2021-09-22 08:22:51


2021-09-22 08:23:59

Putain le nom du subreddit laisse pantois ...

2021-09-22 08:24:34

Enfin une bonne nouvelle

2021-09-22 08:25:16

La surpopulation est un cancer

2021-09-22 08:25:26

Les subreddits de droite on été fermés car ils portaient "un message de haine". :)

2021-09-22 08:27:50

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:25:26 :
Les subreddits de droite on été fermés car ils portaient "un message de haine". :)

Bizarre leur système de valeur:
tuer des nourrissons dans le ventre de leur mère :oui:
se battre pour préserver la vie :non:

2021-09-22 08:27:54

Et le droit des bébés à être avortés on en SPOKEN ?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/10/2/1615328575-unitinu-1.png
Qui aurait envie de venir au monde en 2021 sérieuxhttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/10/2/1615328575-unitinu-1.png

2021-09-22 08:28:35

Pas grave, elle tueront les bébés ailleurs :ok:
L'important c'est la tête broyée du fœtus :bave:

2021-09-22 08:32:24

Le subreddit est épique punaise

2021-09-22 08:37:55

I know we've been over this before, but this subreddit supports women's rights.

A woman may terminate a pregnancy for any reason, including none and that is not up for discussion. It is not sanely, morally or ethically defensible to afford more rights to something that cannot think or feel than to the woman that has to carry it to term, with severe negative side effects to her longterm health, physical, mental and financial welbeing.

The lies that anti-choicers tell are not relevant. We don't allow "devils advocate" style arguments, because it just does not matter that they "sincerely believe it is murder". In an intellectually honest discussion we don't take the sincere beliefs of racists into account, we don't afford stage time to the sincere beliefs of Holocaust deniers and the same goes to people that hate women so much they want to relegate them to chattel slavery.

Abortion is not murder. In the entire history of abortion zero babies have been killed because a fetus is not a baby. At 6 weeks there is no heartbeat. No woman has ever had an abortion as a means of birth control. I am pre-emptively countering some common lies here as an example. Telling any of these lies will get you banned, but what we don't allow here isn't limited to these examples. Please understand that we mean it that it is not up for debate. We're not going to have a "sincere discussion" about which cardinal direction the Sun sets in and we are not going to explain the objectively true fact that the structures which enable thought and emotion only develop in the third trimester, we are not going to explain the centuries old ethical understanding that the rights of the unborn may never overrule the rights of actual persons. Because we require people to argue in good faith. Endlessly having an "honest discussion" with people that for over 50 years have refused to listen to facts and ethics is not that.

Opposing a womans right to abort a pregnancy is misogyny and it is nothing except misogyny and on this subreddit at least that is where the line is drawn.


2021-09-22 08:40:14

Tous ceux qui sont contre l'avortement mais refuse de faire une vasectomie :rire:

2021-09-22 08:41:30

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:40:14 :
Tous ceux qui sont contre l'avortement mais refuse de faire une vasectomie :rire:

Rapport ?

2021-09-22 08:43:04

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:37:55 :
I know we've been over this before, but this subreddit supports women's rights.

A woman may terminate a pregnancy for any reason, including none and that is not up for discussion. It is not sanely, morally or ethically defensible to afford more rights to something that cannot think or feel than to the woman that has to carry it to term, with severe negative side effects to her longterm health, physical, mental and financial welbeing.

The lies that anti-choicers tell are not relevant. We don't allow "devils advocate" style arguments, because it just does not matter that they "sincerely believe it is murder". In an intellectually honest discussion we don't take the sincere beliefs of racists into account, we don't afford stage time to the sincere beliefs of Holocaust deniers and the same goes to people that hate women so much they want to relegate them to chattel slavery.

Abortion is not murder. In the entire history of abortion zero babies have been killed because a fetus is not a baby. At 6 weeks there is no heartbeat. No woman has ever had an abortion as a means of birth control. I am pre-emptively countering some common lies here as an example. Telling any of these lies will get you banned, but what we don't allow here isn't limited to these examples. Please understand that we mean it that it is not up for debate. We're not going to have a "sincere discussion" about which cardinal direction the Sun sets in and we are not going to explain the objectively true fact that the structures which enable thought and emotion only develop in the third trimester, we are not going to explain the centuries old ethical understanding that the rights of the unborn may never overrule the rights of actual persons. Because we require people to argue in good faith. Endlessly having an "honest discussion" with people that for over 50 years have refused to listen to facts and ethics is not that.

Opposing a womans right to abort a pregnancy is misogyny and it is nothing except misogyny and on this subreddit at least that is where the line is drawn.


En gros : "On a raison sur tout, aucun débat, si vous venez c'est juste pour raconter la même chose que nous, si vous dites quelque chose qui ne nous plaît pas, ban direct"


2021-09-22 08:43:07

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:41:30 :

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:40:14 :
Tous ceux qui sont contre l'avortement mais refuse de faire une vasectomie :rire:

Rapport ?

