Poutine et Medvedev vont dans un restaurant haut de gamme

2021-08-13 00:18:45

Un soviétique se met à critiquer publiquement Staline. Un soldat vient le voir et lui dit :

- Tu vas parler sur un autre ton !

- Quel ton ?

- Le peloton d'exécution.

2021-08-13 00:20:41

On dit que beaucoup ont été étonnés des suicides dans l'entourage de Staline. Imagine comment EUX étaient étonnés !

2021-08-13 00:20:44

Khrouchtchev et Kennedy font une course. Kennedy gagne, c’est normal, il est plus jeune.
Les médias soviétiques diffusent l’information : « Khrouchtchev brillant deuxième, Kennedy avant-dernier. »

2021-08-13 00:21:36

Quel était le plus grand magicien de l'URSS ?

Staline, car il pouvait faire disparaître des amis sans même les toucher

2021-08-13 00:23:46

Le 12 août 2021 à 23:58:18 :
An American,Englishman and a Russian applied to be CIA agents. They go through every single test and pass with flying colors. For their final test they are given a pistol and led inside a room with their wife tied to a chair and they have to kill her. The american goes into the room and comes out 5 minutes later.

-"I couldn't do it,I'm sorry." He says and gives the gun to his superiors.

The Englishman walks in,comes out 10 minutes later.
-"I couldn't do it." He says,giving the gun to his superiors

The Russian walks in the room and several shots can be heard. Followed by screaming,crashing,breaking. He walks out 10 minutes later,sweating. He says:

"You fuckers gave me a prop gun,I had to finish her with the chair!"

Excellente celle-là. :rire:

2021-08-13 00:26:19

Le 12 août 2021 à 23:49:40 :
Ahiiii c'est vilain

2021-08-13 00:27:00

Qu’est-ce qu’un sandwich soviétique ?
Un ticket de jambon entre deux tickets de pain.

2021-08-13 00:28:19

Savez vous pourquoi le soviétique est triste ?

Car il n'a pas riz

2021-08-13 00:29:17

Le 12 août 2021 à 23:58:18 :
An American,Englishman and a Russian applied to be CIA agents. They go through every single test and pass with flying colors. For their final test they are given a pistol and led inside a room with their wife tied to a chair and they have to kill her. The american goes into the room and comes out 5 minutes later.

-"I couldn't do it,I'm sorry." He says and gives the gun to his superiors.

The Englishman walks in,comes out 10 minutes later.
-"I couldn't do it." He says,giving the gun to his superiors

The Russian walks in the room and several shots can be heard. Followed by screaming,crashing,breaking. He walks out 10 minutes later,sweating. He says:

"You fuckers gave me a prop gun,I had to finish her with the chair!"

Ahiii elle est géniale celle-là :rire:

2021-08-13 00:30:58

J'ai hurlé a celles en anglais :noel:

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