Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:51:12 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:50:04 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:49:36 :
Source de descoSource BBC le desco, apprends à lire
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/38/1474488555-jesus24.png Ta source n'est pas la BBC le desco
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:01:14 :
" un hacker de GTA 6 a été hospitalisé pour une durée indéterminée "ils comprennent " perpétuité incompressible
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/31/7/1533483096-clairejuge.png "
C'est faux, ça ferait juste de la mauvaise pub à la Mafia Rockstar mais il a bien pris perpétuité
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:02:25 :
Complément disproportionné comme sanction
En quoi c'est disproportionné, as-tu lu l'article ?
C'est pas vraiment de la prison à vie, en vrai sauf si il est complétement taré, si j'ai bien compris il devrait pouvoir sortir
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:02:51 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:51:12 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:50:04 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:49:36 :
Source de descoSource BBC le desco, apprends à lire
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/38/1474488555-jesus24.png Ta source n'est pas la BBC le desco
Et certains vont soutenir Rockstar et acheter leur jeu de merde
Enfermer un gamin pour un peu de thune
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:02:51 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:51:12 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:50:04 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:49:36 :
Source de descoSource BBC le desco, apprends à lire
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/38/1474488555-jesus24.png Ta source n'est pas la BBC le desco
Ils n'ont pas attaqué que Rockstar
Beaucoup de mecs prennent des sanctions extrêmement sévère pour des histoires de hack en ce moment.
Notamment parce que les govs se chient dessus
The judge said Kurtaj's skills and desire to commit cyber-crime meant he remained a high risk to the public.
Je veux pas être complotiste, mais le juge doit surement se chier dessus quand il a vu titouan capable de leaker des données compromettant facilement
Ou alors c'est juste un sale boomer parasite, qui comme tous les juges modernes, n'agissent plus pour la justice, les faits, mais sur leur propre vision du monde de bourgeois malodorant
Ou bien le petit chèque/ parole des copains sur des grands groupes
Prison à vie pour ça
Les peine de tarés pour des gens randoms, une absence de peine pour les meurtriers
Ca va donner envie à énormément de type de se lancer dedans et de potentiel "hack blanc" retourneront leur veste
Par contre le "leur à couté 5 millions de dollar"
lol j'y crois absolument pas, ça doit être juste leur valo qui a baisser un peu sur quelques jours ce qui n'est absolument rien pour une boite comme take-two...
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:06:13 :
The judge said Kurtaj's skills and desire to commit cyber-crime meant he remained a high risk to the public.
Je veux pas être complotiste, mais le juge doit surement se chier dessus quand il a vu titouan capable de leaker des données compromettant facilement
Ou alors c'est juste un sale boomer parasite, qui comme tous les juges modernes, n'agissent plus pour la justice, les faits, mais sur leur propre vision du monde de bourgeois malodorant
Putain mais lisez l'article:
Another Lapsus$ member, who is 17 and cannot be named because of his age, was found guilty in the same trial, which lasted six weeks at Southwark Crown Court.
He worked with Kurtaj and other members of Lapsus$ to hack tech giant Nvidia and phone company BT/EE and steal data before demanding a four million dollar ransom, which was not paid.
They also stole directly from individuals through their cryptocurrency wallets.
The 17-year-old was sentenced to an 18 month long Youth Rehabilitation Order, including intense supervision and a ban on using VPNs online.
As well as hacking offences the boy was sentenced for what the judge described as "unpleasant and frightening pattern of stalking and harassment" of two young women.
Kurtaj and the 17-year-old are the first members of the Lapsus$ group to be convicted but it is thought others are still at large.
The gang's audacious attacks in 2021 and 2022 shocked the cyber-security world. The group from the UK, and allegedly Brazil, was described in court as "digital bandits".
The gang - thought to mostly be teenagers - used con-man like tricks as well as computer hacking to gain access to multinational corporations such as Microsoft, the technology giant and digital banking group Revolut.
During their spree, the hackers regularly celebrated their crimes publicly and taunted victims on the social network app Telegram in English and Portuguese.
It prompted US cyber-authorities to issue a lengthy report into Lapsus$ and other teen hacker gangs.
It concluded that Lapsus$ "made clear just how easy it was for its members (juveniles, in some instances) to infiltrate well-defended organisations".
It is not clear how much money Lapsus$ has made from its cyber-crimes. No companies publicly admitted paying the hackers and the hackers did not provide the passwords to seized cryptocurrency wallets.
