🛑[ALERTE MAXIMALE]🛑 Les vaccinés transmettent le variant Delta autant que les non vaccinés

2021-08-08 00:29:12

Le 08 août 2021 à 00:28:02 :
Evidemment BFMerde, C News et compagnie vont pas relayer cette information...

Collabos à la solde du gvrnt et Big Pharmahttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/22/1496491923-jesusperplex2.png

2021-08-08 00:29:46

Ayaaaa le gouvernement qui sue a l'idée de reconnaître que le pass sanitaire va foirer

2021-08-08 00:34:48

Journal La Provence : Une femme met en demeure Pfizer suite à sa thrombose cérébrale


2021-08-08 00:36:24

Le 08 août 2021 à 00:34:48 :
Journal La Provence : Une femme met en demeure Pfizer suite à sa thrombose cérébrale



2021-08-08 00:36:44

L'article dit lui même que la vaccination reste un bonne chose, mais je comprends que l'anglais c'est dur à lire

2021-08-08 00:37:20

Mathilde (Vaccinée au Pfizer)

1 mois... 1 mois de douleurs, 1 mois d’incompréhension. 1 mois et 4 jours que j’ai reçu la dose de Pzifer. 1 mois d’incohérence, de doute sur ce qu’il m’arrive : radiculite vaccinale, maladie auto-immune… cela fait 1 mois que je ne peux plus marcher sans béquille, que j’ai des pertes d’équilibre, que je ne peux pas poser le talon du pied gauche au sol et que le handicap devient de plus en plus lourd et fatiguant... Je me suis levée un matin en ayant perdu ma motricité, je me demande aujourd’hui si j’arriverai a remarcher normalement. Une première hospitalisation de 9 jours, des tas de traitements, morphines, corticoïdes, immunoglobulines, antiépileptiques, neuroleptiques et tant d’autres ... des tas d’examens dont IRM scanner et ponction lombaire. Je suis ressortie en ayant l’impression d’aller mieux et j’y suis finalement retourné une semaine après... on a retenté plusieurs traitements, qui échouent les uns après les autres. La douleur devenant de moins en moins supportable Les recherchent continuent ... Si vous connaissez autour de vous quelqu’un dans mon cas, merci de me contacter. Les médecins sont comme moi : démunis et dans l’incompréhension totale. On ne sait ni comment ni quand sera soignée la radiculite post vaccinale que j’ai. #maladie #permissiondesortie #hospitalisation #vaccin

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQtVL_yB_EI/

2021-08-08 00:40:04

Maddy (Vaccinée au Pfizer)

First I want to preface this post by saying this not an anti vax post.
This is a we need all the risks known post. This is a “the side affects are real post” this is a we are asking …no we are begging for help post. This set of videos are from recent Emergency Room Visit. She’s is not still in hospital.

My fun and bubbly 21 year old daughter has had her life flip upside down on her in a matter of a few months. Maddy was/is a frontline worker at a hospital during pandemic

Maddy received the 2nd dose of the last Pfizer vaccine the end of February. Ever since then she has been suffering from adverse effects. In April symptoms became strong enough to begin seeking medical help.

Maddys symptoms: full body numbness, random paralysis of her toes, ankles, and knees, full body tremors, loss of all muscle strength in all limbs, loss of motor skills almost entirely, muscle spasms, breathing issues, and more.

Once we got the ball rolling doctors thought it was a stroke, MS, Brain tumor, or autoimmune diseases. She has gone through a 2 nerve studies, a cat scan, an emg , an ekg, 8 mris, a spinal tap, blood panels on blood panels, 46+ blood tests, and more. Maddy has been cleared of any chance of the 11 rheumatoid autoimmune disease she was flagged for which is a blessing. On paper and in her labs her health seem picture perfect, but that is not the case since she is suffering daily!

This is a video from a couple nights ago The symptoms shifted and are now on both sides of her body. Each tremor is painful.

I should add. The tremors are not always this bad. They seem to be much worse at night

July 6: She Also has a new symptom where her fingertips feel like she has slivers of glass in them whenever she touches something

July 8: severe pain in throat upper abdomen and chest. July 9: swallowing is a chore and is level 9-10 pain. We have video back up July 11: severe joint pain and change in tremors in hands. The don’t have as much pain but are much more spasmodic. Also abdominal muscles are spasmodic.

