[ALERTE] Pfizer: Données falsifiées, règles bafouées, et lenteur à reporter les effets secondaires

2021-11-02 22:37:34

Imagine qu'un employé de Philip Morris dise en 1940 que les cigarettes de son patron donnent le cancer


2021-11-02 22:39:42

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:35:17 :

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:33:37 :

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:31:31 :

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:29:36 :

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:28:03 :
ça va swinguer :ok:

Y aura que dalle et ça sera étouffé

Non , le scandale doit peter , c'est dans leur plan. La simulation du spars 2025 par John Hopkins Center for health security le montre.

Hein ??

John Hopkins est aussi le think tank derrière l'event 201.
Tout se déroule comme dans la simulation.

Cimer chefhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/44/2/1635869307-capture-d-ecran-2021-11-02-a-17-08-13.png

2021-11-02 22:40:53

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:28:24 :


2021-11-02 22:41:13

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:26:55 :
On fait confiance en la science ! :)

la science avec un grand J

2021-11-02 22:43:40

Pas de bolhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/26/7/1530476579-reupjesus.png

2021-11-02 22:44:46

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:43:40 :
Pas de bolhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2018/26/7/1530476579-reupjesus.png

Les vaccinés du forum ont l'anus humide

2021-11-02 22:45:01

C’est rien d’autre que du complotisme

Les fact checkers diront que c’est vrai tout en concluant que c’est faux

On connaît le processus

2021-11-02 22:45:50

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:41:13 :

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:26:55 :
On fait confiance en la science ! :)

la science avec un grand J

Je ne peux en dire d'avantage icihttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/43/2/1635283239-2-fmy2m1c7.png

2021-11-02 22:46:20



Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Page 59 The SPARS Pandemic

"In contrast to Alyssa Karpowitz’s story, not all changes in opinion were in favor of public health messaging. As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax."

2021-11-02 22:49:26

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:46:20 :


Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Page 59 The SPARS Pandemic

"In contrast to Alyssa Karpowitz’s story, not all changes in opinion were in favor of public health messaging. As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. Several parents claimed that their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen among livestock exposed to the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parental anxiety around this claim had intensified to the point of lawsuits. That month, a group of parents whose children developed mental retardation as a result of encephalitis in the wake of Corovax vaccination sued the federal government, demanding removal of the liability shield protecting the pharmaceutical companies responsible for developing and manufacturing Corovax."

Le 02 novembre 2021 à 22:45:01 :
C’est rien d’autre que du complotisme

Les fact checkers diront que c’est vrai tout en concluant que c’est faux

On connaît le processus

Everything is under Kontrolhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/07/6/1613816449-73fc139b-7cfb-431e-8284-a20a118bb264.jpeg

2021-11-03 09:51:09

ça alors :)
pourquoi les complotix ont encore une fois raison ? :)

Gestion du forum


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