L'homme sirop ce bilingue

2022-03-04 11:27:00

en vrai c'est l'un de ses echanges les plus normal sur un forum d'aide pc non ? :hap:

2022-03-04 11:28:18

le support qui ragequit : " Hi, Charly-Bruno-Jonathan, Francois500, Frow, BoucherDeFrance3, boucher de france 2, Chacutier de France 2, sast, and whatever you want to call yourself.

You keep ignoring my instructions, and it seems to me that you do this on purpose.

That's why I stop providing any further assistance, right now.

Good luck with your computers, your devices, Ivanita, Comodo shopping etc."

"Closing, as you apparently are not really looking for help. Providing help in this forum takes much effort and knowledge and we cannot waste time and effort."


2022-03-04 11:30:58

La signature de l'OP putainhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/31/4/1596129454-ahi-fondu.png

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