Anyone else having similar symptoms. Please share. Any nuggets of info or insight might help us.
More of her story here:

Source : https://www.instagram.com/p/CRMwIsIjews/

2021-08-08 00:40:49

Changez rien les Golemshttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/31/6/1628341990-philippot-nuclear-bomb-vacance.png

2021-08-08 00:41:39

Georgia (Vaccinée au Pfizer)

Can I just take a moment to say what a hero of a man I have. ⁣

Since the 29th June after my 2nd Pfizer jab he has literally been picking me up off the floor from daily episodes of fainting. Since Saturday, he has literally been holding me up as I have gradually lost the use of my legs. ⁣

He’s shouted at doctors and done everything he can to help me and remain by my side. ⁣

He’s laughed at me and taken the piss to keep a light shining and kept his sense of humour to keep mine alive.⁣

He’s wiped my tears while holding me up and telling me all is going to be ok. ⁣

Light is at the end of the tunnel, I just don’t know how long my tunnel is yet. ⁣

Further investigations tomorrow with a lumbar puncture and yet ANOTHER MRI of my spine. ⁣

If they are clear, it’s diagnosed as FND - Functional Neurological Disorder. ⁣

I need physio to learn to walk again, regain my muscle strength and co-ordination. In the meantime I’ve zimmer the Zimmer frame and Luke holding me up! ⁣

Is it a side effect of the Pfizer vaccine… Yep. ⁣

So please, make your own choices and do not be pressured to put something in your system that is STILL in clinical trials. ⁣

Thank you ALL for the messages I’ve received. I really just want to get the message out there that these symptoms are NOT a conspiracy. The evidence is there. ⁣

Make your own call! 🙏🏽✨💕

Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXDWNlBJkR/

2021-08-08 00:44:11

Dominique (Vaccin Covid19, marque non précisée)

March 18th, 2021 is the day that I made a decision that flipped my entire world upside down.

I’ve been EXTREMELY quiet about this decision and the adverse effects that it has caused me simply because I didn’t want to scare anyone out of making their own decision on receiving the vax..

With all this being said, I made the decision to get my vax before I left Las Vegas to move back to my home state of North Carolina because I wanted to play it safe and make sure those around me weren’t in harms way. I also do have underlying autoimmune issues which I have openly talked about for a while now.

I’m not ashamed of why I received the vax because I know my heart was in a good place and my intentions were pure..and yet here I am struggling with adverse side effects from this life changing decision.

Doctors have been pretty lost on what exactly is going on..running multiple tests, medical imaging and neurological exams coming back with no answers..

Here’s just a glimpse of what I’ve been dealing with-

Symptoms that come and go:
Difficulty walking and weakness within the legs
Dull aching & sharp shooting pains within the legs
Heart palpitations
Lack of sensation throughout the body
Cold sensation in the legs
Pain behind the eyes
Tremor in right hand

Symptoms that are 24/7:
Short term memory loss
Trouble forming sentences
Feeling out of body
Depth perception is off
Visual Changes
Severe brain fog

I am not sharing this post to scare anyone out of making their own decision, however I do believe that people must know exactly what the risks are. These stories shouldn’t be so hidden on social media platforms or the news and I’m done being so quiet about this..

If there is anyone out there that is experiencing something similar don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. Please share!!! I can use all the insight and help I can get right now..

Source : https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbw8NEsOc6/

2021-08-08 00:44:45

quelle surprise les khey chercheur de vérité qui disait ca en décembre avant tout le monde que on traiter de fou :rire:

2021-08-08 00:46:30

Le 07 août 2021 à 23:45:53 :
Utilité du passe sanitaire du coup?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/26/6/1625315492-risichauvehanlekheyfidelemainb.png

2021-08-08 00:47:02


2021-08-08 00:50:08

Le 07 août 2021 à 23:44:40 :
Bientôt le variant colombien arrive


2021-08-08 00:55:23


2021-08-12 06:46:28

Du coup quelles solutions les golems pro vaxs puisque l'immunité est impossible?

2021-08-12 06:55:16

Le 07 août 2021 à 23:44:20 :
Les antivax vont quand même devoir se vacciner donc ils sont aussi baisés


2021-08-12 06:57:51

Le 12 août 2021 à 06:46:28 :
Du coup quelles solutions les golems pro vaxs puisque l'immunité est impossible?

Vacciner les personnes à risque, il en reste 4 millions.

Laisser vivre les autres.

2021-08-12 07:00:12

Une prédiction pour le monsieur svp ?


2021-08-12 07:00:27

Et oui c'est officiellement confirmé l'immunité vaccinale est impossible avec le variant DELTA :)
En tout cas pas avec les vaccins actuels :)

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