Le 27 juillet 2019 à 14:14:41 Sonic1160 a écrit :
Ca a rien à voir avec le lolicon :
Answer: So, from what I gathered from the thread, sadpanda admin made a thread telling people they have 12 hours to download their loli and shota content. It seems the site is hosted in the Netherlands and their legislation is looking to bring down any site that hosts such content.
Some people are saying that the non loli/shota content will be around for another 6 months, others are saying it’s all getting nuked in 12 hours.
This is significant not necessarily because of loli or shota content but because exhentai has been a repository of many things, including non-h manga. The amount of various content that has been amassed over the years is staggering, and no other site has nearly as much. It’s not only a blow for loli and shota (which idc about personally) but it’s a blow to hentai as a whole.
If I made any mistakes, please let me know.
Edit: /u/Alamandaros made a correction for me. I am on mobile and don’t really know reddit formatting in general. If I’m breaking some sort of etiquette, I’ll try to fix it.
“To quote someone on another subreddit:
This isn't happening because of a change of Dutch loli or hentai laws. It's because Holland is working on implementing the European DSM-directive which basically holds hosts accountable for any copyrighted material that is shared on their platforms. Since this is EU wide, it's not gonna be possible to legally recreate this site within Europe.
The implications of the DSM-directive far exceed E-hentai btw. It affects the whole of the free internet we grew up with. From Youtube to E-hentai to other popular image hosts, every platform host active within the EU will have to drastically alter their handling of copyright issues to be compliant with European law.
This F isn't just for E-hentai, it's for the internet as we have known it.”
+ source : https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/chtvkr/whats_going_on_with_sad_pandaexhentai/
des histoires de copyrights donc si j'ai bien compris ? ...