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:54:21 :
Kurtaj leaked 90 videos of GTA VI gameplay footage last September while out on bail for hacking Nvidia and British telecom provider BT / EE. Although he stayed at a hotel under police protection during this time, Kurtaj still managed to carry out an attack on Rockstar Games by using the room’s included Amazon Fire Stick and a “newly purchased smart phone, keyboard and mouse,” according to a separate BBC report. Kurtaj was arrested for the final time following the incident.ahi si nofake voilà le chad
Quel énorme gâchis ce serait de balancer un tel talent dans une cellule de prison
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:09:16 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 20:54:21 :
Kurtaj leaked 90 videos of GTA VI gameplay footage last September while out on bail for hacking Nvidia and British telecom provider BT / EE. Although he stayed at a hotel under police protection during this time, Kurtaj still managed to carry out an attack on Rockstar Games by using the room’s included Amazon Fire Stick and a “newly purchased smart phone, keyboard and mouse,” according to a separate BBC report. Kurtaj was arrested for the final time following the incident.ahi si nofake voilà le chad
Quel énorme gâchis ce serait de balancer un tel talent dans une cellule de prison
Il y en à la pelle des talents comme ça, si le mec est instable psychologiquement alors c'est dead
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:07:35 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:06:13 :
The judge said Kurtaj's skills and desire to commit cyber-crime meant he remained a high risk to the public.
Je veux pas être complotiste, mais le juge doit surement se chier dessus quand il a vu titouan capable de leaker des données compromettant facilement
Ou alors c'est juste un sale boomer parasite, qui comme tous les juges modernes, n'agissent plus pour la justice, les faits, mais sur leur propre vision du monde de bourgeois malodorant
Putain mais lisez l'article:
Another Lapsus$ member, who is 17 and cannot be named because of his age, was found guilty in the same trial, which lasted six weeks at Southwark Crown Court.
He worked with Kurtaj and other members of Lapsus$ to hack tech giant Nvidia and phone company BT/EE and steal data before demanding a four million dollar ransom, which was not paid.
They also stole directly from individuals through their cryptocurrency wallets.
The 17-year-old was sentenced to an 18 month long Youth Rehabilitation Order, including intense supervision and a ban on using VPNs online.
As well as hacking offences the boy was sentenced for what the judge described as "unpleasant and frightening pattern of stalking and harassment" of two young women.
Kurtaj and the 17-year-old are the first members of the Lapsus$ group to be convicted but it is thought others are still at large.
The gang's audacious attacks in 2021 and 2022 shocked the cyber-security world. The group from the UK, and allegedly Brazil, was described in court as "digital bandits".
The gang - thought to mostly be teenagers - used con-man like tricks as well as computer hacking to gain access to multinational corporations such as Microsoft, the technology giant and digital banking group Revolut.
During their spree, the hackers regularly celebrated their crimes publicly and taunted victims on the social network app Telegram in English and Portuguese.
It prompted US cyber-authorities to issue a lengthy report into Lapsus$ and other teen hacker gangs.
It concluded that Lapsus$ "made clear just how easy it was for its members (juveniles, in some instances) to infiltrate well-defended organisations".
It is not clear how much money Lapsus$ has made from its cyber-crimes. No companies publicly admitted paying the hackers and the hackers did not provide the passwords to seized cryptocurrency wallets.
Bah oui c'est toujours disproportionné le toutou
La justice ce n'est pas " mettre une peine random à un individu", la justice c'est de mettre une peine adaptée sur des faits en cohérence avec les autres peines mise dans la norme. C'est ça la justice branlotin.
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:11:25 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:07:35 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:06:13 :
The judge said Kurtaj's skills and desire to commit cyber-crime meant he remained a high risk to the public.
Je veux pas être complotiste, mais le juge doit surement se chier dessus quand il a vu titouan capable de leaker des données compromettant facilement
Ou alors c'est juste un sale boomer parasite, qui comme tous les juges modernes, n'agissent plus pour la justice, les faits, mais sur leur propre vision du monde de bourgeois malodorant
Putain mais lisez l'article:
Another Lapsus$ member, who is 17 and cannot be named because of his age, was found guilty in the same trial, which lasted six weeks at Southwark Crown Court.
He worked with Kurtaj and other members of Lapsus$ to hack tech giant Nvidia and phone company BT/EE and steal data before demanding a four million dollar ransom, which was not paid.
They also stole directly from individuals through their cryptocurrency wallets.
The 17-year-old was sentenced to an 18 month long Youth Rehabilitation Order, including intense supervision and a ban on using VPNs online.
As well as hacking offences the boy was sentenced for what the judge described as "unpleasant and frightening pattern of stalking and harassment" of two young women.
