😐🔮 [BORDEL] Les ZÊTAS qui arrivent pas Ă  ĂȘtre BILINGUE en ANGLAIS !

2021-10-31 01:34:14

Je commence :

I are very surprised because the accent of the vocaroo was so frenchy, goddamn :)

Alors ? Pas mal hein ? :)

2021-10-31 01:34:21

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:29:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:27:18 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:26:04 :
Bon sinon les jean-bilingue, ça dit quoi devant Euphues ? :)

There dwelt in Athens a young gentleman of great patrimony, and of so comely a personage that it was doubted whether he were more bound to Nature for the lineaments of his person or to Fortune for the increase of his possessions. But Nature, impatient of comparisons, and, as it were, disdaining a companion or copartner in her working, added to this comeliness of his body such a sharp capacity of mind that not only she proved Fortune counterfeit, but was half of that opinion that she herself was only current. This young gallant, of more wit than wealth, and yet of more wealth than wisdom, seeing himself inferior to none in pleasant conceits, thought himself superior to all in honest conditions, insomuch that he deemed himself so apt to all things that he gave himself almost to nothing but practicing of those things commonly which are incident to these sharp wits: fine phrases, smooth quipping, merry taunting, using jesting without mean, and abusing mirth without measure. As therefore the sweetest rose hath his prickle, the finest velvet his brack, the fairest flower his bran, so the sharpest wit hath his wanton will and the holiest head his wicked way. And true it is that some men write, and most men believe, that in all perfect shapes a blemish bringeth rather a liking every way to the eyes than a loathing any way to the mind.

On se sent bilingue ou pas ? :)

Le vocabulaire est simple, le problĂšme serait le mĂȘme en français : phrases interminables

Parce que tu n’as lu que la premiùre phrase :)

DĂ©finis : comeliness, mirth, prickle, bran, jesting, lineament :)

Comeliness c'est le fait d'ĂȘtre beau et attirant, mirth c'est la gaietĂ© je pense, pas sĂ»re pour l'Ă©poque. Prickle c'est une Ă©pine, un peu Ă©vident vu la phrase, bran c'est du son je pense, jesting c'est du commĂ©rage et lineament c'est la silhouette d'un paysage, donc en version imagĂ©e ce sont les contours de sa personnalitĂ© ici.

2021-10-31 01:34:21

Perso j'ai commencĂ© Ă  apprendre le Japonais et je compte Ă©galement apprendre le Chinois et peut ĂȘtre l'Allemand mĂȘme si c'est moins importanthttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/29/2/1626743678-oui.png

2021-10-31 01:34:34

L op tu peux pas ĂȘtre bilingue sachant que maĂźtriser l argot c est chaud

2021-10-31 01:34:39

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:32:43 :
Je vous propose de tous Ă©crire en anglais sur le topic Ă  partir de maintenant, on va bien rigoler :)

Why are you asking us to the most simple thing ever ? :rire:

2021-10-31 01:35:29

Le seul mot difficile dans ta liste ce serait bran, mais on peut le deviner quand on vit ou a vécu dans un pays anglophone et qu'on peut acheter des All Brans :noel:

2021-10-31 01:35:32

Je trouve que c'est un peu ça le problĂšme sur le forum, tu prends un mec qui sait rien il va venir pleurer "je suis un 0 tout ouin ouin", tu donnes Ă  ce mĂȘme gars des capacitĂ©s un minimum intĂ©ressante qu'il va venir faire le fier "alors les dĂ©biles ? :) on parle pas anglais ? :)" apprenez Ă  ĂȘtre humbles quand la vie vous fait grĂące

2021-10-31 01:35:39

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:14 :
Je commence :

I are very surprised because the accent of the vocaroo was so frenchy, goddamn :)

Alors ? Pas mal hein ? :)

You're kinda cringy not gonna liehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/17/7/1619981810-ahiiiiii.png

2021-10-31 01:36:41

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:21 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:29:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:27:18 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:26:04 :
Bon sinon les jean-bilingue, ça dit quoi devant Euphues ? :)

