Feminism cannot survive. Like Saturn devouring his children, it will turn on itself. To understand why, we need to go back to the history of feminism as an ideology.
Feminism's central tenet was to achieve equality for men and women. It first focused on equal rights, with the sufragette movement that emerged in Edwardian Britain and from there on took root in the United States. Once those rights had been secured, the movement focused on securing equal economic opportunities -- and, with the two world wars, women indeed started to massively join the workforce to support the war effort. Finally, a third wave of feminism emerged during the sexual revolution of the 1960s, demanding not just equal rights, but better access to contraception and legalization of abortion. Through various means, either legislative or through judicial interpretation, those were granted accross the developed world in the 1970s.
As such, feminism in the developed world has achieved all its political and social goals. Women are equal under the law. Studies shows salaries for men and women are equal for a given job (a comprehensive study by a leading UK headhunting firm showed only a 5% difference, which falls within the error margin). Woman actually perform better at school and are at less risk to experience social isolation. And, naturally, contraception is widespread and abortion legal.
After achieving all its goals, what is then left for feminism? It could focus on securing women's right in developed countries, especially in the islamic world. Barbaric practices such as excision are commonplace in Subsaharan Africa for instance. However, the feminist movement, in search for allies, has merged with the racialist and communautarist views of the New Left. Figthing against islamic or African countries, or, worst of all, both, would not play well with "intersectionnality" narrative, where all races and creed are united against white males.
So, instead of fighting for human rights, feminism is left confined to the western world, where its raison d'être has disappeared. Nowdays, it can only turn to mysandry. A well-publicitized, recently published book, "The Lesbian Genius" serves as a paroxistic example of how much the doctrine has devolved.
However, such an extreme position cannot be held for long -- and, aside from militant groups and the american or american-influenced media, few people adhere to such extremes. Humanity has been comprised of a roughly equal amount of men and women for most of its History. And those men and women usually found a modus vivendi that was not a pure expression of mutual hatred. Furthermore, the law of statistics makes it so that a non-zero proportion of women have or will have children and that there is a non-zero chance that at least one of those children might be -- the horror! -- a boy. From this perspective, it is not certain that women themselved might so readily adhere to the feminist creed that all men are made evil. Unless they are, like Medea, ready to destroy their own sons.