rien ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/15/3/1586339427-wupongo.jpg

c’est acté depuis le premier jour ayohttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/51/2/1607997474-ayaoo.png

2021-08-14 21:26:05

aucune surprise perso ça se voit comme le nez au mileu de la figure

2021-08-14 21:26:44

On dira à ces cucks qu'un pangolin à mangé la crotte d'une chauve souris malade et ça passera tout seulhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/28/2/1626200392-img-20210713-201921.jpg

2021-08-14 21:27:08

l oms qui force jusqu à reecrire la science el le medical, la definitin meme de l immunité ( la naturelle n existe plus, seul est possible le vax )

2021-08-14 21:27:15

Le 14 août 2021 à 21:26:44 :
On dira à ces cucks qu'un pangolin à mangé la crotte d'une chauve souris malade et ça passera tout seulhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/28/2/1626200392-img-20210713-201921.jpg


2021-08-14 21:27:15

La Chine ne fait même pas parti des 20 pays contribuant le plus à l'OMS :)


Les USA financent 10 fois plus l'OMS que la Chine (850 millions de dollars par an comparé à 80 millions) et c'est la Chine qui a l'OMS dans la poche? Mais bien sûr :)

2021-08-14 21:27:21

Professor Richard Ebright, of Rutgers University’s Waksman Institute of Microbiology in New Jersey, a fellow of the Infectious Disease Society of America, believes China’s influence over the WHO played “a decisive role” in the agency’s failure to act decisively at the start of the pandemic.

“Not only did it have a role; it has had a decisive role,” he said. “It was the only motivation. There was no scientific or medical or policy justification for the stance that the WHO took in January and February 2020. That was entirely premised on maintaining satisfactory ties to the Chinese government. So at every step of the way, the WHO promoted the position that was sought by the Chinese government ... the WHO actively resisted and obstructed efforts by other nations to implement effective border controls that could have limited the spread or even contained the spread of the outbreak.”

He added: “It is impossible for me to believe that the officials in Geneva, who were making those statements, believed those statements accorded with the facts that were available to them at the time the statements were made.

“It’s hard not to see that the direct origin of that is the support of the Chinese government for Tedros’s election as director-general ... This was a remarkably high return on [China’s] investment with the relatively small sums that were invested in supporting his election. It paid off on a grand scale for the Chinese government.”

David Fidler, a former WHO legal adviser, is scathing about Tedros’s “obsequious” praise for Xi and suspects that “the WHO knew China was not being transparent, particularly about information related to human-to-human transmission”. He added: “The praise that he heaped on China gave them no incentive to change their behaviour.”

Tedros finally declared an international public health emergency on January 30. By then the virus had been detected in 18 countries and was almost certainly lurking undetected in many others.

''''The WHO’s failure to act had blown the world’s only chance to contain the pandemic at source, Ebright believes. “Ironically, China’s success in curbing the spread and containing the spread by implementing appropriate border controls ... tells us that, had this been done globally, in January, this outbreak could have been potentially contained,” he said.


On aurait pu contenir l'épidémie mais les liens entre le directeur général de l'OMS et la Chine ont fait que l'on n'a pas fait les bons choix :ouch:

2021-08-14 21:28:24

Le 14 août 2021 à 20:22:38 :
j'en ai plein le cul de la chine.

c'est la chine qui est responsable du covid.

c'est la chine qui tue des gens en bonne santé pour faire du trafic d'organes

c'est la chine qui tue des ouighours car ces derniers sont musulmans.

la chine = crimes contre l'humanité en masse.

oui, la chine

2021-08-14 21:29:35

Le 14 août 2021 à 21:27:15 :
La Chine ne fait même pas parti des 20 pays contribuant le plus à l'OMS :)


Les USA financent 10 fois plus l'OMS que la Chine (850 millions de dollars par an comparé à 80 millions) et c'est la Chine qui a l'OMS dans la poche? Mais bien sûr :)

C'est pas l'OMS dans sa totalité mais surtout le directeur général de l'OMS si j'ai bien compris.

2021-08-14 21:32:39

Prochaine révélation pour les golems :

Les labos en charge du vaccin contre la covid ont privilégiés les intérêts économiques face à l’efficacité de ce dernier :)

2021-08-14 21:32:54


Coronavirus : comment la rhétorique complotiste détourne la science en période d’épidémie

Un classique du complotisme…

La référence aux études scientifiques est une figure rhétorique classique des théories conspirationnistes, explique Marie Peltier, historienne et autrice d’Obsessions : dans les coulisses du récit complotiste (Inculte, 2018).

Vous vous souvenez de l'ambiance ou on ne pouvait surtout pas ne serais-ce que suggérer le labo Wuhan?
On en est au même niveau avec le vaccin pour le moment.

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