There dwelt in Athens a young gentleman of great patrimony, and of so comely a personage that it was doubted whether he were more bound to Nature for the lineaments of his person or to Fortune for the increase of his possessions. But Nature, impatient of comparisons, and, as it were, disdaining a companion or copartner in her working, added to this comeliness of his body such a sharp capacity of mind that not only she proved Fortune counterfeit, but was half of that opinion that she herself was only current. This young gallant, of more wit than wealth, and yet of more wealth than wisdom, seeing himself inferior to none in pleasant conceits, thought himself superior to all in honest conditions, insomuch that he deemed himself so apt to all things that he gave himself almost to nothing but practicing of those things commonly which are incident to these sharp wits: fine phrases, smooth quipping, merry taunting, using jesting without mean, and abusing mirth without measure. As therefore the sweetest rose hath his prickle, the finest velvet his brack, the fairest flower his bran, so the sharpest wit hath his wanton will and the holiest head his wicked way. And true it is that some men write, and most men believe, that in all perfect shapes a blemish bringeth rather a liking every way to the eyes than a loathing any way to the mind.

On se sent bilingue ou pas ? :)

Le vocabulaire est simple, le problĂšme serait le mĂȘme en français : phrases interminables

Parce que tu n’as lu que la premiùre phrase :)

DĂ©finis : comeliness, mirth, prickle, bran, jesting, lineament :)

Comeliness c'est le fait d'ĂȘtre beau et attirant, mirth c'est la gaietĂ© je pense, pas sĂ»re pour l'Ă©poque. Prickle c'est une Ă©pine, un peu Ă©vident vu la phrase, bran c'est du son je pense, jesting c'est du commĂ©rage et lineament c'est la silhouette d'un paysage, donc en version imagĂ©e ce sont les contours de sa personnalitĂ© ici.

It’s funny because having translated some Thackeray, Milton or Chaucer myself, I didn’t know what most of these words were before looking up. It looks like we have a very clever kheyette who just googled it issou :)

2021-10-31 01:36:44

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:35:32 RSACelestin a Ă©crit :
Je trouve que c'est un peu ça le problĂšme sur le forum, tu prends un mec qui sait rien il va venir pleurer "je suis un 0 tout ouin ouin", tu donnes Ă  ce mĂȘme gars des capacitĂ©s un minimum intĂ©ressante qu'il va venir faire le fier "alors les dĂ©biles ? :) on parle pas anglais ? :)" apprenez Ă  ĂȘtre humbles quand la vie vous fait grĂące

Voila c'est ca les mecs bandent sur un forum Ă  1h36 le week end

2021-10-31 01:36:47

Accent français quand je parle anglais histoire de faire mouillé les femmes>all

2021-10-31 01:37:49

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:36:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:21 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:29:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:27:18 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:26:04 :
Bon sinon les jean-bilingue, ça dit quoi devant Euphues ? :)

There dwelt in Athens a young gentleman of great patrimony, and of so comely a personage that it was doubted whether he were more bound to Nature for the lineaments of his person or to Fortune for the increase of his possessions. But Nature, impatient of comparisons, and, as it were, disdaining a companion or copartner in her working, added to this comeliness of his body such a sharp capacity of mind that not only she proved Fortune counterfeit, but was half of that opinion that she herself was only current. This young gallant, of more wit than wealth, and yet of more wealth than wisdom, seeing himself inferior to none in pleasant conceits, thought himself superior to all in honest conditions, insomuch that he deemed himself so apt to all things that he gave himself almost to nothing but practicing of those things commonly which are incident to these sharp wits: fine phrases, smooth quipping, merry taunting, using jesting without mean, and abusing mirth without measure. As therefore the sweetest rose hath his prickle, the finest velvet his brack, the fairest flower his bran, so the sharpest wit hath his wanton will and the holiest head his wicked way. And true it is that some men write, and most men believe, that in all perfect shapes a blemish bringeth rather a liking every way to the eyes than a loathing any way to the mind.

On se sent bilingue ou pas ? :)

Le vocabulaire est simple, le problĂšme serait le mĂȘme en français : phrases interminables

Parce que tu n’as lu que la premiùre phrase :)

DĂ©finis : comeliness, mirth, prickle, bran, jesting, lineament :)

Comeliness c'est le fait d'ĂȘtre beau et attirant, mirth c'est la gaietĂ© je pense, pas sĂ»re pour l'Ă©poque. Prickle c'est une Ă©pine, un peu Ă©vident vu la phrase, bran c'est du son je pense, jesting c'est du commĂ©rage et lineament c'est la silhouette d'un paysage, donc en version imagĂ©e ce sont les contours de sa personnalitĂ© ici.