Kurtaj and the 17-year-old are the first members of the Lapsus$ group to be convicted but it is thought others are still at large.
The gang's audacious attacks in 2021 and 2022 shocked the cyber-security world. The group from the UK, and allegedly Brazil, was described in court as "digital bandits".
The gang - thought to mostly be teenagers - used con-man like tricks as well as computer hacking to gain access to multinational corporations such as Microsoft, the technology giant and digital banking group Revolut.
During their spree, the hackers regularly celebrated their crimes publicly and taunted victims on the social network app Telegram in English and Portuguese.
It prompted US cyber-authorities to issue a lengthy report into Lapsus$ and other teen hacker gangs.
It concluded that Lapsus$ "made clear just how easy it was for its members (juveniles, in some instances) to infiltrate well-defended organisations".
It is not clear how much money Lapsus$ has made from its cyber-crimes. No companies publicly admitted paying the hackers and the hackers did not provide the passwords to seized cryptocurrency wallets.
Bah oui c'est toujours disproportionné le toutou
La justice ce n'est pas " mettre une peine random à un individu", la justice c'est de mettre une peine adaptée sur des faits en cohérence avec les autres peines mise dans la norme. C'est ça la justice branlotin.
Tu prends toujours super cher, de manière disproportionné quand tu touches au grisbi des banques
Azy chiale parce que tu sais pas lire l'anglais
J'ai pour preuves des condamnations infinis faibles voir inexistant pour des personnes prenant plaisir à chasser des gens, via le numérique et IRL, au quotidien, bien plus hardcore que ce qu'on peut voir ici. La différence entre eux et les types ici, c'est leur impact sur des groupes privés
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:12:32 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:11:25 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:07:35 :
Le 21 décembre 2023 à 21:06:13 :
The judge said Kurtaj's skills and desire to commit cyber-crime meant he remained a high risk to the public.
Je veux pas être complotiste, mais le juge doit surement se chier dessus quand il a vu titouan capable de leaker des données compromettant facilement
Ou alors c'est juste un sale boomer parasite, qui comme tous les juges modernes, n'agissent plus pour la justice, les faits, mais sur leur propre vision du monde de bourgeois malodorant
Putain mais lisez l'article:
Another Lapsus$ member, who is 17 and cannot be named because of his age, was found guilty in the same trial, which lasted six weeks at Southwark Crown Court.
He worked with Kurtaj and other members of Lapsus$ to hack tech giant Nvidia and phone company BT/EE and steal data before demanding a four million dollar ransom, which was not paid.
They also stole directly from individuals through their cryptocurrency wallets.
The 17-year-old was sentenced to an 18 month long Youth Rehabilitation Order, including intense supervision and a ban on using VPNs online.
As well as hacking offences the boy was sentenced for what the judge described as "unpleasant and frightening pattern of stalking and harassment" of two young women.
Kurtaj and the 17-year-old are the first members of the Lapsus$ group to be convicted but it is thought others are still at large.
The gang's audacious attacks in 2021 and 2022 shocked the cyber-security world. The group from the UK, and allegedly Brazil, was described in court as "digital bandits".
The gang - thought to mostly be teenagers - used con-man like tricks as well as computer hacking to gain access to multinational corporations such as Microsoft, the technology giant and digital banking group Revolut.
During their spree, the hackers regularly celebrated their crimes publicly and taunted victims on the social network app Telegram in English and Portuguese.
It prompted US cyber-authorities to issue a lengthy report into Lapsus$ and other teen hacker gangs.
It concluded that Lapsus$ "made clear just how easy it was for its members (juveniles, in some instances) to infiltrate well-defended organisations".
It is not clear how much money Lapsus$ has made from its cyber-crimes. No companies publicly admitted paying the hackers and the hackers did not provide the passwords to seized cryptocurrency wallets.
Bah oui c'est toujours disproportionné le toutou
La justice ce n'est pas " mettre une peine random à un individu", la justice c'est de mettre une peine adaptée sur des faits en cohérence avec les autres peines mise dans la norme. C'est ça la justice branlotin.
Tu prends toujours super cher, de manière disproportionné quand tu touches au grisbi des banques
Azy chiale parce que tu sais pas lire l'anglaishttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2022/42/1/1665991692-cheval-ahuri2.png
C'est bien ce que je dis, ce n'est pas justice, c'est défendre des intérêt privé en utilisant le soit disant "bien commun" quand des individus problématiques seul ou en groupe menaçant et quotidiennement la vie public, les habitant, la population random, sont libéré rapidement/ pas poursuivi/après des années de procédure.