Bah si tu veux pas que les femmes avortent les mecs pourraient juste faire une vasectomie :)

2021-09-22 08:45:06

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:40:14 :
Tous ceux qui sont contre l'avortement mais refuse de faire une vasectomie :rire:

Pour finir comme adrien?https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/03/5/1579218070-1501425468-maitre-cuck.png

2021-09-22 08:49:17

si ça devient illégal faut penser que le moindre écart sexuel sera 10 fois plus sévèrement puni, on rigole pas avec la surpopulation, au bengladesh ils ont même instauré la peine de mort pour les violeurs, en France pour info ça mène juste à du sursis

2021-09-22 08:52:19

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:37:55 :
I know we've been over this before, but this subreddit supports women's rights.

A woman may terminate a pregnancy for any reason, including none and that is not up for discussion. It is not sanely, morally or ethically defensible to afford more rights to something that cannot think or feel than to the woman that has to carry it to term, with severe negative side effects to her longterm health, physical, mental and financial welbeing.

The lies that anti-choicers tell are not relevant. We don't allow "devils advocate" style arguments, because it just does not matter that they "sincerely believe it is murder". In an intellectually honest discussion we don't take the sincere beliefs of racists into account, we don't afford stage time to the sincere beliefs of Holocaust deniers and the same goes to people that hate women so much they want to relegate them to chattel slavery.

Abortion is not murder. In the entire history of abortion zero babies have been killed because a fetus is not a baby. At 6 weeks there is no heartbeat. No woman has ever had an abortion as a means of birth control. I am pre-emptively countering some common lies here as an example. Telling any of these lies will get you banned, but what we don't allow here isn't limited to these examples. Please understand that we mean it that it is not up for debate. We're not going to have a "sincere discussion" about which cardinal direction the Sun sets in and we are not going to explain the objectively true fact that the structures which enable thought and emotion only develop in the third trimester, we are not going to explain the centuries old ethical understanding that the rights of the unborn may never overrule the rights of actual persons. Because we require people to argue in good faith. Endlessly having an "honest discussion" with people that for over 50 years have refused to listen to facts and ethics is not that.

Opposing a womans right to abort a pregnancy is misogyny and it is nothing except misogyny and on this subreddit at least that is where the line is drawn.


Tout est dit je trouve, très bon message.

Ça change des desco et de leurs "c un meurtre"

2021-09-22 08:53:44

tant mieux, ça va favoriser l'hémorragie des électeurs centristes vers le parti démocratehttps://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2020/21/6/1590186105-bidensjoe.png

2021-09-22 08:54:21

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:52:19 LeFameuxAmi a écrit :

Le 22 septembre 2021 à 08:37:55 :
I know we've been over this before, but this subreddit supports women's rights.

A woman may terminate a pregnancy for any reason, including none and that is not up for discussion. It is not sanely, morally or ethically defensible to afford more rights to something that cannot think or feel than to the woman that has to carry it to term, with severe negative side effects to her longterm health, physical, mental and financial welbeing.

The lies that anti-choicers tell are not relevant. We don't allow "devils advocate" style arguments, because it just does not matter that they "sincerely believe it is murder". In an intellectually honest discussion we don't take the sincere beliefs of racists into account, we don't afford stage time to the sincere beliefs of Holocaust deniers and the same goes to people that hate women so much they want to relegate them to chattel slavery.

Abortion is not murder. In the entire history of abortion zero babies have been killed because a fetus is not a baby. At 6 weeks there is no heartbeat. No woman has ever had an abortion as a means of birth control. I am pre-emptively countering some common lies here as an example. Telling any of these lies will get you banned, but what we don't allow here isn't limited to these examples. Please understand that we mean it that it is not up for debate. We're not going to have a "sincere discussion" about which cardinal direction the Sun sets in and we are not going to explain the objectively true fact that the structures which enable thought and emotion only develop in the third trimester, we are not going to explain the centuries old ethical understanding that the rights of the unborn may never overrule the rights of actual persons. Because we require people to argue in good faith. Endlessly having an "honest discussion" with people that for over 50 years have refused to listen to facts and ethics is not that.

Opposing a womans right to abort a pregnancy is misogyny and it is nothing except misogyny and on this subreddit at least that is where the line is drawn.


Tout est dit je trouve, très bon message.

Ça change des desco et de leurs "c un meurtre"

Au contraire tu as tous les écueils habituels, c'est au ras des pâquerettes niveau reflexion, le degré zéro de l'argumentation. Même pour reddit c'est accablant.

2021-09-22 08:54:55

Pourquoi c'est un subreddit antiblancs ?

Gestion du forum


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