It’s funny because having translated some Thackeray, Milton or Chaucer myself, I didn’t know what most of these words were before looking up. It looks like we have a very clever kheyette who just googled it issou :)

It looks like I've been reading old English books for at least 7 years now my khey.

2021-10-31 01:37:54

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:36:47 :
Accent français quand je parle anglais histoire de faire mouillé les femmes>all

C'est pas compliquĂ© de faire un accent frenchy en mĂȘme temps heinhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/17/7/1619981810-ahiiiiii.png

2021-10-31 01:37:57

Ce concours de teubs pour
 L’anglais :rire:

Parler anglais ce n’est pas quelque chose d’exceptionnel hein, faut arrĂȘter de voir ça comme une fiertĂ©. AprĂšs c’est la mĂ©diocritĂ© Ă  la française hein :hap:

2021-10-31 01:38:01

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:34 :
L op tu peux pas ĂȘtre bilingue sachant que maĂźtriser l argot c est chaud

That’s right m8 it’s so hard to speak the Londoner m8 watchadoin m8 ? :)

2021-10-31 01:39:34

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:37:57 :
Ce concours de teubs pour
 L’anglais :rire:

Parler anglais ce n’est pas quelque chose d’exceptionnel hein, faut arrĂȘter de voir ça comme une fiertĂ©. AprĂšs c’est la mĂ©diocritĂ© Ă  la française hein :hap:

Justement c'est toute ma reproche en faithttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/17/7/1619981810-ahiiiiii.png

Pour un français parler anglais ne devrait ĂȘtre rien d'exceptionnel pourtant nombreux sont ceux qui puent la merdehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/17/7/1619981810-ahiiiiii.png

PAZ sur toi le frenchy en dépit dehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/17/7/1619981810-ahiiiiii.png

2021-10-31 01:40:24

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:37:49 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:36:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:21 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:29:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:27:18 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:26:04 :
Bon sinon les jean-bilingue, ça dit quoi devant Euphues ? :)

There dwelt in Athens a young gentleman of great patrimony, and of so comely a personage that it was doubted whether he were more bound to Nature for the lineaments of his person or to Fortune for the increase of his possessions. But Nature, impatient of comparisons, and, as it were, disdaining a companion or copartner in her working, added to this comeliness of his body such a sharp capacity of mind that not only she proved Fortune counterfeit, but was half of that opinion that she herself was only current. This young gallant, of more wit than wealth, and yet of more wealth than wisdom, seeing himself inferior to none in pleasant conceits, thought himself superior to all in honest conditions, insomuch that he deemed himself so apt to all things that he gave himself almost to nothing but practicing of those things commonly which are incident to these sharp wits: fine phrases, smooth quipping, merry taunting, using jesting without mean, and abusing mirth without measure. As therefore the sweetest rose hath his prickle, the finest velvet his brack, the fairest flower his bran, so the sharpest wit hath his wanton will and the holiest head his wicked way. And true it is that some men write, and most men believe, that in all perfect shapes a blemish bringeth rather a liking every way to the eyes than a loathing any way to the mind.

On se sent bilingue ou pas ? :)

Le vocabulaire est simple, le problĂšme serait le mĂȘme en français : phrases interminables

Parce que tu n’as lu que la premiùre phrase :)

DĂ©finis : comeliness, mirth, prickle, bran, jesting, lineament :)

Comeliness c'est le fait d'ĂȘtre beau et attirant, mirth c'est la gaietĂ© je pense, pas sĂ»re pour l'Ă©poque. Prickle c'est une Ă©pine, un peu Ă©vident vu la phrase, bran c'est du son je pense, jesting c'est du commĂ©rage et lineament c'est la silhouette d'un paysage, donc en version imagĂ©e ce sont les contours de sa personnalitĂ© ici.

It’s funny because having translated some Thackeray, Milton or Chaucer myself, I didn’t know what most of these words were before looking up. It looks like we have a very clever kheyette who just googled it issou :)

It looks like I've been reading old English books for at least 7 years now my khey.

The thronged boughs of the shadowy sycamore
Still bear young leaflets half the summer through;
From when the robin ’gainst the unhidden blue
Perched dark, till now, deep in the leafy core,

The embowered throstle’s urgent wood-notes soar
Through summer silence. Still the leaves come new;
Yet never rosy-sheathed as those which drew
Their spiral tongues from spring-buds heretofore.

Within the branching shade of Reverie
Dreams even may spring till autumn; yet none be
Like woman’s budding day-dream spirit-fann’d.

Like tow’rd deep skies, not deeper than her look,
She dreams; till now on her forgotten book
Drops the forgotten blossom from her hand.


2021-10-31 01:40:38

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:38:01 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:34 :
L op tu peux pas ĂȘtre bilingue sachant que maĂźtriser l argot c est chaud

That’s right m8 it’s so hard to speak the Londoner m8 watchadoin m8 ? :)


Je pense plutÎt à ce genre de merveilles, c'est toujours plaisant de décrocher le téléphone et de tomber sur ça

2021-10-31 01:40:41

Le problÚme aussi c'est que les Français se moquent toujours des accents des autres c'est un truc typiquement français

c'est pour ça aussi que les gens ont du mal à le parler ou quand t'es en présence de Français ba tu force le trait de ton accent français .

chaque fois que tu vas parler anglais si t'es entouré de français y'en auras toujours un pour faire une remarque

rien de mieux pour apprendre oralement que d'esquiver les français .

2021-10-31 01:41:12

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:40:24 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:37:49 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:36:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:34:21 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:29:41 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:27:18 :

Le 31 octobre 2021 Ă  01:26:04 :
Bon sinon les jean-bilingue, ça dit quoi devant Euphues ? :)

There dwelt in Athens a young gentleman of great patrimony, and of so comely a personage that it was doubted whether he were more bound to Nature for the lineaments of his person or to Fortune for the increase of his possessions. But Nature, impatient of comparisons, and, as it were, disdaining a companion or copartner in her working, added to this comeliness of his body such a sharp capacity of mind that not only she proved Fortune counterfeit, but was half of that opinion that she herself was only current. This young gallant, of more wit than wealth, and yet of more wealth than wisdom, seeing himself inferior to none in pleasant conceits, thought himself superior to all in honest conditions, insomuch that he deemed himself so apt to all things that he gave himself almost to nothing but practicing of those things commonly which are incident to these sharp wits: fine phrases, smooth quipping, merry taunting, using jesting without mean, and abusing mirth without measure. As therefore the sweetest rose hath his prickle, the finest velvet his brack, the fairest flower his bran, so the sharpest wit hath his wanton will and the holiest head his wicked way. And true it is that some men write, and most men believe, that in all perfect shapes a blemish bringeth rather a liking every way to the eyes than a loathing any way to the mind.

On se sent bilingue ou pas ? :)

Le vocabulaire est simple, le problĂšme serait le mĂȘme en français : phrases interminables

Parce que tu n’as lu que la premiùre phrase :)

DĂ©finis : comeliness, mirth, prickle, bran, jesting, lineament :)

Comeliness c'est le fait d'ĂȘtre beau et attirant, mirth c'est la gaietĂ© je pense, pas sĂ»re pour l'Ă©poque. Prickle c'est une Ă©pine, un peu Ă©vident vu la phrase, bran c'est du son je pense, jesting c'est du commĂ©rage et lineament c'est la silhouette d'un paysage, donc en version imagĂ©e ce sont les contours de sa personnalitĂ© ici.

It’s funny because having translated some Thackeray, Milton or Chaucer myself, I didn’t know what most of these words were before looking up. It looks like we have a very clever kheyette who just googled it issou :)

It looks like I've been reading old English books for at least 7 years now my khey.

The thronged boughs of the shadowy sycamore
Still bear young leaflets half the summer through;
From when the robin ’gainst the unhidden blue
Perched dark, till now, deep in the leafy core,

The embowered throstle’s urgent wood-notes soar
Through summer silence. Still the leaves come new;
Yet never rosy-sheathed as those which drew
Their spiral tongues from spring-buds heretofore.

Within the branching shade of Reverie
Dreams even may spring till autumn; yet none be
Like woman’s budding day-dream spirit-fann’d.

Like tow’rd deep skies, not deeper than her look,
She dreams; till now on her forgotten book
Drops the forgotten blossom from her hand.


C'est bien mon khey

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